Well, they are already going to print two separate Watchtowers. I can only imagine what's going to be in the one for witnesses only. What's next?
I see a total assault on the Internet and YouTube especially!
by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends
Well, they are already going to print two separate Watchtowers. I can only imagine what's going to be in the one for witnesses only. What's next?
I see a total assault on the Internet and YouTube especially!
There is no GAIN and it is ALL LOSS.I disagree. There is the benefit of knowing that we are now living in a fact-based world anchored in reality as opposed to an imaginary one. That's all the incentive I needed to leave.
Not from the standpoint of a JW looking at alternatives who has had every anchor point removed from their life. They are totally dependant on the way they've been taught to think and rely on "other"minds to think for them.
From my own standpoint, now that I've paid the years of dues of separation and slogging through the re-education process, it is much better to be able to see rather than feel.
But, heroin addiction can't be worse than Governing Body addiction. Going Cold Turkey is painful and no guarantee of success at the end of the suffering.
Look how many people who post here are now drinking the Kool-Aid of New Age, Wicca, Christian Church and other pap. Same song, same tune. They have to be cuddled, coddled, loved from above, forgiven, assured and have a gathering place for others who will reinforce their new delusions.
Being on your own is TOUGH!
I think some people are missing the point. (or maybe I am)
The question is: Are we (apostates), hurting their growth. The answer is "Yes and NO"
We took them off guard in that they (nor anyone else) estimated the power of the internet.
Problem is, they WILL endure.
Does that mean we're powerless?
Absolutely not. We have the power of recovering moreso now than we did say 15 years ago in that we have each other.
We took that away from them.
But don't think for a second that they won't be able to 'endure all things'.
They will also recover and they will continue to grow. It's a fact of life; suck it up.
and also remember that there are plenty of other people out there hurting today that have not even realized they have a support network here.
And there are beyond 10-fold of those that are unsuspecting that will be hurt in the future. They're knocking on doors promising a paradise future to those that have no other hope. As sure as cults keep popping up all over the world promising similar lies, they will continue to harm the innocent.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling only themselves.
As the old men die off what will replace them?
unfortunately it won't be my generation. We are old enough to still be part of the past, and we are the ones to take the helm now. Sadly, we may have to wait for my generation to die off, or become too old to be effective. That could be 25-30 + yrs from now.
When I was a young one growing up as a third generation JW, everyone in my (large) family was a JW.
Today, in my family there has been a rate of attrition of 55% of the 3rd generation, 25% of 2nd generation, and 0% of 1st generation. And speaking of the 1st generation, there is a 100% rate of death, and 2nd generation is 62% gone. It's too soon to call regarding the 4th generation (and lost touch), but with 55% of their parents out of the borg.................well, you see where this is going?
The WTS is clearly on the run, for many reasons, but primarily due to the Internet. And what do they pull out of their quiver to combat the power of the internet? What "stone" does "David" pick up to hurl at "Goliath"?
Let's see:
Have I missed anything?
The WTS is simply running out of moves.
The internet enables the creation of social networks where a lot of info can be quickly shared and propagated in a way that is not otherwise possible so obviously the WTS has suffered a lot of damage given also the activism of many ex JWs that left the org in disgust. Anti JW forums and websites abound.
Terry I see one flaw in your Rome/Hanibal comparison.
The WTS depends upon converts. They need fresh recruits to constantly refill their ranks. The information on the internet may be useless to many dubs because they won't look - but potential converts do look - especially potential converts in industrialized nations with disposable income.
Sure Rome could hide behind their walls and wait Hanibal out. The WTS can't. They must venture out into our territory and preach.
Plus Hanibal had the chance to sack Rome directly after his victory at Cannae. Instead he tried to win allies using diplomacy. We cannot sugar coat the truth about the truth. Why would we? We must state the facts and let the possible converts decide for themselves. In my opinion this is how we take the fight right to the WT. We use their talk outlines, their literature, their recorded District Conventions, Circuit Assemblies, Special Assembly Days and the experience of thousands of former members to take the theological fight to their very door step.
We are in a battle for people's freedom. I believe the information on the internet has slowed the flow of new converts. Good.
Let the WTS cower behind their walls; let them warn their membership about us; they have now power over us or those they meet in the ministry.
More whiskey anyone?
They must be doing something right wrong to be able to still snare the likes of Prince. What do Scientology and Jehovah's Witnesses have that attracts superstars? I can't figure it out. How can they be brainwashed and misled so easily?
I've thought about that too Tatiana.
I think it has to do with being artistic rather than purely logical. Just because someone is famous they aren't logical. In fact many famous people have business managers that handle their financial empires. Perhaps it is sort of an extension to have a religion handle your faith? Others may feel that a very structured religion grounds them and gives them some defined moral center.
I know the WTS attracts artistic and logical people and some that are both but artistic individuals tend to be more sensitive to the world around them and a future paradise earth (minus the first 6 billion deaths) must seem attractive.