Americans fail to care about other's?

by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Kent: Taking a very good point you bring up, I agree that the USA, via various agencies including the CIA, trained, equipped, and aided Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden. Average American citizens are not blind or ignorant of that fact. We have trained and equipped others, including Fidel Castro when he overthrew Batista in Cuba. I personally knew and worked with the body guard for Batista. He escaped Cuba when Castro took control and Batista fled. He finished collge here and ended up in the same engineering department I was in.

    That said, it is not that the USA goes arounf and specifically picks out assholes to put into control of other nations. Our leaders do nat knowingly or willfully pick out some mean dictator and make sure he has a horrible track record, and install him into office. What happens?

    Bad Luck: In Afghanistan, the former USSR tried to control the nation into a communist regime, and the opposition forces, including the Taliban and Bin Laden sought our help. Why of course the USA will help defeat the Commies - as this was almost a national mission for every decade since WWII. But, after helping these people out, what do they choose to do with their money, training, and equipment, and free nations? They enslave their own people and then turn against us - the nation that helped them get free of the communists!

    IN Cuba, it was a little different. Batista was a bastard, but not communist. Castro, according to my friend who was Batista's body guard, was not seen as a communist, but another potential dictator. He told me that Castro made certain demands on the USA which this country did not want to meet. So, when he gained power, he simply turned to the USSR, to get what he wanted, and in exchange turned Cuba into a communist puppet of the Soviet Union.

    IN Iraq, we found a willing partner to punish Iran. After the Shah left, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Kommeni came out of exile from France, and took over a nation with only ten percent of support. The rest of the Persians liked the west and did not want an Islamic regime. But, the radicals had the guns and the media, and a Theocracy was set into motion. The USA became The Great Satan as Kommeni labeled us - and why? Because he did not like the secular Shah who was supported by the USA. And unfortunately for us, the Shah was not the nicest guy on earth - but not the worst, either. Iran took innocent hostages from several nations, but mostly from the USA.

    So, now Iraq promises to nail Iran with our help and help from the Soviet Union. In exchange, he was to get more oil and control. He fought like hell, but the Persians held him back, and the 8 year war ended in a virtual stalemate. Mr Hussein, being bent on more oil and more control and more power, took Kuwait. He was pissed about the Kuwaitis taking too much oil from and common oil field on their borders. So, he decides to set his sights on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. how was the USA or even the USSR to know that he would turn on us after we helped him?

    In Saudia Arabia, we are invited to set up bases there and fight back Hussein. We liberate Kuwait, and put controls on Hussein. We do not go far enough to remove him out of respect for the sage advice of Saudi Arabia and other Islamic peoples. As a result, Hussein has managed to saty in power. Also, we have not gone far enough to stop Husseins efforts to build nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

    And now, again we are hated because of what? So, somehow these people, these radical Islamic lunatics with thier cult start terrorism on the USA claiming that we are voilating their Holy Land in Saudi Arabia - where Mecca is located. We have violated nothing, but we are the invited guests of the Saudis. The family related to spoiled brat Osama Bin Laden has even disowned him.

    What have we done wrong? We are guilty of bad luck in unwittingly supporting evil people in an effort to help them gety rid of other evil people. That is all we are guilty of along with some misjudgments and misclaculations in policy.

    Damed if we do, and damned if we don't. What is the answer? I am not sure, but I hope that the USA along with other western nations develops new forms of energy such that we can become free of oil, and then stop buying oil from the middle east, and let it rot in their so-called Holy Ground. Pull out all of our embassies, military, citizens, and businesses, and let them at each others throats. Maybe in about another 2,000 years they will grow up and mature and realize that there are far better ways then terrorism to achieve good positive goals. They are mostly to blame for their plight because they waste such energy and resources on killing.


  • Kent

    Hi Amazing;

    I do agree with most of your statements, yes. I guess what's happend in the world post Sept 11 have learned a lot of people a lesson, and one of them is this:

    The goal just doesn't justify the means.

    I never said the US picked any bastard, the worst they could find, to support. They simply found the man they believed would make the situation best for the US - without any more thoughts of what happened in the country in question.

    I agree the US helped the Afghanis to get rid of the Russians. Not because the US wanted to help the Afghanis, but because they didn't want the commies to expand their territory.

