Would You Like To Know What Goes On At Elder's Meetings?

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Hypothetical elder gossip:

    'Did you notice Sister Abused at the meeting? It looks like her husband beat her up again.'

    'Yeah, well, if she really wanted to, she'd leave him. She's just asking for it by staying.'

    That gossip would only occur if Sister Abused had a "worldly" husband. If he was a JW, the gossip would go:

    'Did you notice Sister Abused at the meeting? It looks like her husband beat her up again.'

    'Yeah, she's a good sister, putting the good name of Jehovah ahead of herself and her bruises. We have
    to find a way to get her husband to become a JW droid, then a Ministerial Servant. He will stop abusing
    her then. If we don't do something, it will make us look bad."

    Other big gossip is about all the teens and young adults who are not related to the elders.
    "Did you hear that they get together on Saturday nights and drink, instead of staying home like our
    children do in order to prepare for the Sunday meeting?"

    "That Smith boy bought a sportscar (audible gasp)! I guess he won't be an MS for awhile. Let's have
    a local needs talk about 'Doing All Things For Jehovah' and include good field service cars."

    They do gossip about anyone and everything, but they actually think it is for the good of the congregation-
    They must know the appearance of their flock.

  • MinisterAmos

    >>Oh and brother and sister CO. don't eat such and such food.<<

    Brother CO would send us a letter about a month in advance stating his dietary requirements and what sort of accomodations he would prefer.

    He likes StarBucks and the beach; both of which are found in Gulf Breeze

  • ex-nj-jw

    My dad was an elder, still is I think! But whenever he had a elders meeting he always would say somthing like:

    We have a case to discuss so I'll be home late

    I gotta go take care of a matter at the hall

    It always made him seem so important, he always have this air of superiority in his deemner and the way he walked and said this


  • golfhl

    Well I dont know much of what is going on at elders meetings.

    But who is counting the money, and making sure it's being send to the borg. Just woundering, would really like to know how the money flows, someone on here must know.


  • Anony-Mouse

    Wow....In reading these comments, I just realized I was probably a footnote in a couple of these meetings.

    I was personally 'shepherded' by an elder earlier this year. Apparently I've not been 'spiritual' enough (I wonder why) . I gave the required answers....blah blah blah. I'm not doing anything different :P .

  • stillajwexelder

    also is discussed who will conduct BS at Circuit Visit

    Who will do special talk

    who will do memorial talk

    if it is that time of year

  • JH

    Do they really need ALL those elder meetings. Gee, they even occasionally get together in the 2nd school before and after a meeting.

  • Finally-Free
    Do they really need ALL those elder meetings. Gee, they even occasionally get together in the 2nd school before and after a meeting.

    Elders wives are notorious for their nagging, so elders will invent any excuse to have a meeting just so they can have a few minutes of peace and quiet.


  • PEC

    I am so glad I escaped and never got caught up in that crap.


  • OnTheWayOut
    Do they really need ALL those elder meetings. Gee, they even occasionally get together in the 2nd school before and after a meeting.

    Elders wives are notorious for their nagging, so elders will invent any excuse to have a meeting just so they can have a few minutes of peace and quiet.

    Actual reasons to have a meeting before the meeting:Deciding on an announcement, such as "So-and-so is no longer one of JW's"
    Sister's skirt is too short for her school or serv. mtg. part.
    Form a JC or investigative committee to meet with someone this evening.
    Elder with a part in meeting was involved in sin.
    Inform the body of an letter from the Borg being read tonight to the audience

    Actual reasons to have a meeting after the meeting:Form a JC or investigative committee.
    Money matters
    Inform the BOE about a JC results.
    We just noticed the sister's skirt was too short.
    Read a letter from the Borg
    And the number one reason to meet after the meeting- Allow other to do the Hall cleaning instead of the elders.

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