I was soo pleased to see that you were comforted here. We, most of us have been Witnesses. I was an MS and worked so hard for the congregation, but felt very little love from the brotherhood. It felt more like I was contributing time to to a corporation, I don't feel that Jesus meant for it to be that way. He was so warm and loving to his fellow man, the congregations are lacking that terribly. Your notions of "something doesn't feel right" are very real, something is in fact wrong, trouble is, noone can put their finger on it since the Society is so tight lipped about everything.
It's no use complaining about the organization so I don't engage in that, I still respect the people there and what they're trying to accomplish. I just think there's a little to much of "pay no attention to the man behind that curtain" (- Wizard of Oz), going on. Who's at the helm, running the ship? Trouble is, noone knows.
I too wish the world could be what we all wish it could be. I too wish we could all be good friends. I too wish there were no wars and everyone had enough food and a good home to live in. I too.....wish many things! Most of all,....I wish you love and peace.