    This was in the days of the cold war, and we shouldn't hate each other for what happened in another time. But it would be smart to learn from that.

    Tell you what. Today I ate in a restaurant in Skien, Norway. It's run by Maroccoans, and the waiter didn't think Bin Laden was a terrorist! He shouldn't have used innocent people as bombs, and it wasn't right to kill innocent people - but he couldn't see it was worse when Bin Laden (if it was him) killed innocent people than when anyone elsi did. That being US or Israel.

    What will they do now? Some fundie Palestinian group, based in Syria, just killed an Egyptian minister visiting Israel - as a revenge for Israel killing on of their leaders.

    Syria is on the US shitlist, and the Israelis has been the greatest terrorists of all for years.

    If the Palestinian conflict isn't solved - more planes will fall out of the sky. THis is something anyone will have to accept, because facts are these people won't give up!

    And the waiter in Skien was right about one thing:

    We have tried for decades to draw attention to the problems. Now the world listens!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Seeker


    That was a bit of spin there. What you say has some validity, but the reality is not quite as neat and clear cut as you seem to think. For example, Saudi Arabia only invited us to put troops in that country after the U.S. government leaned on them. They did not want to do this one bit, but were basically coerced. Then, after the war was over, we were supposed to leave. Well, the war is long over, and we are still there, bombing Iraq regularly. That is why bin Laden got upset about Saudi Arabia.

    As for not deciding which skunks get into office in other countries, that is also not always true. The CIA has a long history of interfering with other nations, propping up some governments, destabilizing others we don't like, etc. Ask Latin America about our history of interfering with their governments. It's not just a matter of "bad luck," but definite action against other nations in order to benefit our own interests.

  • Amazing

    Hi Kent: Good points. Israelies were once homeless Jewish refugees escaping persecution in Europe, mainly Nazi Germany. They became guests in Palestine, and in time grew and took it over. They have done wrong to Palesitinians, and yet they have engaged in defense against terror for a long time. The Israelis learned a long time ago, for wahtever reason, to hit back ten times harder after each attack, but the attacks continue. Some of my co-workers at Bechtel Corp. in San Francisco helped me understand though discussion and literature some of the serious wrongs done by Israel. From being oppressed to being an oppressor is how they saw it. They certainly have some very legitimate claims against the State of Israel.

    The USA has been a strong ally of Israel, and has had to accept the consequences of sticking with a close friend. At the same time, I agreed with President Bush when he stated that he supports a separate Palestinian State. And this was welcome news to the the PLO, Arafat and company.

    This has been a tough relationship for the USA. How far does a nation go to stick with a friend, and when does that relationship have to change? I think that the situation requires, even demands that the USA back off to a neutral position and make every effort to see an equitable solution for both sides. Or better yet, maybe bring in other nations that have no tainted history with the PLO and allow them to facilitate a solution.

    All this said, the PLO and related Islamic groups want the death of Israel, and would not stand for a Jewish State. So, maybe there is no solution except to either quit and move, or to stay and fight to the bitter end. Maybe there is no way to achieve peace with a settlement for both side, because at times it appears that both sides want it all, and will not give in. Although, judging from the Oslo Accords and other peace efforts, the the PLO is the first to break agreements 90% of the time, and then Israel is left with no choice but to roll back and stand their ground. I personally just don't know what the answer is.

    But, what ever the USA does, I hope that we find a way to get out of the Middle East, and leave these people to themselves.

    Thanks again for some very good comments. - Amazing

  • JanH


    May I remind you that the statement by Kent you seemed to have taken exception to was:

    You know, when I hear some people speaking about all the good the US have done around the world, how the US helped this and that government - it reminds me of the Muslims screaming in the streets on Islamabad!
    Then you go into a fit about most Americans being ignorant about stupid and immoral acts committed by the US covernment in the past. Probably true. But at least they put the people who did it in power through their elections. Nobody elected Taliban into power in Afghanistan. Yet Afgans suffer for what their leadership has done, like Germans suffered for what the Nazi government did.

