I think that they under estimated the effect of the Internet. Or they under estimated the explosion in internet use. (I think many did)
They didn't realised that it would create a worldwide family of ex-JW's. That the knowledge, experiences of ex-JW's would have any effect.
Anti-Watchtower websites appeared. forums came about. People discussed and learnt more about the WT than at anytime previously.
Also now the possiblity is that if a person is called on by JW's. That person may decide to check them out on the internet. Unlike when I became a JW you were lucky to find a couple of books about them in the library. Now they are laid open to all by the press of a button.
Many have put their testimonies on websites or on forums like JWD and Freeminds, and other similar places.
What the WT has done to people. How its teachings have changed through the years. How it controls people.
Has become virtual common knowledge.
The WT has also made it difficult for themselves by "demonising" the internet. Warning its members to stay away from "apostate" sites, forums and the like. So that very few will venture to make a stand for the WT. Where a JW has actually made up a website/forum they make it so only JW's can post. Thus not allowing debate and defence of their beliefs possible. It just becomes a self-appreciation forum.
Will the WT fight back in the future via the internet? From what I have gathered they seem to more intent in battening the hatches down. Tellings its members at meetings, assemblies, conventions not to go near the "evil" internet. I've heard that when a JW starts to raise questions the Elders will ask where they got the information, what did they read and where did they read it. Almost as of looking for an excuse that the JW will admit to looking at some "apostate" website. Which could included any site that deals with Christians beliefs.
Will they begin to make such an admission a grounds for disfellowshipping?
Who knows with the Watchtower organisation, they can be very devious when they need be.