Doing laundry for men.......ARGHHHHHHH!

by restrangled 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC

    One of my sons just moved back in with me... he does his own laundry thank god.

    You trained him correctly. You just need to find a man that was properly trained. No, I don't do my own laundry; but, I do pick-up after myself and I always put the toilet seat down when I am done.


  • bigdreaux

    what does it mean when your wife bothers you while your watching the game? it means the chain on the stove is too long. hahahaha bigdreaux ducks for cover.

  • Dragonlady76

    <----hurls at bigdreaux

  • bigdreaux

    dragonlady, does your husband know your on here. isn't there something you need to be doing? please don't hit me. lol

  • greendawn

    Having read the posts above I can understand why the French invented the bidet. Nowadays it complements nicely the toilet paper especially for those with hairy butts.

  • Dragonlady76
    dragonlady, does your husband know your on here. isn't there something you need to be doing? please don't hit me. lol

    Yeah I guess I could go shopping and spend his money <--- thumps you

  • Sassy
    what does it mean when your wife bothers you while your watching the game? it means the chain on the stove is too long. hahahaha bigdreaux ducks for cover.

    what does it mean when a guy doesn't get that lunch will not be made during the football game.. its either before or he is going to have to wait in my house

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