Is this the right section of this forum to write about this? I hope so. Maybe I am just boring everyone or driving you crazy. About the terms thing. I know that we use terms that are not found in the Bible, such as pioneer. But what are we supposed to use? You guys use that term "cognitive dissonance" with no problem. Does doing what is right in God's eyes mean we have to use only Bible terms? There is more evidence. I have seen with my own eyes that the demons hate the Witnesses. True, they hate God, but they especially hate the Witnesses. In my years of experience, I have seen so many cases of demons complaining about Jehovah. I have seen people who are tortured by demons and have yelled out "lord" and didn't get relief. But they did when they called on Jehovah. I have sat at deathbeds of people who left the Witnesses and had them tell me that they knew it was the truth, they just didn't want to live it. As far as all these comments (I read six years of posts in the last month, I read fast)about the WT being a publishing organization, and a real estate organization, remember this: Who is getting rich? Which individual? Which person? NAME HIM. There is no one. I know, I have friends who make those deals for real estate and sales of the WT Kingdom Farm. Are they rich? In any other organization, SOMEONE IS GETTING RICH. Not here. Those who think so don't know the brothers and sisters who live in Bethel. They talk secondhand or thirdhand or fourthhand. I know the organization is not perfect. But God has always had his people. We make mistakes, but overall there is a mountain of evidence that there is a truth and that we have it. In a few weeks I will probably have that part on the Service Meeting that says not to form all these independent study groups. Have I accomplished anything? Will all of you just write back and tell me to examine this or that, (which I already did) and then say, "Well, let's give him time." What will happen is that I will realize that spending time on here strengthened my faith. And what about those "experts" that you all quote? I have read some of their books actually. Very similar stuff, the seven signs of a mind-control cult, etc. But think about it. After all these "experts" on cults finish writing their books and articles that you quote from, they go home. They go home to families. Do you want to be like them? Do you really feel that their book applies to Jehovah's Witnesses? This is not about recipes, and movies that we all like. This is about our lives, and whether or not God has his people organized here on earth. I am not frustrated, tired, burned-out, or confused. I work secularly now, to help my family, so I interact with people on a daily basis. Without giving away what I do, people tell me about their lives, and don't know I am a Witness. Even Witnesses tell me about their lives and they don't know I am a Witness. The difference is amazing. How knowing Jehovah and trying to do his will makes people so happy. How many young people do I meet with that with that wish they had guidance instead of sleeping around and not being able to trust someone. Stuck on alcohol, drugs, parties, being taken advantage of. How many young people do I see, whose life is just not happy unless they are serving Jehovah? You know, when people are sick, they tell you all about their life and reality. What they really wanted. Jehovah's organization is all about reality, helping people in the most important ways. So many wait until they are dying until they say, "I wish I had done my life differently." This site seems to be all people who had a rough time. Look, a lot of it is not your fault, its the system we live in. Some of you yes, seem to want an excuse to disobey clearly stated Bible principles. Hope I dont' offend you by saying that. It is not easy to serve God and to try and follow his guidelines. But it is worth it. The happiness I see among the Witnesses is so lacking among others. Perfect? NO. Happy, yes. I know some of you will pick apart my comments one by one. Maybe some of you will feel sorry for me somehow, so that it seems like I haven't "seen the light" like you have. Some will say, "Give him time." Of course, say what you want. But we are individuals, and although we may write some bluster on here, when it's just us and God, then what? Then what? What do you REALLY believe? Is there a God named Jehovah who wants us to worship him? Is there strong evidence that he has his people here on earth that although not perfect, are doing his will? I say YES. I love you all.
We have the truth - part 2
by MutualRespectPlease 100 Replies latest jw friends
mormons would say the same things about their religion.... even scientologists
Easy there fella. LOL!
Let's get back on thread #1 and answer some questions, just one for starters, please.
Thanks my dear brother.
If you can convince me to go back, you'll be richly rewarded.
Please have pity on us and format your posts into paragraphs. Your argument is not worth reading if it is unreadable.
Open mind
Amen Mrs Jones!
MRP, if you're using Internet Explorer, check the HTML box at the bottom and uncheck the Auto Cr/Lf box.
If you're using Firefox do the opposite.
If none of this makes sense, just hit the "enter" key 2 or 3 times after every couple of sentences.
Open Mind
MRP..You want respect,but you can`t be bothered to address any of the posts on your first thread..Now you start a second thread..???..Extremley bad manners on your part..Get back to your first thread..See if you can respond to my post to you...OUTLAW
Get prepared for questions, questions, and more questions. Some of the folks on this board HURT. They are not just unhappy, but they HURT because they looked, questioned, researched, and came to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the Truth and made a choice to live their life without it. But in so doing, their families disowned them. How do you reconcile that kind of PAIN? By going back to it? That right there should tell you that real godly LOVE is lacking at the very core of a organization like that.
MRP..You want respect,but you can`t be bothered to address any of the posts on your first thread..Now you start a second thread..???..Extremley bad manners on your part..Get back to your first thread..See if you can respond to my post to you...OUTLAW
can this really work?
just checking
ninja -
How exactly did you hear demons complaining about jehovah? What exactly did they say? This sounds really outlandish like a JW urban myth. As for who could be making money out of the WTS that we can't know for sure because their yearly accounts are very secret and we don't know if and who makes money out of that corporation.