by Mary 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Mary, I hate to tell you that a couple of month ago WT opened the heavens to all and did away with the 1935 limit for heaven. It was a questions from reader, march or may I believe. They got rid of the generation thing, and were running out of real anointed for the GB. You or your sister could be called up at any moment. She may not even know the change.

    me changing now....oompa

  • ringo5

    Good for you, I wish I was able to talk to any of my siblings like that and not have them shutdown (does not compute, does not compute, eyes glaze over....)

    I would avoid hitting too many subjects at once, and let some of it soak in.

    Maybe I would ask, "What would it take to have you realize they not are not God's Org?" And possibly remind her how many times the Jews F^#@d up and lost his approval

  • fedorE

    My mom is the same way. Im goin to "work" on her as also. What i want to do is to photocopy a chapter out of ISOCF or CoC, and give it to her.What i am goin to do is print out Barbara Anderson's life story and give it to

  • tijkmo
    She also doesn't believe that the Society tells you that only those who were baptized before 1935 should take the emblems at the Memorial

    careful with this one....they amended it this year...not that many jws noticed

  • moshe

    Mary, your JW sister has already said enough to get disfellowshipped had the elders been listening in. Our dear Mouthy only expressed some doubts about the WT Org and BAM,she was Df'd!

  • Mary
    She also doesn't believe that the Society tells you that only those who were baptized before 1935 should take the emblems at the Memorial
    careful with this one....they amended it this year...not that many jws noticed.

    Yep, I'm aware of the 'change', but I'm going to emphasize that up until this year, this is exactly what they taught. I'm then going to ask her "where is the year 1935 spoken of or hinted at in the bible? Nowhere. It was plucked out of thin air, like most of their doctrines are.

    We did talk about the blood issue to. At first she said that they were right in their stand on blood transfusions. I said "Bullshit. Now you're allowed to take blood fractions. Where exactly in the bible does it say that's okay? Isn't that going 'beyond what is written?" I also told her that their refusal of allowing plasma was insane because plasma is 93% water and the other 7% is made up of the fractions that Witnesses are now allowed to take! I said "what kind of insanity is this??!!" I also told her that not even the most Orthodox Jews viewed the scriptures that applied to blood as anything more than dietary laws and had absolutely no relevance to the transfusing of human blood in order to save someone's life. I also told her about that one scripture that showed the Israelites had been fighting, were starving and ate meat that had not been bled properly. Jehovah did NOT kill them because it was a life and death circumstance. She didn't say much about that.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think there are a lot of areas to expose, Mary. I would recommend finding a micro as opposed to macro here. Then try and keep it focused [good luck with Jdubs].

    Here's one - open your Bible [they like that] to Romans 13. Ask her to read it and explain who the 'superior authorities' are in those verses. Then ask her, if she were 15 years old, and had never read the verses before, who would it seem the 'superior authorities' were in those verses. Her answer will be the same both times - and she will wonder where you are going with this. Then show her society quotes that show for how many years, the "Organization that Jehovah is using to direct his people" had it wrong. And that 'under the direction of Holy Spirit'. And then that same wishy-washy Holy Spirit finally saw it clearly, like the 15 year old, that they had it wrong for all those years. No reason that the Holy Spirit would have mis-directed this matter for all those years. The other religions had it right during all that time - why not the 'TRUTH'?

    It is not an argument that will turn her out on one discussion. But it was always something that made me wonder. Doubts are the key here.

    Just my opinion


  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for giving others hope, Mary.

    Not the same, but I spent considerable time bracing my wife for elders prying into my
    situation. She seems to understand that not telling them anything about me is not
    the same as lying, it is not disloyal to Jehovah. Still, I am careful not to give enough
    to her to make her feel obligated to turn me in.

  • moomanchu

    Your sister sounds pretty cool.

    Show her this web site, if she won't rat you out let her know who you are too.

  • JWdaughter

    " she KNOWS alot of their teachings are bullshit," Ask her how she can distinguish the truth from the BS. Seriously, you step in pile of dog crap and you want to go rooting around in it for the piece of bubblegum that you dropped the day before? I don't THINK so! Ask her why she is happy to step in all the shit for the little bit of truth that she thinks that they have. Just a thought.

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