Would You Like To Know What Goes On At Elder's Meetings?

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander
    And the number one reason to meet after the meeting- Allow other to do the Hall cleaning instead of the elders


    As I was reading this, I was imagining David Letterman and one of his top ten lists.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Don't they break out the Cuban cigars and cognac while waiting for the hookers and that guy who always has the best blow? I have been out for a long time so my memory might be a little foggy.

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I have been told (on extremely good authority) that after a decision was made at an elders meeting that they were not going to recommend a certain MS for appointment as an elder, the biggest topic for debate was not "who is going to tell the MS he is not being recommended", but rather "who is going to tell the MS's mother that he is not going to be recommended"!

    Apparently none of the elders had the bottle or b**lls to tell her!!!!!


    ps - That MS is now a PO!!!!!!!!

  • erandir

    What about the 10-hour monthly service requirement? Is that made up, non-biblical rule ever discussed?

  • minimus

    EXCELLENT COMMENTS!-----When elders discuss whatever, they TYPICALLY gossip and slander people. If you knew what their freeness of speech is really like, you'd be amazed! And just because they are "Elders", they can rip you up the back and it's ok.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Oh Minimus, you're at it again, giving away the secrets of the little room. I tried often to get the body of elders to pray for individuals by name that were having a hard time in whatever way, but they would always hedge and eventually recommend we do that individually. They were always making arrangements to deliver a message of sanction before an offer of help was made to someone having a difficult time. I am so glad to be out of that star-chamber. W.Once

  • minimus

    And if in public prayer you spoke someone's name you had to deal with, "How come I wasn't mentioned in prayer? What? I'm not good enough"?.....A lot of jealous ones out there.

  • sweetface2233

    Paper football

  • ssrriotsquad

    I know

    It's their poker night!

  • SirNose586

    Yeah, the elders must have interesting conversations...

    "So we're down one MS, Sir Nose, for expressing doubt in the Slave...he nearly DA'd..."

    "We've dropped 20 publishers in roughly 3 months...a handful of those from discouragement..."

    "Well, our biggest problem is the young people who are STILL IN but can't stay away from nightclubs. Better do a Local Needs on that."

    And that's what they did...

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