Fake reports are far more common than most people realize.
I wonder just what the real total time put into service is in the annual world report? How many billion do they report, but in actuality it's off by a factor of ten or more?
Open Mind mentioned something about avoiding the pre-CO shepherding call? My then book-study conductor called as my meeting attendance and service time was beginning to fall. He tried to set up a call with the CO during the CO's visit. I told him no, it wouldn't be a good idea. This guy is a real Type A in-your-face intimidator. He just didn't know how to deal with someone flat out telling him no. I didn't have any fallout from that, either. I recommend just telling them No. And you don't have to give any reasons, either.
The other thing with that is that I knew that he was just trying to get in the shepherding call that he was supposed to have done a long time before that but procrastinated until the last minute. Elders who conduct book studies are supposed to call on the people in their studies once or twice a year (I forget), but the all-too-common story is that they put it off till the week before the CO comes in. So much for caring for their "flock."