    The total lack of public interest in the 1980s Iran/Contras scandal, in fact a case of treason all the way to the top in the US government, demonstrates clearly that the US public do not care. US TV networks reported a public outcry, not against Oliver North, but against the cancelling of their favorite soap operas to send "boring" Senate hearings. If the American people had demanded that their government do not support such dictators, the government would have to comply. They -- you! -- don't care. So as a group you -- Americans -- carry some objective responsibility for such atrocities carried out with the blessing of your own elected officials and their appointed officers.

    Personally I am not a big fan of such group think. I think "community" is not a valid unit for ethical responsibility. Yet, in practical politics, you can be held personally responsible for what your country has done even if you opposed or did not know about the action. If you don't think this is right, tell Bush to stop bombing Afghanistan.

    Look at the name of this thread. It is about whether "Americans fail to care about other's" (sic). When you post in this thread, you already agree that it is possible or sensible to make generalizations about Americans, Germans, Norwegians or Afghans. Everybody understands that many people in these nations opposed or were ignorant about their country's politics, and had a limited (or no) say in it. If you had been honest, you would have objected with equal strength to the "community responsibility" idea when people said that Americans were kind, generous and helpsome (which I think is generally true). But instead you made a knee jerk response to Kent with a stupid ad hoc argument, simply because you dislike him posting some inconvenient facts.

    Americans are personally and collectively responsible for their ignorance about the rest of the world, and about how their country has behaved. And by propagating your nonsense about whaling, just to pick your own example, you are certainly more a part of the problem than the solution.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Amazing

    Hi Seeker: You noted, "That was a bit of spin there. What you say has some validity, but the reality is not quite as neat and clear cut as you seem to think. For example, Saudi Arabia only invited us to put troops in that country after the U.S. government leaned on them. They did not want to do this one bit, but were basically coerced."

    I meant no spin, and I am aware of the pressure from the USA. But, the pressure really came from Hussein himself. He posted a 1 million man army (world's fourth largest at the time) on the Saudi border, and military intelligence later showed credible evidence that Saddam Hussein has his eyes fixed on invading and taking control of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis did then what they are doing now, they publically will shy away from supporting the west, and then privately seek the help of the west or offer support covertly. They want to retain their royal power and position, but they also fear the large contingent of radical factions in the area that could pose a threat to their power.

    The Saudis wanted us there, but did not want to seem too eager and the public relations spin they use allows them to play both ends againsty the middle.

    You noted, "Then, after the war was over, we were supposed to leave. Well, the war is long over, and we are still there, bombing Iraq regularly. That is why bin Laden got upset about Saudi Arabia."

    We were supposed to leave once the Iraqi government complied with the UN resolutions calling for full inspection and destruction of any chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons capability. So, the USA stayed for sometime to enforce these UN provisions as well as assure security for the area. US forces, except for air patrols, have been greatly reduced. And Saudi Arabia has not requested the USA to leave. Saddam Hussein has refused to cooperate, and as a result, the USA and UN efforts continue to try and force compliance.

    You noted, "As for not deciding which skunks get into office in other countries, that is also not always true. The CIA has a long history of interfering with other nations, propping up some governments, destabilizing others we don't like, etc. Ask Latin America about our history of interfering with their governments. It's not just a matter of "bad luck," but definite action against other nations in order to benefit our own interests."

    Most of this, and perhaps all of it, happened at a time when communism was still a great threat, such as the El Salvador situation where the USA suported the Contras against the Sandistas and its leader Danial Ortega. Yep, the CIA helped blow up some oil storage tanks, etc.

    The USA has supported what Reagan called, 'Tin Horned' dictators in an effort to keep Soviet and Communist influence out. This was true of the Phillipines and Ferdenand Marcos, and Panama and Manuel Noreiga. Yep, we have made errors, and I suspect some bad and stupid ones. But, I think if we had all the facts, we may find that much of this was due to the cold war and sincere efforts to keep communism in check from our hemisphere. At one time, by the 1970s, Communism had reached a very threatening peak in global expansion, and they controlled more of the planet than the west did. At the same time, our own country was split over Viet Nam. Remember too that Communists were as good at anti-west propaganda as we were at anti -communist propaganda of our own. In someways, they were better at it, and as a result, many Latin Americans bought into the swill fed them by communist influence.

    So, the issue today, if seen from all sides and the history that led up to it should move all sides to set aside past errors, and work to make things better. With communism discredited and greatly reduced, and the threat of Soviet military action gone, it is a time to mend and heal all wounds.

