Are you an a-xenist?

by AuldSoul 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I think it's possible, maybe even likely that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.

    As to whether they've visited earth, I'm not sure, but it's always puzzled/amazed me how some ancient cultures like the Aztecs and Egyptians even the Romans seemed far more advanced technologically than say, much of Europe was. For example, I think about the pyramids built thousands of years ago when 'we' were still living in caves and/or mud huts and I wonder 'how' and 'why'?

    Was it merely that they had better building materials available to them and experimented more? They had better weather conditions? Was it due to the superior intelligence of one race of homo sapiens - neanderthal man disappeared later in northern Europe than elsewhere so cro-magnon society had a 'head-start' in places such as the Middle East?


  • Jeffro
    As to whether they've visited earth, I'm not sure, but it's always puzzled/amazed me how some ancient cultures like the Aztecs and Egyptians even the Romans seemed far more advanced technologically than say, much of Europe was. For example, I think about the pyramids built thousands of years ago when 'we' were still living in caves and/or mud huts and I wonder 'how' and 'why'?

    Lots and lots and lots of slaves.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Lots and lots and lots of slaves.

    So they were a more 'aggressive' culture and there was greater population density maybe?

    What about the buildings though? Was it that each group used what they could readily obtain? Hence in Northern Europe the main building material (after they moved out of caves!) was wood rather than stone/mud bricks?

  • Terry

    I don't think there is much intelligent life here on Earth!

    There is a kind of pseudo-sophistication, but; little intelligence.

    For one thing, people are extraordinarily attracted to nonsense. Out of the many subjects and interests which contain facts, evidence, proof and knowledge which might improve one's intellect if pursued....people go for the curiousities, freaks, mysterious hoaxes and titillating balderdash instead.

    There is a pop psychology to people's enchantment with BELIEF.

    Our populations are bulging with wide-eyed droolers who stuff their pockets with imaginary things such as ESP, UFO, ghosts, cryptozoological chimeras, conspiracies, religious tripe and a vast array of bubble gum trinketry.

    And, guess what? These very people DEMAND you respect them! They know very little other than what some ya-ya with a hyper-thyroidal imagination has scribbled on a page, but; they DEMAND you treat them as though their silly notions are respectable and worthy of polite accomodation.

    Mankind has been wasting its collective brainpower since the very beginning on worthless drivel and calling it important science! Astrology, for example, never seems to wear out its welcome among the brain dead. Wicca, mysticism, magick and speculative theosophies preoccupy their brains the way packing peanuts fill up a shipping crate.

    I know, I deal with these people at the bookstore every day. They will jaw-jack you into a stupor by rambling on about the most vapid non-entities the fantasy bloated conclaves can concoct.

    Let the Trekkies dress up like Klingons, I say; others dress up their consciousness in similar adornment and squeeze out the possibility of having a rational thought or holding an intelligent conversation.

    Short answer: NO.

  • eclipse

    I like to keep an open-mind about alien life.

    I think it's arrogant to believe that we are the only life in the universe.

    The odds would seem that there are other star systems that evolved life as well.

    As for aliens visiting earth, unlikely, but the stories are at least entertaining to read or see.

    I guess that makes me unintelligent

  • Terry

    I like to keep an open-mind about alien life.

    I think it's arrogant to believe that we are the only life in the universe.

    The odds would seem that there are other star systems that evolved life as well.

    As for aliens visiting earth, unlikely, but the stories are at least entertaining to read or see.

    I guess that makes me unintelligent

    Naw. No way. Keeping open to a possibility isn't the same as blind belief.

    Look at how you've qualified that belief? You've surrounded the accepting possibility with context. I consider your opinion hopeful.

    I, personally, can't figure out why it seem likely to people that billions of planets mean a greater liklihood of life. I mean, I understand the argument, but; it doesn't offer much of a persuasive appeal to me.

    I grew up in a household that was filled with fanatics. My grandfather was a health-food junkie. My mother was into the whole Flying Saucer and ESP nonsense.

    I'm just burnt-out on gleeful self-indulgence in belief. Don't want none. Uh-uh.

    Others may differ.

  • BrentR

    Very well put Terry! I nominate that for post of the year.

    Any alien traveling towards earth would first be picking up our TV, radio and internet signals. They would not need to understand the languages to fiqure out that earth is an insane asylum.

  • eclipse

    I grew up in a household that was filled with fanatics. My grandfather was a health-food junkie. My mother was into the whole Flying Saucer and ESP nonsense.

    I'm just burnt-out on gleeful self-indulgence in belief.

    I too grew up in a fanatical household, Terry.

    I understand that aversion to fanaticism, as I share it.

    That is why I dislike being dogmatic about any idea or philosophy.

    Which is the reason why I think that life is possible on other world's, if it was possible on ours..

  • Gretchen956

    I don't know, but reading Terry's diatribe here and on other posts against people of faith (especially non-traditional faiths), and the amount of energy and hatred he seems to have around it, fanatic was the first word that came to my mind about him.

    Wordnet definition of fanatic: marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"


  • heathen

    No I don't believe in little green or grey people flying in saucer shaped ships from outter space. There is no evidence to support the belief and most evidence provided for it is proven a hoax . Some of it is weather balloons or natural phenom . I do believe in spirits so maybe some myth and legend was created because of their involvement with mankind . It is know that people practiced alot of black magic .

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