Gen. 1:16 "And the LORD God formed a burning globe [sphere] and called it Sun, and from it's [gradually forming] disk of debris He created globes [spheres], one of which was the Earth. He also created other globes far, far away from the Earth and its Sun - among the myriad of stars, but Earth is where He chose to create life. He also created the Moon, to reflect the light from the Sun. And He suspended the globes [spheres] in nothingness, kept there by His dynamic force, one spinning around the other. But the Sun He had placed in the center of this court of globes where Earth found its home."
Gen. 4:13 "In thine tilling of the land, thou may find buried carcasses of giant lizard-like animals that I created long before man. Be not afraid of these, for they exist in living form no more."
ROTFL....That was good.