Are you an a-xenist?

by AuldSoul 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I don't believe there were extra terrestrials visitors here on earth because if there were any we would know about it by now. Spaceships are easily visible as they fly high in the sky.

  • Gretchen956

    Getting back to the original question posted, I haven't formulated a belief around this. Thinking that we are the only intelligence in the universe strikes me as similar to supposing that the sun revolves around the earth. There are seeming jumps in intelligence from the little we know of early history, but whether that's caused by outside help or just the fact that we don't know everything about those times, I wouldn't try to guess. Let's just say I'm open.


  • 5go

    Very well put Terry! I nominate that for post of the year.

    Any alien traveling towards earth would first be picking up our TV, radio and internet signals. They would not need to understand the languages to fiqure out that earth is an insane asylum.

    or ripe for the picking. These humans just need only a slight nudge the the planet is free for colonizing.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I, personally, can't figure out why it seem likely to people that billions of planets mean a greater liklihood of life. I mean, I understand the argument, but; it doesn't offer much of a persuasive appeal to me.

    There are 6 billion people on the planet. How often have you had something happen to you that you thought was so extraordinary and unique, it couldn't possibly have happened before? Only to tell the tale and find that someone you KNOW has experienced it too? Let alone if you polled the entire population.

    Circumstances -- even seemingly unique ones -- are built from a finite set of variables. That the "spark of life" would only have ever lit here and nowhere else seems vanishingly unlikely to me.

    I'm approaching this from the standpoint of having virtually no idea what that "spark of life" was, so in the end perhaps it really and truly was a singularly unique event. But I wouldn't bet money on it.

    In answer to AuldSoul's questions;

    Yes, I think they probably exist. (No proof, but if I had to bet...)

    No, I don't think we've been visited. (The universe is so big and so young, how would they have found us?)

    I don't see my view as a "belief" per se, but a playing of the odds as I understand them. It could be argued that I can't really know the odds, since I don't know the game. True, but I have a decent idea of the number of variables, and they aren't that many in comparison to the size of the universe.


  • Carmel

    Be it here or Andromeda or some other spot in the total universe, what then is the source of "intelegence" and is "intelegence" the same everywhere? Obviously we as humans have concocted different methods of "logic" and each culture has different types of thinking processes. That we have certain things in common yet differ in many respects suggests to me sentient beings from different planet types may evolve differnent "intlegence" but like life itself, is it a spontaneous outcome of physical and biological events, or has there been a "divine spark" invovled?? carmel

  • Twitch

    Is there life elsewhere in the universe? Possibly

    Have they visited us? Unlikely

  • changeling

    There's life here, the universe is huge, why shouldn't there be life somewhere else? Nobody knows for sure, but the possiblility exists.

    I don't think they have visited here, though. Why would they? And if they did, why not make themselves known? I don't think they'd waste their time making crop circles.


  • Terry

    Wordnet definition of fanatic: marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"


    I'll accept this as true IF you will simply state what my CAUSE or IDEA is plainly. Fair enough, Sherry?

    (p.s. If I were a rabid isolationist I would not respond to critical disagreement.)

  • Terry
    I don't see my view as a "belief" per se, but a playing of the odds as I understand them. It could be argued that I can't really know the odds, since I don't know the game. True, but I have a decent idea of the number of variables, and they aren't that many in comparison to the size of the universe.

    I'm sure this makes sense to you somehow.

    LIFE is contingent. This means it cannot exist without certain particulars which MUST be met.

    Ask yourself the question: "Why is there something rather than nothing" in the universe?

    Is it just as likely that there could nothing? Or is it less likely?

    If you say less likely that there could be nothing, then, why?

    For life to exist there has to be the probability in some measure for it not to exist. Otherwise, it inevitably exists as a certainty.

    The same probability that creates possibility also creates certainty/uncertainty in equal measure.

    Why? Because this is a cause and effect (feedback) universe.

    Bottom line? It isn't really PROBABLE that life exists other than us. Not based on the raw uniqueness of our origins.

  • parakeet

    BrentR wrote: "Any alien traveling towards earth would first be picking up our TV, radio and internet signals. They would not need to understand the languages to fiqure out that earth is an insane asylum."

    Or, the aliens may be naive enough to believe that the TV and other signals are "historical documents" and act accordingly. Watch "Galaxy Quest." It has everything you need to know about aliens - good or bad.

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