    The USa does need to shift mental gears, and take a new approach with not only latin America, but with other nations in the Middle East. Just exactly what that needs to be is something I am not sure of.

    Thanks again for bringing out good issues. - Amazing

  • seven006


    You make some very good points and I'm going to leave it at that. Your right, I don't like it when Kent bashes Americans, no one likes to be insulted and insults are just a normal way of communication for Kent. I should have just left it alone, it's not worth the bullshit.

    If Kent could try and make a point without adding the insults I think it would keep a lot of problems from starting on this board. The insults just get a little tiring.

    Thanks for you response, it was well accepted and appreciated. I have no problem admitting when I have over reacted.


  • JanH


    Thanks for your very kind response. I was a bit surprised to see you write what you did, and I found this much more in your character, as I know it.

    Yeah, Kent is certainly hard to swallow sometimes, I will give you that. We've had a few crashes through the years...

    I can certainly understand that Usians are sick and tired of constant America-bashing. Most of it is unbalanced at best, very often unfair, sometimes absurd. On the balance, I think that the world is a better place for the influence of your country. I'm sorry that we who criticize US actions and practices forget to mention the good parts most of the time. Yet, I think it is important that given the enormous power and influence of the USA, your friends also can feel free to voice constructive criticism when we feel that you make an error.

    In Afghanistan, I think what you (on some level, we) currently do, while being the devil's alternative, is the only viable solution. And I hope it will be a success. There is so much hate for the west in Islamic countries, and I see no short-term solutions except stamping out those with capabilities (not only a will) to commit atrocities.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Kent

    Hi Amazing;

    Hi Kent: Good points. Israelies were once homeless Jewish refugees escaping persecution in Europe, mainly Nazi Germany. They became guests in Palestine, and in time grew and took it over.

    Guests???? Since when were they guests? They came there after WWII, after a UN resolution, and they have not folowed one single demand or resolution from the UN since that.

    Menachem Begin, I believe it was, was sentenced to death for terrorism by the Brits, but they couldn't execute a bigshot after Israel was founded.

    As for persecuting Jews - no nation can say they're innocent, I believe. Norway certainly not, neither any other western nation. In fact, the only nation that DID accept the Jews for a while were Germany! Believe it or not. But, for some reason or another, this goodwill changed, and Germany began thinking like the rest of the European countries. (I can't say nothing about the view of Jews in the US, since I never read much about it, but my general impression from the little I did read was that it was pretty much the same all over the world).

    Then Germany went quite a bit further, and we all know what happened.

    Even though I know some people don't like me or my thoughts at all (and I don't care if they do), I feel it's important to be able to have more than one thought in the head at the same time.

    The fact that I'm crtisizing the US foreign policy isn't the same as I hate Americans. It's not the same as "bashing" anyone.

    Saying anyone criticising anything is bashing the same, is like listening to fundamentalist muslims!

    There IS a reason so many people hate Israel, and there IS a reason so many people hate the US. Personally I don't hate the US, and I don't hate the Americans either. But just because of that I would hope the foreign policy would change to a more modern one!

    Being the world police, bombing the head off anyone who doesn't agree can't work for ever. The military might can't protect anyone from everything. Suicide bombers can't be stopped by B52s or Tanks. No Carrier can help against Anthrax in letters - and even though there has been speculations on Irak being behind that, who knows if there isn't US citizens responsible?

    As I said, I don't hate the US, but many Americans hate the establishment. As far as I remember, one of these people were executed just a few months back - after killing a hell of a lot of people.

    So, every power has someone hating it, and that goes for the US as well. Israel is the biggest terrorist nation in the world, and should be a target in the War Against Terror!

    Let's see how honest the US government really is! They should target terrorism wherever it was, and target the government harbouring terrorists.

    Let's see what will happen to Israel - and what they will do to Syria now!

    You see, Amazing - what so many people around the world hates is double talk and double standards. And even if seven006 don't enjoy the fact - arrogance and attacks on everyone who doesn't think the US equal God - won't help one bit. As Seeker mentioned, the track record shows, unfortunately, the US has done many things many people really do have valid reasons for hating. Even seven006 would be pissed off if Samoa had killed his family and friends, one to three of them every year - and the rest of the world didn't give a damn about it.

