I wonder if it is information from or about the "elusive" pedophile database? JK
James Penton claims big Watchtower revelations to come...
by slimboyfat 88 Replies latest jw friends
People are pioneering that never did before...I was surprised
I doubt this is a widespread trend. Indeed, based on numerous other threads, there's a palpable air of widespread stagnation and even decreasing activity - clearly evidenced in the English-speaking congregations. Besides, when I hear about JWs "suddenly" becoming active or pioneering, I always quietly say to myself, "Just keep watching this space...." because sooner or later, those who are "suddenly" zealous soon run out of steam....
The big news regarding blood failed to do much of anything.
The big news regarding the child abuse settlements failed to do much of anything.
By the word "anything", what EXACTLY were you thinking WOULD happen?
What, if anything, did YOU exactly do, to push any of this "big news" (the settlements, and the blood issue)?
Nothing happens when people only sit around talking about "failed to do much of anything".
How many news orgs did you contact that did not carry the stories? Who's doors were you knocking on, handing out theses news articles to, that the media failed to publish?
What did YOU DO to make any of these stories BIG NEWS in YOUR community?
I'm with blondie on this: advertise! Stop talking about it as failure and DO SOMETHING to MAKE IT BIG(GER).
There have been LOTS of big things in the past: 1975, the Bethel headquarters purge, Crisis of Conscience, the UN, Dateline, etc. It would be great to see new developments that give people more chances to rethink their conception of the "organization" and to help others from becoming JWs in the first place (i.e. a sort of consumer awareness). But if the Tower can still stand after all these beatings, I doubt that it would crumble with new revelations ... or at least right away. It already has a few generations who have given it all their lives, and I doubt they would be willing as a whole to abandon their "Mother". The WTS may gradually stop growing, reorganize, or even shrink, but I suspect it will be around (probably in much the same form) for a good time to come. Perhaps if it is forced into bankruptcy by successfullawsuits or an internal organization coup by "apostates", but without such drastic steps, inertia keeps the organization going in much the same direction.
A few months ago I was honored to have Barbara tell me a few tid-bits that will appear in her book. I was sworn to secrecy, so I've had to struggle to keep my lips sealed.
Without spoiling anything, I can say that some of the explanations that CT Russel offered for some embarrassing activities he was caught in had me LMAO.
Before you get carried away, I get the impression the "revelation" or "revelations" are about something Barbara and Rud have been researching in the early history of the Witnesses. I don't think she has been holding back some great inside info from her time at the headquarters.
Personally I am not excited. Barbara's thread on the "Franz Adventist Connection!" recently was underwhelming to say the least. Her research abilities were not equal to tremendous access she was granted. One of the more interesting revelations from her time at bethel I thought was about Karl Klein being the "mastermind" behind the vindication/sanctification of Jehovah's name "refinement" in the early 1990s - and that she picked up from gossip, not from the archives. That was an eye-opener on how pathetic the mechanics of intellectual enquiry and reform are among the leadership.
The WTS may gradually stop growing, reorganize, or even shrink, but I suspect it will be around (probably in much the same form) for a good time to come. Perhaps if it is forced into bankruptcy by successfullawsuits or an internal organization coup by "apostates", but without such drastic steps, inertia keeps the organization going in much the same direction.
I feel the same way Leolaia does. Any unflattering information, revelations, scandals, or shake-ups can all be attributed to Satan trying to destroy the "spiritual paradise". No critical thinking or serious questions necessary. Just "keep on keeping on" is the mantra.
I commented in a previous thread that I don't believe that the Watchtower Society will ever have any kind of Enron-like implosion. They will go the route of Montgomery Wards, Sears, and Gemco.
But if the Tower can still stand after all these beatings, I doubt that it would crumble with new revelations ... or at least right away. It already has a few generations who have given it all their lives, and I doubt they would be willing as a whole to abandon their "Mother". The WTS may gradually stop growing, reorganize, or even shrink, but I suspect it will be around (probably in much the same form) for a good time to come.
I totally agree. Don't think it's going anywhere.
Not to say I sure did visualize it's implosion 10 years ago or so, with a reform WTBS with all "us" freedom fighters there to save the day. Oh puleeeeze.
Remember Fedco??
I will tell you one thing. If this has anything to do with Russell, Rutherford, or any early Witness history, anything before and including 1975, it will have zero effect. Many Witnesses have never even heard of these people or events. They don't care.
knock knock
I agree with under believer. As far as witnesses go, Russell, Rutherford and I'd say any revelations about any jw from the past will roll right off their backs. It does not matter. We all have read volumes about the history of the WT and shocking as some of it may be to us so called apostates, it makes not one iota of difference to any true believer. Some will trickle out but earth shaking? Doubt it unless as has been posted already, the money trail is revealed.