Was the Watchtower taken off guard by the internet and XJW forums

by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    This is the only strategy they have.

    Exactly. Good point Gregor.

  • Jim_TX

    I think that it is technology in general that they are not able to deal with. In the earlier years, the WTBTS seemingly embraced it - when they were using phonographs, records and sound cars - to blast the 'message' to the people. They also used 'modern' advertising - sandwich boards - and even owned a radio station where they broadcast their message.

    Those were the early years, though. I cannot say exactly what happened, or changed, (perhaps a change of leadership), but they sold their radio station, and no longer use advertising like they used to.

    In fact, they turned against technology... starting with college educations, then the television sets... then computers... and now the internet. Why? Because these tools can be used to disseminate information. Information not only about the WTBTS and their lies, but knowledge in general. Knowledge can be a powerful tool. It can allow a person to think independently, forming opinions that may be contrary to what the WTBTS wants them to think.

    The internet has spanned the globe in a way that they could not have imagined. People are connecting, and comparing 'notes' and experiences. Not just ex-jws, but active jws and prospective jws.

    Most of the people 'in charge' at WTBTS headquarters are of an era where they did not have 'tools' like the internet. All they know is the printed word - letters, and such. Things that travel through physical space like letter boxes or the post office. Perhaps the telephone... but even that is a slow medium compared to the ether-speed of the internet.

    I think that it just boggles their collective minds. They do not know how to handle it - other than to 'demonize' it.

    The irony? They use the very same tools that they try to demonize. I cannot tell you how many times as a JW, I remember the 'call' going out for bethelites who had 'special skills' (translated - college education). They also installed new printing presses that now use computers, and typesetting. They also have an internet web site, giving them a presence on the very 'internet' that they demonize.

    Just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • Terry
    Terry, I think you give them credit for more smarts than they have. As always, their defense is to pull up the drawbridge and continue to forbid the R&F to look at anything anti-WTS. Remember the staged photo in the Watchtower? The postman has just left an envelope and the 'sister' is dropping it in the wastebasket without opening it. This is the only strategy they have.

    The past is the indication to the future.

    How does the Watchtower deal with failure?


    When Rutherford and his cabal were tried for treason in coaxing servicemen out of the armed forces during a time of war they seemed finished. However, that embarassing episode has now become a badge of honor! It was turned into the fulfillment of prophecy! The returned King Jesus saw a purifying work was needed and took those few men and cleansed them in prison. Upon release a mighty work as the Lord's Messengers of doom ensued!

    When Rutherford's cozying up to Hitler failed the resulting bad fate of some few Bible Students was turned into an Epic Stand of Martyrdom which proves the integrity and purity of Jehovah's people.

    When 1975 failed to amount to a hill of beans in the real world a sudden regrouping and purging shook the foundations of Jehovahdom. A witch-hunt ensued and a crackdown of mighty strength to purify and shutdown dissent, criticism and fence-sitting.

    Remember, the Watchtower Society has an enormous public outreach in the Media! They are masters of media manipulation. They do this for a living!

    Watchtower articles, publicity releases, conventions, documentaries, books, magazines wield a tremendous influence in getting THEIR side across.

    In a few short years, brothers and sisters in Kingdom Halls across this planet have grown very fearful of the Internet, of apostates, of critical thinking, of seemingly "innocent questions about early JW history" and a host of other knee-jerk signals.

    An armor plating is being attached to JW consciousness!

    Eventually (sooner rather than later) any critical word, thought, deed or hint will target the person critical for opprobrium, castigation, villification and a modern day curse for being a Satanic Opposer.

    JW's are presently becoming radicalized like the Muslims disaffected by Western modernity.

    Genuine information is a threat to a Dark Ages mindset! JW's cannot give up their fantasy of being the only true religion in a world of Satanic dupes.

    They are taught to SEE THEMSELVES as mighty players in an epic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Their very life's purpose is to publicly demonstrate integrity in the face of OPPOSITION. JW's crave opposition! They need it to reinforce their delusions. All true Christians are persecuted, you see!

    Consequently, each and every time anyone anywhere brings up a flaw in Watchtower history, theology or practice the conditioned faithful JW will instantly go into a mind-mode of EXTREME defensiveness which identifies YOU as the hand-puppet of Satan. You and your family will be MARKED for DESTRUCTION!

    Mormons went through a similar phase in their own history. A goon squad was assembled to bully anybody who didn't tow the line. People were actually beaten and murdered!

    Will the Watchtower radicalize to this point? It seems ludicrous, doesn't it? But, sadly: IT ISN'T!

