Hi Tyrone...Please don't rule out meds just because one of them gave you horrible side effects....it was just the wrong med. I don't know what type of doctor gave you your prescription. From personal experience, it is very unwise to have a G.P. doctor prescribe meds that work on mental disorders. They just don't have the training. Only a psychyatrist should be doing that because they have the experience to judge which med works best for which type of illness of the mind. I don't know what type of doctor you went to, but I had very bad results just going to a G.P. doctor for meds. I had a very similar experience to yours while on one med. We actually had to call the doctor outside office hours for emergency advice on what I should do to get off the med (if I had to taper off or could I just stop taking it). I was ready to just come unglued. I litterally wanted to crawl out of my skin. Like I wanted my skull to go away so that my mind could expand and be free so it would end it all. I'm kinda surprised I didn't start cutting myself to get my insides on the outside. It was bad....far worse than I can convey in words. And yet, for most people, that med works wonders...just not me. Other meds that he tried for me either put me to sleep, didn't work, or made me slightly worse.
Then I went to a psychiatrist for the first time. It was a major break through for me because that isn't just admitting you are depressed and having your GP doctor work with you. That is an outright personal admission that you need help in a substantial way mentally. It takes a great deal of courage because there is such a stigma attached to that sort of thing. Also, the admission that I needed that level of help was not an easy pill to swallow (pun intended). But, I consider it to be one of the turning points in my life. I met with the psychiatrist for about an hour or less, had a proper diagnosis for the first time in my life (Bi-polar, Type II), was confidently put on my med (Depakote ER), within 2.5 to 3 days I felt like a normal human again, and I have never looked back.
I went from the very brink of suicide and/or quite litterally wanting to mutilate those poor souls that happened to get cross wise with me to being about ...I'd say 90% normal (whatever that is). If I miss my meds for one day, I start to get grumpy but I might not notice why, 2 days and I can just tell that I missed the dose. I don't ever want to get back to the way I used to feel. The manic highes aren't worth the lows, when I can lead such a better life if I am on an even keel.
Crumpet, I had no idea what you are going through. I'm so sorry. If I could take your pain away somehow, I would do so in a heart beat. I'm very proud of you for taking the steps to get better. It isn't easy to do that, like I mentioned, I had to do the same. It is very hard and you are right that there is a stigma. I have found though that if I own the diagnosis it does not own me. I am very open about my diagnosos with people. I have often explained my situation with various people. I don't at all hide the fact that I need meds - I decided that I wouldn't be ashamed of it and that I wouldn't let other people try to make me ashamed of it. Because of that, I have yet to have a negative reaction from a person that I couldn't ovecome and turn around with just a little explaining. Hang in there. Things wil get better. Lotsa love to ya.
Also, as a general tip especially to anyone with bi-polar disorder: It is a mood disorder and while being primarily a chemical issue that needs attention from meds, there are things you can do to augment the positive effects of your meds and to alleviate some symptoms. I can't recall everything at the moment, but a few things are meditation and exercise. And to eat sweets only in moderation. Blood sugar swings will only aggrevate the whole issue. VERY important - caffeine. It is a mood de-stabilizer. If you drink more than a couple of cups of coffee/tea or have more than a couple of Cokes (or whatever) a day, STOP IT! It is hard to break the caffiene addiction and cut back, but you will feel soooo much better. Consuming alcohol frequently can also have a negative effect.
My heart goes out to my fellow sufferers...take care of yourselves.