I remember the first time that I purposely skipped a meeting. I dropped off my teenagers at the hall and went to Michael's craft store. While I was there looking in the knitting section and happily picking out needles and yarn, I felt giddy at the freedom that I was experiencing. You see, at that time on that day, I used to be shackled to my khall seat while fighting sleep. Now, I was FREE, doing what everyone else on the planet was free to do: shop for knitting supplies during meeting times. Of course, my kids had the freedom to choose if they wanted to go or not. For a while, they chose to go, but that didn't last long.
Have you ever faked a service report?
by Orgull 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think because that stuff is so important to them that they practically force the people who don't go out to fake it because people (like me) don't want to have the MS's and the Elders down my throat about why I'm not going out. So I say I put in the hours that I think they want to hear to make them happy and even though my parents will deny it left and right I know there have been months where they have lied on their hours cause they've been sick or too tired to go out, but it would be "unspiritual" for them not to have hours.
Excuse me!!!!! They force u ....I don't think so....they usually encourage u to go service, but I'm sure there may be some individuals that may intimidate u. It depends on their personality and remember we are all imperfect. Also too we were not put on earth to serve man, but God...
*cough* *cough* *apologist* *cough*
wearewhoweare: Um...that "we are all imperfect" card has been way over-played. That doesn't give people the right to do something wrong and then expect forgiveness and then do it again and again. It's not a good excuse, and I'm tired of it. Another catch phrase I'm tired of is that bit about serving man...yeah, what a shame we have to deal directly with men in the congregations instead of God directly. Those elders with the intimidating personalities have no business being elders. They make it hard on everyone.
You remind me of a "brother" in my old congregation who used that same word whisker during all of his parts on the meetings: "Also too"
Sorry about the rant, but you really hit a nerve with me on that one.
no i could never fake it. not that i feel anyone who did is bad but i was glad to show the elders when i wasn't going.....
but more as a cry for attention...i still believed it was all real and wanted help in preaching the good lies. ever seen that video from evanescence where she's a star on the outside but her life is a hole sham and she does a commercial for "lies" cereal.......that image came into my mind.
see ya.4dc.
white dove:
the national average for the U.S. has been 11 hours for my entire life, it seems. Has it changed at all, ever?
are you kidding? Or are you high? Or just not getting to see the KM, yearbook and annual report in the WT rag? The US publisher average in December was 9.6 hours...and it has not been above 10 in some time if I recall. Even including the auxiliary, regular, and special pioneers, the average was only 16 hours. The regular pioneers had their monthly quota dropped from 90 to 70 and they still cant make their time? (dec avg was 62.7) same for the auxiliary pioneers..dropped requirement from 60 to 50 and they cant do it either! (48.8 hours in Dec avg). Yes, it was December, but the 2005 report shows the worldwide average for the whole YEAR, was also 16 hours....including pioneers.
So, if all of that is reported time, yet anecdotally at least based on the stories here, I wonder how much of that 1.278 billion hours worldwide is real? Bet its below a billion. If every publisher faked on average 1 hour per month, that would knock off 79 million hours off that total. Add to that an additional 4 hours a month of coffee breaks that are probably being included, that's another 317 million hours gone!...yep, below a billion...doesnt sound so impressive now, does it? And then all the time driving around...hmmmm..I bet we start getting into negative numbers soon.....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "Still inflating the totals with phantom time" Sheep Class)
how many elders counting time and ms servents also ,talks given at the KH, talks at the assembly. Every time you gave a talk at the KH AND a NON JW was there you could count that time.So if you answer question at WT STUDY you could count that time.HELL if you were sleep and dream you was out in service count that time , well maybe that,s a little too much.
all that posts make me really wonder how many percent of the worldwide "work" is for real.
that "we are all imperfect" card has been way over-played
too right it has it is ususally used by self righteous ones as an excuse for their less than perfect mouths, and ones that say well these things just pop out of my mouth and I say the wrong things sometimes, afterall I am imperfect, in other words they can gossip backbite belittle and stop putting on the new personality, because they are imperfect, they make my blood boil.
Almost every report from 1997-2005.
Oh this is the best... ha ha ha Ive just fallen in love...
wearewhoweare says Also too we were not put on earth to serve man, but God...
well I hope that they will see that putting in a report is just that serving man, as if Jehovah needs numbers on a piece of paper, how dare they try and be masters over our faith.