by Mary 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • deeskis

    I'm happy for you that you got to share a meaningful exchange, you did well

  • Vinny

    I think you should give her the two Franz books. The CD is only one small piece of the puzzle. Same with all other issues individually. Those two books present so many different things, in such a respectful yet devastating to the faith fashion. You may use up all your chances with the wrong move here. Just give her both books and be done with it. Then, be quiet. Say nothing else. She will come to you...

  • sass_my_frass

    My brother (young elder, father of two babies) used the 'where else is there to go?' as his trump card. I couldn't believe that after only two little issues that I had, that's what it turned out was keeping him. It was a conscious decision to ignore the problems and accept the lot, warts and all, because as far as he knew (in his very limited experience) the rest of the world is an awful place. I'd like to get them involved in anything else, just to expand their world. Maybe that's what your sister needs - new perspectives through safe new people.

    The great thing is that you are able to talk to her at all. Don't go scaring her away and closing her off with the big scary stuff. Start by getting her into new interests. Buy her a short course in some new hobby, go together even. Get her into situations that force her to have normal contact with normal people. Mostly, play a very long game.

  • AlphaOmega
    Get her into situations that force her to have normal contact with normal people. Mostly, play a very long game.

    Exellent !

    Show her the world outside is not such a bad place and that the WT has lied to her about it.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Mary, I keep having these circular conversations with my mother - "oh, but Jah has always used an organisation; only Witnesses do the preaching work; the apostles and Israelites did terrible things but Jehovah still used them as his people and forgave them everything (well, until Jesus came along and told them hey had to change their religion!).

    I told her this week that I'm not prepared to discuss anything else UNTIL she reads Crisis of Conscience becuse only then will she even BEGIN to understand why I have left and why I'm not coming back.

    Nothing like emotional blackmail.....

    Wish you all the best whatever happens next.


  • NotaNess

    She said if you prove its not the truth? just pickout any number of there teachings that absolutely cant be proven to be fact. Ask her how it can be the truth if one cant even prove it with fact.

  • truthsearcher

    Mary, you need to help her to see that she would not be leaving Jehovah by leaving the Witnesses. But, if he Witnesses have in fact become a corrupt group of false teachers (or always were) then she NEEDS to leave them for her own spiritual health!

    I wish you the best in your discussions. You said that you and she were very similar in personality. Can you imagine having 2 Mary's on this discussion board? What a powerful impact you two could have!

  • M.J.

    She doesn't believe the 1914 crap. Then she doesn't believe in the WTS being necessarily right about all this fulfillment of prophecy. The Rev Climax book is probably crap to her too.
    She's almost there!

    She believes Rutherford was an ass. Tell her about how ***HE**** actually came up with the concepts ***SHE*** can't get over regarding the organization. Mainly when he started on his "God's Organization"/"Satan's Organization" campaign...

    Show her what Russell wrote about organization. Despite his true belief in his "Divine Plan", he maintained that people could accept all the particular details he taught or not, and still be a Christian. The true test of who would be a real Christian brother was not who followed his every word, or who was actually a part of his group, but those who accepted these essential beliefs:

    1. All men--all of Adam's children--are sinners.
    2. No one can be reconciled to God without a Redeemer's sacrifice.
    3. Jesus came into the world to be that sacrifice and to apply that ransom price for the sins of the world.
    4. On the basis of the redeemer's sacrifice, the believer may consecrate himself to the divine service. In other words, the believer must dedicate himself to God on a personal manner. Not to follow the dictates of Russell himself, or any organizational program, but in an individual dedication.

    He goes on to say,
    "Such as meet these conditions are to be accepted as brethren in the highest sense of the term. This much would seem to have been always necessary, and more than this we believe is not necessary today...Our advice to the Lord's dear people everywhere is that they put no yoke upon each other, beyond the fundamentals specified above--that otherwise they stand free, and leave each other free, and fellowship and agree as much as they can with each other."

    --The Watchtower, 8/1/13, p. 232. Reprints, p. 5284.

    Rutherford subsequently came out with his whole cult program, but even in his early presidency (early 1920s) he still wrote the following:
    “We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord’s channel.” --"Let Us Dwell In Peace," The Watch Tower and Herald Of Christ's Presence, April 1, 1920, page 100, under "Order Of God."

    Also from page 104 of the same article, he wrote:
    "[The Society] has not made the acceptance of the Society as the channel a test of fellowship. "
    Rutherford then reversed himself on this position.

    Let your sister know that she's bought into his scheme!

  • Mary
    Someone posted on another thread: the oldest was the only one to be baptised, and she and her mother were disfellowshipped after they had finally given up on receiving any help from the elders, who for years tried to cover up what their father was doing [molesting his daughters], and went to the police.

    This is the main thing that my sister refuses to believe. She simply cannot comprehend that the Organization is so evil as to disfellowship the victims of pedophilia, instead of the perpetrator and she always says "there has to be more to it than that." Because in her mind, if there wasn't any more to it than that, then it just might be enough to show her that this cult is NOT being run by God.

  • KW13

    Talking to JW's is sometimes like talking to the animals behind glass, underwater at the aquarium.

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