Would You Like To Know What Goes On At Elder's Meetings?

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    I noticed that when the circus over-sneer came the meeting was a combined MS & Elder meeting followed by the elders being bullied by the CO.

    Interestingly the MS&Elder meeting was just like a study with some WTB$ propaganda question and answer article, either some old dublication material or a script from WTB$ HQ.

    Mind control 101 for the 'big boys'!

  • Bella15

    Have they ever consider helping a needy JW monetarily?

  • punkofnice

    Bella -

    Have they ever consider helping a needy JW monetarily?

    Not at the meetings I've been to. I'm not saying they haven't in varied congos but not in mine.

    It seems they only talk about giving cash to the circus over-sneer (none of whom I've known had a job), who comes around leeching off the rank and file anyway. Paid clergy if you ask me!!

  • minimus

    If you were special enough to be in the Boy's Club, you got to talk (gossip) about everybody in a legitimate way.

  • JRK

    Do they have circle jerks after a JC with a hot sister?


  • DesirousOfChange

    There will be a bazillion refences to the "7/15/89 Watchtower says this...", "the Flock book on page 74 says this...", "the 2/15/2002 Letter to the Body of Elders says this..." But actually opening and reading the Bible is an extraordinarily rare occurrence.

    Elders Meetings at Circuit Assemblies usually just cover money issues, but there were often training sessions to cover legal issues of how to best protect the organization from lawsuits while still giving them full control over issues.



  • minimus

    JRK, I never experienced a circle jerk. I hope that answers your question.

  • jam

    A guy walks into A bar with A shotgun and A

    bull in toe. He orders A beer and turn around and

    blast the bull with his shotgun. Bull parts fly everywhere.

    He then turn around and leave. Next day he comes in

    with shotgun and bull and order A beer. The bartender

    said , hold on buddy yesterday you walk in here and

    order A beer and and shot your bull, we just finish

    cleaning up your mess, what,s up with that.

    The man said I am in training for position in the

    US Congress. Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave

    mess for others to clean up, disappear for the rest of the day.

  • minimus


  • punkofnice

    I hated the elder's meetings at the a$$embĀ£ies. Just when I wanted to sit, chat and eat my pack up we'd he hauled into a room to talk money and how they need more. Then they'd beg for more 'voluntary' contripuketions in the boxes.......and you can run up your credit card bill by being enthused with guilt to use it!

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