We Are Dying!

by WeAreDying-Ophelia 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • WeAreDying-Ophelia


    You understand! Thank you!

    It's hard to see a bright young brother who is eager to do his best stand on the platform and read, just read, his #2 talk assignment in the school. No introduction, no conclusion. Hard to understand what the Society is thinking.

    The Theocratic Ministry School trains young speakers. The #2 talk is the introductory talk for young brothers, they should progress to the more difficult talks after that and then to the public talks (which will soon be just outline discussions with no real interaction between speaker and audience) and later if he is proficient to circuit talks. But the Society is for some reason hampering that process. Don't understand this!

    My father says at times he feels like an organ grinder.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Ophelia,you are very welcome here. I often wonder what individual JW's are thinking of all the corners the governing body is cutting inside the org. The way things operate inside the organization is akin to a skeleton crew on a job. It's all being cut to the bare bones.

    I think you may have hit the nail on the head with what you said here:

    It's the difference between individualizing a talk to the audience or just doing the outline.

    Maybe the society doesn't wan't the talks to deviate at all from their outline. They know there are plenty of elders who don't believe them anymore. Some of those elders post at sites like this one.

    Then again, maybe they know people are very burdened by the schedule of meetings, service and study the society lays on its members. They are honing things down because people can't take the stress of it all anymore. That schedule nearly killed me and my precious little family.

    Then there's another possibility that they are closing down, but doing it gradually, sort of like a bar of soap that gets a little smaller everytime you use it.

    And please pay no attention to Rosalee. As you can see, she is the most hostile person on this thread. There are many active JW's who are members here and there many of us who have not been disfellowshipped or disassociated.

  • WeAreDying-Ophelia

    I have read each reply, thank you all for your interest and kindness.


  • golf2

    Greetings. May I say, don't let this be your first and only post. Many have experienced what you are experiencing, you are NOT alone. I wish you all the best.


  • startingover

    Great comments under-believer!

    Asleep at the wheel is a really good description of what's going on with most JW's I know.

    Some JW's have awakened to what is really going on because of the generation of 1914 change. Some because of the connection with the UN. Some because of 607. I wonder how many will wake up because of a simple thing like changing it to a 30 minute talk. When a person says they are just an organ grinder I think the writing is on the wall.

  • changeling

    Ophelia, may I ask how old you are?


  • Mum

    Welcome to the forum, Ophelia. We need more active JW posters to keep us on our toes. Sometimes we forget how it feels to be on the inside, how sincere and faithful JW's look at the things that are happening that you have to cope with.

    As they say at the AA meetings, keep coming back.



  • WeAreDying-Ophelia


    My brother has advised me that I say I am under 40 and over 18. More than that he feels is unnessary and dangerous, my father's position is at stake.

    May I ask, why is that important?


  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, Ophelia. We quit going to meetings in the early 90's. They were already working at squeezing the life out of the congregations. Making the presentations at the doors nothing but scripts to be parroted. Dictating what types of gatherings to have. Taking away live music at the KH and assemblies. And, as has been mentioned, taking away the food at the assemblies.

    There were myriads of little rules and regulations that killed personal initiative. I'm not surprised that the congregations are now dying. It's inevitable.


  • Hortensia

    Hi Ophelia,

    I'm glad you came back to post more. I went back and read your original post again when I got home from work tonight. It sounded so sad. Keep posting! Everyone may not agree with your position, but we'd like to hear from you anyway.

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