What are you reading?

by Hortensia 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Irish Born, a trilogy by Nora Roberts (very light, but very entertaining reading)

  • looking_glass

    I just finished The Glass Castle. Disturbing read considering it was true.

    I was also reading Winkie. It is a story about a teddy bear that is accused of acts of terrorism. Again, funny, but some what disturbing in light of Bush and his war against terrorism.

  • Paralipomenon

    I recently read Seductive Poison and can mirror the feeling above that it is very enlightening.

    Last week I finished Einstein : His Life and Universe - Walter Isaacson
    It was a very interesting biography on Einstein based on new letters recently found and a FBI file that was only recently declassified.

    Currently I am switching between Paradise Lost and learning Mandarin Chinese, so no new book updates from me for a while.

  • loosie

    Manifest your Destiny by Wayne W Dyer

  • free2think

    The Personal Shopper by Carmen Reid

  • Dagney

    "God Delusion" - Dawkins

    "Who Wrote the Bible" - Friedman (I think)

    "Ya Ya's in Bloom" - Rebecca Wells

    "In Style" magazine

  • Mum

    renee: You might want to read Cookwise and Bakewise by Shirley [forget her last name]. She is a chemist and knows how to blend spices and ingredients in a unique way.

    I haven't been reading much lately; it's hard on the old eyes. Maybe I need an ophthalmology check-up.



  • Sunspot

    I have been really busy but have been trying to read "A Bed By The Window" by M Scott Peck. My sister was here visiting and had brought "Angela's Ashes" which she had raved about. She will send it when she's through reading it :o)

  • beksbks

    I have just started "Blood Memory" by Greg Illes. Recently finished "The Same Sweet Girls", by Cassandra King "The Mysterious Stranger" by Mark Twain, and "Naked Republicans" by Shelley Lewis.

    I'm very excited about acquiring a 1927 Funk and Wagnalls "The World's 100 Best Short Stories". A previous set lost in the divorce (well, they were his ). Just got them on Ebay, and I'm looking forward in particular to "The Three Strangers" by Thomas Hardy, and "The Knightsbridge Mystery", by Charles Reade. It's been 20 years since I've read them.

    Currently I am switching between Paradise Lost and ................

    Para, I assume you are talking Milton, and not WTBs?

  • liquidsky

    Crocodile on the Sandbank - Elizabeth Peters

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