Gary1914: Please help me underdstand: why? I'm not trying to force anyone to leave prematurely. I'm not trying to be rude. I just don't get it. The things you just mentioned are deceitful, are they not? Does the end justify the means? Does this not make you a little like them? Help me wrap my brain around this if you can.
Hi Changeling. You questioned if the things I am doing are deceitful? I suppose they are, but deceitful to whom? An organization? A corporation?
When I conduct the book study, I take the answers that the brothers give and I say "good" or "fine" because they have answered the questions in the book just as they are suppose to. I don't add information to their comment. I am not angry at the witnesses. They are doing just what they were taught to do. I was once of like mind.
Does the end justify the means? I don't know. But I don't feel that this is a moral dilemma. What we are speaking of is, after all, just a cult. A man made religion. Why do they deserve my respect? Right now, they do not "need to know" my true feelings. I will reveal those to them when I am ready.
Does it make me a little like them? Of course it does. That's where I learned it from!
But I will admit my mistakes. I will apologize when I am wrong. I will not force someone to accept my "truth" or else. So in some respects I am better than they are.