Something wonderful is going to happen
One can hope.
by slimboyfat 88 Replies latest jw friends
Something wonderful is going to happen
One can hope.
Franz went on to publish Crisis of Conscience (and a follow up) and his book has had significant impact on the lives of countless former dubs.
Yes, the major impact of the "revelations" either on those who have already left or those who are teetering. Seldom, if ever, have I observed the revelations seriously impacting on the (blind) faith of the rank and file.
Something wonderful is going to happen
The future...always something in the future is going to happen.... It's the 'when-will-it-happen?' game - either the end of the system or the blow that will cause the Watchtower to crumble. Yawn. What crap!
Something wonderful is happening right now...people who leave can now think for themselves - now, that's wonderful!
Yes, the major impact of the "revelations" either on those who have already left or those who are teetering. Seldom, if ever, have I observed the revelations seriously impacting on the (blind) faith of the rank and file.
Unfortunately, I never heard of Ray Franz or his books until after I was out of the cult. Had I been aware of their existence when I was a faithful JW I probably would have dismissed them.
Something wonderful is going to happen
That's what the Watchtower kept telling me for 20 years. I would love to see something "wonderful" happen, but I know better than to hold my breath.
metatron hit the nail on the head as squarely as possible. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting Barbara's book...salivating at the prospect...because I love studying Watchtower history and also because for those still "in" the JWs who are critical thinkers (like me, when I was trying to leave) would appreciate it and it could help them. But this should not be confused with the prospect of "crumbling" or massively reforming the Watchtower...which I think only legal action or an organization coup d'etat can do. But that does not detract from the revelatory nature and importance of Barbara's work. BTW, I don't quite have the same assessment of Barbara's research skills as slimboyfat who doesn't credit her the success in tracking down the truth about Rose Ball. I was able to independently do the same research, which also is great because I can verify that her archival research was well-done in this regard. I think we should wait and see what develops.
Something wonderful is going to happen
How irritating, if you got something to say Marvin say it.
My guess is that Barbara Anderson is going to trot out her pet theory that about Russell being an adulterer with her dubious evidence to support it. Big deal. Hardly earth shattering.
because I love studying Watchtower history and also because for those still "in" the JWs who are critical thinkers (like me, when I was trying to leave) would appreciate it and it could help them.
Leolaia, well me too, but Penton's recent book was a let down for me on that score. Don't you think it was a bit of a let down? No you won't discuss that one with me.
I was able to independently do the same research, which also is great because I can verify that her archival research was well-done in this regard.
How do you know what she discovered independently of you? I mean really. If it was you in Barbara Anderson's place with access to the Watchtower archives our knowledge about the history of the Witnesses would be increased hundredfold. As it is she is still boasting about finding out that Russell wasn't the first president. That was in the Proclaimers book already - ain't she got nothin' new?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You could have the Governing Body sodomize young boys
on a parade float, going down Broadway at high noon -and braindead Joe Witness would just say
"Well, it's still the truth!". It's that simple.
Metatron is right, they just say it's the truth, it's Jehovah's Organisation.
The real hard-liners are so convinced the Web is evil, they won't look or believe anything there.
My wifes PO says that and are both apostate sites!!
How can anybody get through to these idiots.
Humans are embarassingly addicted to their beliefs.
be·lief (b-l
n. 1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another: My belief in you is as strong as ever. 2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: His explanation of what happened defies belief. 3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons
If you look at things as beliefs, it is much harder to change.
i·de·a (-d
n. 1. Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. 2. An opinion, conviction, or principle: has some strange political ideas. 3. A plan, scheme, or method. 4. The gist of a specific situation; significance: The idea is to finish the project under budget. 5. A notion; a fancyIt is what you hold as truth, extremely personal.
Know if you tend to view things as an idea instead of a belief its much easier to change!
I may has missed any reference to this in the previous three pages, but it appear fairly clear from the ChannelC thread discussing this is that the book concerns the 1917 hijacking of the Society by Rutherford and his minions, with MacMillan particularly complicit.