    Don't you agree?

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Amazing

    Hi Kent: You asked, "Guests???? Since when were they guests? They came there after WWII, after a UN resolution, and they have not folowed one single demand or resolution from the UN since that."

    The first time I heard the word 'Guest' was from a Palestinian co-worker in San Francisco. Another Palestinian friend in Oregon shared the book, The Dispora with me, which detailed the modern history of Jewish movement to Palestine and the problems encountered between the Jews and Muslims there. The book characterized the Jewish refugees as 'Guests' of Palestine. The Palestinian people had no problems with Jews or the Jewish faith. My Persian (Iranian) associates at work have made the same point.

    What happened is that the Jews went from being 'Guests' who were allowed to settle there, to taking over. And through the decades, not only did many German Jews move there, but Russian and American Jews moved to what is now called Israel. That is where I got the term 'Guest' from listenining to Palestinians who grew up there and reading their literature. Another co-worker at bechtel in San Francisco was also a member of the PLO and came to the USA to complete his engineering degree, get some experience and then move back to Palestine. he too used that term 'Guest.' But, other than what I have been told by people I assume know their own history, I cannot say for sure.

    You said, "Menachem Begin, I believe it was, was sentenced to death for terrorism by the Brits, but they couldn't execute a bigshot after Israel was founded."

    Yep, I recall Menachem. I believe that he became PM there after Golda Meier died. I cannot dispute his acts, other than to say they he like Sharon and other Jewish leaders were considered freedom fighters. Palestinians obviously saw them as terrorists.

    You said, "As for persecuting Jews - no nation can say they're innocent, I believe. Norway certainly not, neither any other western nation."

    I have no specific information that would suggest the USA ever persecuted Jews. Like any ethnic group, there has been friction amnong Jews, Germans, Blacks, Irish, Italians, British, and about every other possible ethnicity that lives here. But that is not national or government sponsored persecution, that is just people problems - albeit, very serious.

    You said, "In fact, the only nation that DID accept the Jews for a while were Germany! Believe it or not. But, for some reason or another, this goodwill changed, and Germany began thinking like the rest of the European countries."

    Hitler was himself a half Jew, and an illigitmate child. If his mother (surnamed Hitler) had married Adolph's father, his last name would have been Schickelgrubber (sp). Hitler was responsible for raising the Jewish issue as a way to gain leverage among non-Jewish Germans. There are Neo-Nazi groups alive and well today in both Germany, the USA and many other countries that continue these hitler inspired myths about Jews.

    You said, "(I can't say nothing about the view of Jews in the US, since I never read much about it, but my general impression from the little I did read was that it was pretty much the same all over the world)."

    As I noted above, Jews have had problems in the USA as have many other ethnic groups, but there has never in our history been any sponsored persecution of Jews. Our nation enslaved African Americans, and were cruel and heavy-handed with Native Americans, and did house Japanese Americans in Internment campos during WWII, but never have the Jews here been treated that way. And Jews have enjoyed strong voting block, special civil rights protections, and they have powerful influence today in our Government. Senator Jow Lieberman, Democrat candidate for Vice President is a Jew. So Jews today enjoy high level visibility.

    You noted, "Even though I know some people don't like me or my thoughts at all (and I don't care if they do), I feel it's important to be able to have more than one thought in the head at the same time."

    just so you know, I like you and enjoy your comments. When some of your comments are crusty and maybe harsh, I try to ignore the passion and stcik with the issue. And you and I seem to do fine this way. I agree with you that it is vital to consider a number of views and examine evidence from various sources and try to arrive at fair and just opinions - and stay flexible so that as new information becomes available, we are able change as needed.

    You said, "The fact that I'm crtisizing the US foreign policy isn't the same as I hate Americans. It's not the same as "bashing" anyone."

    That's fair enough. Good point.

    You said, "There IS a reason so many people hate Israel, and there IS a reason so many people hate the US. Personally I don't hate the US, and I don't hate the Americans either. But just because of that I would hope the foreign policy would change to a more modern one!"

    I agree that the USA needs to make some significant changes in policy. That is why I appreciate President Bush's recent comment that he supports a Palestinian State - and did this even though is kind of irritated Israel.

