Do you suffer from RELIGIOUS HYPOCHONDRIA???

by Terry 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    You see believers as people in need of help? That they need you and don't realize it?

    Perhaps for those that are exiting the dubs and question their core beliefs about God

    Do you think some believers find peace in God? Do you respect that?

    What is knowledge but recognizing things which exist?

    What is imagination but synthesizing non-things which don't exist?

    Believers treat imagined, non-things exactly the way they treat actually existing things.

    Why do they do this? Because they are taught to want to and lose the ability to know the difference.

  • RAF

    What is knowledge but recognizing things which exist?

    What is imagination but synthesizing non-things which don't exist?

    Believers treat imagined, non-things exactly the way they treat actually existing things.
    Why do they do this? Because they are taught to want to and lose the ability to know the difference.

    I guess that you have experienced / explored everything yet to know better ... just asking (but know the answer)

    Look I don't think that there is more to say than being honest with ourselve for our own good and to not have regrets (and more over about anything wich could harm ourself and others) what else (FORCING?).

  • changeling

    James Thomas what did you do to that bunny!!!!

    Terry: I'm worried about your blood pressure. I see you point, really, and for the most part agree, but you seem to be getting "worked up" a lot lately. That can't be good.


  • Twitch

    What is knowledge but recognizing things which exist?

    What is imagination but synthesizing non-things which don't exist?

    Believers treat imagined, non-things exactly the way they treat actually existing things.

    Why do they do this? Because they are taught to want to and lose the ability to know the difference.

    Yea, perhaps. Doesn't make them any less of a person though IMO. I say again, do you respect people who believe?

    In fact, there are some "believers" I actually like and respect, despite myself lol. I have no desire to change their head and they extend the same to me. We just get on with it. I respect that they have peace with the god thing. And this doesn't apply to just the christian believers.

  • Twitch
    In fact religion may very well be the most mind-numbing, divisive and destructive machine of the past 2000 years. You see this, and natural instincts arise to save your fellow man from drinking the poison. Sometimes we may slap the glass out of peoples hands a little too hard. We forget that folks may not see the bigger picture and present dangers that we see, as they sing koom-by-ya, live and let live.

    James Thomas

    Whats wrong with live and let live?

  • Terry
    Terry: I'm worried about your blood pressure. I see you point, really, and for the most part agree, but you seem to be getting "worked up" a lot lately. That can't be good.

    Actually, I'm one of the most easy going people you'd ever wish to meet. People who know me see me as a kidder, a clown and a prankster.
    "Can't you ever BE serious?" is the question I get the most in daily life.

    JWD is my only real outlet for serious exercise of the brainpan. Indulge me.

    I usually write my posts and replies on the fly and in a hurry. I don't take the extra time to put talcum powder and after shave on them. So, they come straight out of the jar.

    People read into them the seriousness and the "tone". It is called projecting.

    Just read my posts as though I were chortling, guffawing and tittering my way through them.

  • Terry
    Yea, perhaps. Doesn't make them any less of a person though IMO. I say again, do you respect people who believe?

    True story...

    When I was a kid I'd put on my two gun cowboy holster and hat and ride my stick horse around the yard.

    One day, I was in the front yard riding my stick horse and shooting off my cap pistols. I looked across the street at my neighbor, Mr.Draper, who was sitting on his front porch staring at me like I was a fool!

    I stopped what I was doing suddenly. Why was he looking at me like I was an ass?

    Almost like a Boeing falling on my head out of the sky a realization crashed down on me in an exploding epiphany!

    I was 14 years old! What I was doing was for little kids! I was a teenager and acting like an infantile moron!!

    "Aw man, you're too old for that shit! What's wrong with you?"

    The waves of embarassment swept over me and I got out of the front yard as fast as I could. (No, I didn't ride my stick horse!)

    Being MADE AWARE that I had not matured and was stuck in my childhood fantasy snapped me out of it. I was not living a real life. Marooned in infantile reverie, my transition to young man and adult male was taking a backseat to jejune tomfoolery.

    My childhood ended that very day and that very moment!

    Should my neighbor have been more discreet?

    I don't think so!

    So, at Halloween, when older teens who are too big to put on costumes and trick or treat come around, I say to them, "Aren't you a little too old to be playing at little kid's games?"

    I hope it might do some good.

    Same tune different lyric for religious beliefs.

  • fifi40

    I am laughing at the the thought of my 14 year old son dressing up as a cowboy and riding around on a make believe horse.........I understand your perspective now, and then as a 14 year old.......but to say your childhood was over that day is sad.

    My son loves nothing more than rolling around a muddy field playing rugby or sitting up late when he has a mate over to stay chatting and chuckling away discussing all 14 year old boy related drives me to distraction sometimes when at midnight (school holiday time) I can hear him and his mate still giggling away........this happened the other day and whilst they were not loud they were still at know what I thought........we have a short time on this planet, we have a short period of innocence and childhood and what harm are they doing............they are just entertaining themselves in a harmless way...........

    JWD is obviously part of your entertainment, and whilst I understand you let loose without putting the fancy stuff on (talcom and aftershave) you have to consider that for some your method is insulting and doesnt help the people it is designed to help.

    Sometimes you appear so forceful you scare off the people you are trying to reach.........the ones that agree with you are going to give you a cheer and defend you.........the ones that disagree step into your ring at there can be intimidating on occassion.

    That said I guess I recognise that your heart is in the right place.........just my thoughts.

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