    Beware the power of delusion threatened by reality!

  • Terry

    Those were the early years, though. I cannot say exactly what happened, or changed, (perhaps a change of leadership), but they sold their radio station, and no longer use advertising like they used to.

    In fact, they turned against technology... starting with college educations, then the television sets... then computers... and now the internet. Why? Because these tools can be used to disseminate information. Information not only about the WTBTS and their lies, but knowledge in general. Knowledge can be a powerful tool. It can allow a person to think independently, forming opinions that may be contrary to what the WTBTS wants them to think.

    The identifying mark of a Jehovah's Witness is the public WITNESS itself, isn't it? Yet, failure to use the most effective means of Witnessing publicly are declined. Why? The least effective method is used instead; door to door work. Why?

    Because, the organization is using preaching as an excuse to run a publishing empire to launder money tax free. The Watchtower collects CASH at the door. CASH does not have to be accounted for vis a vis the headquarters to the local Kingdom Hall. Think about it.

  • FlipThis

    yes; but not difficult enough...

    too many people will buy into their crap and get hooked enough right off the bat to ignore us. By then many of them won't come and look on the net for information because they've already been brainwashed against us.

    Especially considering they 'target' the poor and downtrodden. People who don't have the resources to search for themselves...

    If anything, the net just slowed them down long enough to come up with new ways to combat the 'unexpected'. Those plans are in force now and I predict in the next decade there'll be an increase in their numbers. Many of the ones leaving are young people who have not yet even become publishers, or that have not yet become baptised. Some of them will go back after being shunned; especially as the society becomes more mainstream.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Unless people are willing to knock on doors right behind the JWs, we don't have a chance. And who's willing to do that? (and our numbers aren't even close to being able to accomplish such a thing)

  • Finally-Free

    Terry, I think you give them credit for more smarts than they have.

    I would rather overestimate an enemy than underestimate him.


  • FlipThis

    I think some here are not giving them any credit at all.

    They're more intelligent than you think; they've lasted through everything else and they'll keep right on going, no matter how much we slowed them down for the past several years...

    They'll endure; watch and see.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: Was the Watchtower taken off guard by the internet and XJW forums

    A.: Maybe, but it's not their fault. After the unexpected death of Freddy "Fakir" Franz at 103 years of age, the Jehovah Sockpuppet in Brooklyn had fallen into disrepair. One of the brown coat buttons that served as Jah's right eye had come off, and so Jah was unable to see the future with his usual clarity. This, plus the Sockpuppet's reluctance to have the hands of relative strangers and newcomers thrust up his tube, caused the Sovreign Sockpuppet of the Universe to become petulant and non-communicative.

  • Seeker4


    An interesting post, as usual.

    I'm not sure I see the same modern parallel as you do between Rome and the WTS.

    While the Org early-on adapted quickly to the use of technology - mass printing, slideshows, radio and the phonograph, it has not continued that trend at all.

    TV has hardly been used at all, and film and DVDs are used very limitedly. WTS music is a joke compared to how the evangelical churches use gospel and rock. Computers and the Internet? Again, very limited use - an informational website with absolutely no interaction in the form of comments, blogs or discussion threads.

    Their attack on the Quotes site, was to me, an indication of their ignorance of the Net, not so much a "shot over the bow." What was the result of that action? The Quotes site was reproduced all over the Internet. Instead of one place, it became available in 100 places - far too many for the WTS to effectively challenge, and if they do, it'll be reproduced in 1000 places, or 10,000, as the ex-JW movement grows.

    I'm not sure what the sleeping giant can do. To attack the Internet just continues to draw attention to it. The JWs may have started as an aggressive religion, but for the past half century, their tactic has been to ignore their critics, and when challenged, to quietly take things to court or settle with a gag order.

    Christ, it took Ray Franz and Fred Rusk five years to get them to even acknowledge their responsibility for emphasizing 1975! No, I don't see the WTS as being at all aggressive where it's critics are concerned. How did the WTS handle the Dateline expose? It disfellowshipped the critics, released a press statement and kept completely quiet about it in the literature. The typical Witness has no idea about any of this - they are ignorant of the mainstream press and hear nothing about these controversies in the Society's publications.

    Any more specific ideas on what the WTS might do, Terry? Like I said, they will not get involved in open debate on any of these issues, because they will always lose.

    Witness apologists that come on these sites either leave VERY quickly, or they switch sides!


  • minimus

    I don't think the Society ever expected that JWs would ignore their counsel to stay away from this place and others like it. They are realizing that they can't control what people do in their homes. They must be really upset over what must be going on under the sheets!

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