    You said, "Being the world police, bombing the head off anyone who doesn't agree can't work for ever. The military might can't protect anyone from everything. Suicide bombers can't be stopped by B52s or Tanks. No Carrier can help against Anthrax in letters - and even though there has been speculations on Irak being behind that, who knows if there isn't US citizens responsible?"

    Americans became all too aware of our need not to be world police back during Viet Nam. That issue almost split our country apart. I recall the riots and outrage of Americans fighting the establishment over this issue. I myself stood trial before the Selective Service board and refused to join the Army. I was becoming a JW at the time, but I nevertheless shared on that side of the equation.

    But, it is not that Americans want to be the world police. There are many 'hot spots' around the world where we have not gotten involved, and tried to mind our own business. But, the Persian Gulf War was a clear issue of both political, moral, and financial concern. And, I suspect that many nations, including Great Britain, France, and others shared our sentiments there as well ... judging from their men and equipment joining in with us. And this terrorists issue is not so much about being a police force for the planet as Americans feel their security threatened.

    And if we cannot contain terrorist, we can make life hell for them, and, this time, what the terrorists must not have counted on is the nearly 100% national will supporting our government in attacking this issue with all resources, military, special ops, financial, political, etc. And, we will win this. I think this is a time in history where the average American is underestimated.

    You said, "As I said, I don't hate the US, but many Americans hate the establishment. As far as I remember, one of these people were executed just a few months back - after killing a hell of a lot of people."

    I don't feel hated. Especially not since 9-11 as many responsible and mature nations have rallied to our side. In fact, I have not felt so good about how we are being treated since the 1950s.

    Yes, there as some few groups, some Neo-Nazi and some Conspiracy Theorists who have an axe to grind against the federal government. IN fact, some of these groups have been correct, and as a result won in court against the FBI for its handling of RUby Ridge case, both civil and criminal conbvictions were levied against the FBI. It was needed.

    But then, people like Tim McVeigh took matters beyond peaceful means in the courts and used terror to attack the Federal Building in Oklahoma. He was executed for this, and I suported his execution, and would have been willing to be the execuitioner had I been asked. He is an evil bastard that deserved to die, as do the evil teroroists who attacked the World Trade Center.

    You said, "So, every power has someone hating it, and that goes for the US as well. Israel is the biggest terrorist nation in the world, and should be a target in the War Against Terror!"

    I agree that every nation has its friends, enemies, and shifting relationships. So, the USA understands this and can live with it. I am not convinced that Israel is a biggest terrorist nation in the world, but I agree that they do need to change, as does the USA and as should the PLO.

    You said, "Let's see how honest the US government really is! They should target terrorism wherever it was, and target the government harbouring terrorists."

    Good point! Perhaps this is a good time for our government to closely examine Israeli conduct and reconsider our relationship with Israel and perhaps demand that they cease such things and turn over their terrorists. Aside from their retaliations against the PLO, where else int he world have Israelis been terrorists?

    You said, "Let's see what will happen to Israel - and what they will do to Syria now!"

    Yes, I will be watching this too.

    You said, "You see, Amazing - what so many people around the world hates is double talk and double standards. And even if seven006 don't enjoy the fact - arrogance and attacks on everyone who doesn't think the US equal God - won't help one bit."

    I am not sure of the double talk and double standards that you have in mind. maybe we can exapnd on that in a separate thread.

    You said, "As Seeker mentioned, the track record shows, unfortunately, the US has done many things many people really do have valid reasons for hating. Even seven006 would be pissed off if Samoa had killed his family and friends, one to three of them every year - and the rest of the world didn't give a damn about it."

    I made some comments back to Seeker about this. But I must have missed the thing about Samoa.

    But I am not convinced that I can agree that the USA has been doing a lot of bad. I think it is in what propaganda and spin room that affects a person's views that makes a lot of the difference. Just as the Bin Laden people use media and spin to lie about the USA to get more and more Islamic people hating us, and this eventually spills over into the opinion formation of others not affiliated with these radicals. Tell a lie often enough, long enough, and people start to believe it.

    I understand that the USA is not perfect, but I am of the opinion that much of the hatred is from long held propaganda left over from the era of communism where we were lied against.

    Hope that helps for now. I much enjoy your points and these exchanges. Thanks. - Amazing

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