I am onboard with you, Honesty.
I could not continue to advertise from the platform when I didn't believe in the product.
I could not promote doctrines as I learned they were not true. I was only able to do
it as I was still not sure. Once I knew, I did it for only a couple of months, then
sanitized what I said, then got out of doing the elder job.
Still, another thing I learned as I released my mind- stop judging others.
I don't accuse you, Honesty, of judging unbelieving elders, but here's what I figured out-
I was fooled into thinking inline with a mind-control cult. Who am I to say that others'
actions, words, standards, decisions, etc. are wrong?
Applying that, there may be some who feel they can help their loved ones more by
moving slower. There are some who believe they can make a difference with some
individuals by being an elder. Just because I disagree, that doesn't make my thoughts
better than theirs. They are welcome to try. I just think it prevents personal freedom.