What are you reading?

by Hortensia 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    It's rather quiet on the JWD forum tonight - probably you are all out partying, eh? I'm wondering what's in the pile of books by your chair or bed? I have a couple of mysteries, Robert Barnard's newest one and a really old Arthur Upfield. I have Who Wrote the Bible by Friedman, another mystery - a cliff Janeway Bookman novel, a novel called The Egyptologist which was on the 75% off counter at Borders, a true story called Sword and Blossom, and Rumpole and the Reign of Terror, which was also on the 75% off table at Borders. I also have a four-volume set recommended by a friend, but I can't quite get into it. Sort of an adult Harry Potter series.

  • quietlyleaving

    I'm reading The Blind Man of Seville - murder mystery - by Robert Wilson

  • brinjen

    Crisis of Conscience by Ramond Franz. When I get the time, between my job and the online course I'm studying I've managed about a quarter so far.

  • monophonic

    "Divisadero" by Michael Ondaatje.

    it's the first book i've read of his and i've never seen 'the english patient'. i didn't expect much, but Ondaatje is blowing me away...great read.

    my "On The Road: The Original Scroll" came in the mail and i'm very excited to read that soon.

    i have about 50 books in my TO-READ pile in my office....along with keeping up with the new yorker and trade magazines and the 5-10 books i receive in the mail from publishers every week, i'll catch up when i'm dead.

    anyway, "Divisadero", highly recommended.

  • thepackage

    I'm reading "I hope they serve beer in hell" by Tucker Max

  • BizzyBee

    1. The Barbara Anderson CD
    2. Mad River, by Joy Fielding
    3. The Good Guy, by Dean Koontz
    4. Periodicals: USA Today, The Atlantic, New Yorker Magazine, WSJ
  • LtCmd.Lore

    Job: A Comedy of Justice

    By Robert A. Heinlein.

    I recommend it.


  • Hortensia

    I looked up Divisadero on amazon to see what it's about - I always like to read the amazon reviews on books before I buy them. I can tell from amazon that you read literature, Monophonic. I gave up on literature years ago, now I just read for entertainment of the lazier trashier sort. When it comes to fiction, I mostly like mysteries, or any fiction written before the 20th century - maybe into the 1920s or 30s, but not much after that. Otherwise, I mostly like non-fiction. Stuff like The Road to Ubar or The Mummies of Urumchi.

  • reneeisorym

    I'm a non fiction reader.

    1. How Baking Works: Exploring the Fundamentals of Baking Science

    2. E-Myth Revisited

    3. Start Your Own Business

    4. The freeminds journal

  • Hortensia

    LtCmd.Lore - I thought I had read all of Heinlein, but I looked Job up on amazon just now and found out I missed this one somehow. Thanks - I ordered it. That one-click ordering on amazon is just plain dangerous. Too easy to order. My favorite Heinlein is The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

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