To JCanon - I am confused - you said of Jesus, "Jesus is wooly-haired too as described in the Bible, and copper-toned in skin color. So he basically, if you saw him, would look like a copper-tone complected black person if you saw him."
And in the next paragraph you said, "I didn't see his face only the flash of his feet and the hem of his garment once."
How can you claim what he looks like when you didn't see his face and hair but only "the flash of his feet and the hem of his garment once"?
And God looks similar to Gregory Hines? Could you describe the circumstances when they showed themselves? Were you sitting in your living room watching TV or something and they showed up? Were you in prayer? Were you asleep and they appeared in your dreams? Please be specific.
Proof of God's existence
by Blackboo 96 Replies latest watchtower bible
And God looks similar to Gregory Hines
I'm sorry, but I see no comparison what so ever
ya,ll are blaming religion,
I would say religion IS the prime reason why people don't believe in God. I think spirituality is more important--and I believe atheists have a spirituality as well.
Open mind
B_Deserter said:
"Most creationists don't understand it properly (eg "all came about by chance") and end up arguing against some bizarre imaginary caricature of evolution they dreamed up in their heads."
(Bold italics added by moi)
Amen brother! Here's a little gem of a comment made at yesterday's Craptower study made by one of the most closed minded dubbies I've ever known:
"We have the truth............Blah, blah, blah.............the evolution theory says that we descended from monkeys............blah, blah, blah"
I later pointed out to my (dub-loyal) wife how ignorant a comment like that would sound to a visitor who believes in evolution.
She gave me a puzzled look.
I said that the current thinking among most paleontologists is that humans, apes and monkeys descended from a COMMON ANCESTOR, not that humans "came from monkeys". It may not be huge difference, but it's a difference. As JWs it would be a good idea to stop using that phrase since it just SCREAMS out that we don't even know what the evolution theory is.
I'm sure she's still a hard-core creationist, but she got the point. (I think.)
Good one, B_Deserter.
Open Mind
the dreamer dreaming
I have never known a moment when I did not exist and I can confindently say I never will.
everything I have ever known has been created by a part of my own being which I call the Generator Of Dreams... or GOD...and as GOD is part of me and I exist within GOD, GOD must exist.
in GOD we live and move and have our being --Acts 17:28
I, the reasoner, have been since the beginning of my experiences... and I was with GOD
I am GOD
I have been since the beginning with GOD
John 1:1-
I and the source of me, are ONE -- john 10:?
let my dream characters be one just as I am one with the Generator Of Dreams - john 17:11,21
John Doe
JCanon is either the craziest schizo I've ever been around, or he's the most forum addicted troll imaginable. Either way, he needs to be locked up for observation. His kind of mentality can be extremely dangerous under the right circumstances. What if "god" tells him to start helping push people off of the cliffs he was talking about?
John Doe
The bible says "the fool has said in his heart God doesnt exist".
Do you know what a "tautology" is?
emptywords, your posts are spot on...I've seen it first-hand where missionaries introduce 'sin' and 'immorality' to small villages full of naked or half-naked people that were doing just fine without the God that's found in the bible. I've seen women in other countries be told that their clothes were immodest for the its 100 degrees outside and 97% humidity and these women have dressed like this all their life and here come a few overweight women from the USA telling folks their clothes are immodest and that people should not be able to see the top of a woman's shoulder so they had to cover up and its improper to openly breastfeed your baby...blah, blah, blah...where is any of that in the bible?...I do agree that humans introduce most of what is considered 'evil' and 'immoral' God is going to deny someone blessings because they choose to wear a strapless dress instead of a moo-moo dress?...gimme a break
Anyway, although I was raised a witness, I ALWAYS questioned the existence of God and the validity of the bible being written by God. However, my belief in God was not confirmed at the Kingdom Hall or through bible reading but during a "higher-education" class while studying such things as Laplace transform. I still have my doubts about the bible and even during my pioneering years, I don't remember ever using the bible to prove the existence of a creator especially with the well-educated.
Blackboo, I think I understand the point you are attempting to make but superficial statements that boil down to "there is a God because the bible says so", usually will not hold weight with anyone that's ever a read a book other than the bible.
JCanon is actually a schitzophrenic male Diana Ross impersonator who believes he is Jesus because he spent the night in a dumpster. He is known as "Dave2002" at, constantly posting his strange Watchtower mythology. I really wish I were making this up. Most people don't take him seriously.