Thank you for further convincing me that God doesn't exist.
Hilarious parody.
by Blackboo 96 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you for further convincing me that God doesn't exist.
Hilarious parody.
I know I saw the proof somewhere, let me find it...
"i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that"
Soooooo, people who don't really have anything to back up their arguments tend to get snotty and start calling names. I don't believe in god, so you say I'm ignorant and dead wrong - but you still haven't produced any evidence that there is a god. You don't have any. There isn't any. But, unlike you, I don't really care if you believe or not - and I don't need to call you ignorant to make myself feel superior.
Dear Blackboo,
I wonder if you're out of the Watchtower just recently?
but i do believe in God..but you guys obviously do the same thing..but dont believe in worst
I ask this because, with all respect, this is the very same judgemental attitude most jw's have (and they're not unique in this respect)
Look my friend, I'm an atheist, but I didn't come to that conclusion because I'm ignorant or a fool. I studied the Bible as a devout JW, and then again in the source languages (which, as you certainly know, are Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek). If you have a specific point about the bible or evolution that proves your case, I would love to discuss that with you rationally, but calling people fools just because they don't believe in your God is very judgemental and much too easy... don't you see there is just no way to defend yourself against such a thing?
Reality is complex. Nuance is the magic word.
btw, welcome to the forum!
Kind regards,
Deus Mauzzim
Got it...
P(h/e.k) = P(e/h.k)/P(e/k) * P(h/k)
Proof God exists.
Blackboo, I also believe in a creator but you should adress with more tact those that don't believe in a God and also not use religious arguments that they can't accept, to begin with they don't believe in the Bible so there is little point in making references to it.
The issue requires a more scientific and methodical approach. refer to facts about missing links in the fossil record for example and not condescending arguments like: the Devil blinded your minds.
LOL @ missing links in the fossil record.
How about whats missing in the bible? I've only seen a donkey talk once in my life... oh ya, no Im thinking about the movie shrek.
Not to mention talking snakes... where's that in the fossil record? Need I go on?
Who are you to call anyone ingorant or foolish??
I admit that I only read the first post and thought, oh, brother here we go again.
Holy smokes, there is A GOD! There is if you believe there is.
It's not as simple for me as it is for you, bb. Your evidence, imo, is somewhat ying/yang.
I guess I am agnostic because I can't be convinced one way or the other. It's pretty much up to the individual to decide, don'tchathink?
Nice try.
LOL @ missing links in the fossil record.
The fossil record is not in agreement with Darwin's theory of the gradual development of species in numerous small steps. There is no such evidence in the fossil record instead there are big gaps between species. Darwin recognised the problem and over a century later it's still there.