Not wanting to be near a child

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I worked at a retail store once and one day a regular customer and his wife came in. He was carry a large box and needed to haul it to the back of the store.

    I watched him walk down the aisle and just as he got out of sight I heard a loud shriek, and a young voice screaming "he touched me inappropriately".

    I and several other people swooped in, and there was the man, looking completely aghast, and he was still carrying the box in both hands. A young girl of about twelve was doing the shrieking.

    The poor man was beat red. I don't know how he could have touched her with both hands full. And he didn't have time to set it down and pick it up again, he was out of my sight only a mere seconds. She said he brushed against her chest. But it was fairly obvious, that with the narrow aisle, and him having a limited view do to the big box blocking part of his vision, that he probably had brushed against the girl completely by accident. It got all sorted out, but that poor man, we never saw his face in our store again.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I drive school bus and at our refresher course every year they stress never touch a child .

    We transport pre-schoolers too and we Do NOT buckle their seat belts, their teacher or parent must come on and buckle or unbuckle them .

    Some of the young ones really love their bus drivers and will run up and hug you when they get on .Being a motherly type I never felt uncomfortable accepting their hugs ,but I understand how different that is for the men .One retired gentleman that drives there told me he had to teach one little girl to give him a high five instead of a hug because he knew her hugs could be misrepresented

  • BrentR

    It is very sad and it will be the kids that ultimately pay the price.

  • Mincan

    This pisses me off so much.

    I love children, and have wanted my own children since I was 17 years old (having them though is a different matter, who the hell wants to bring kids into this world?). I'm 20 now and so I don't think I'm quite at the age they think I'm a pedophile, but you never freakin' know. Just the same, I'm always nice to kids and people can piss off.

  • Bobbi

    I volunteer at my sons elementary school every year. We all get the "Don't touch the kids and don't ever be alone with a child" speech at the beginning of the year. My first morning last year a little girl who was having a hard time adjusting crawled into my lap and fell asleep. What was I supposed to do? Push her away when she was already upset? I was so torn.
    It is really hard not to hug a child who has fallen down or who is just overwhelmed.

    It is really hard not to help a child who just can't get their pants pulled back up after using the toilet(usually with the door open for the whole class to see)

    It is really awkward when a little boy can't get his zipper done up and you fumble with it while trying not to touch anything inappropriate. ( the little boy's mother howled with laughter when I told her the story later)

    One little girl recognized me in a pet store and ran up to me and hugged me. I greeted her and her sister by name and chatted with them (with my children present) and the grandmother stalked over, grabbed their arms and hauled them out of the store, saying loudly "Who was that strange woman". (Their mother also laughed and said that was typical behavior of her mother in law)


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I work in a Dental office. Parents are allowed to come back with their children, with the exception of 1 day a week, we do sedation's, in office. The child takes a Valium type drug, and nitrous. We call this a conscience sedation. Serious business. Something could possibly go wrong. Most of these children are under 7 years old.

    We treat these patients like it is an operating room. But everything grinds to a halt, if one of them wakes up, and has to go to the bathroom. The parent is called back, and they are helped in anyway, to get the child to the bathroom.

    The Dentist and the whole staff, are women. Sad world.

  • Narkissos

    Mediatic pendulum swinging back? It was about time.

    Here in France we haven't experienced anything near the American anti-pedophile frenzy, yet how little we had of it (including a big judicial fiasco where many people spent months in jail on claims which later proved to be unsubstantiated, some committing suicide in the meantime, all for "taking the kids' words seriously") did affect the spontaneity of adult (particularly men indeed) / children relationships, especially in a professional environment.

    This too shall pass, I guess. But current generations of children are growing with a rather strange perspective on the "adults" they are supposed to become.

  • Junction-Guy

    2 of my grandma's (with good intentions) instilled a fear of public restrooms in me when I was younger. They told me that men prey on boys in the restroom. I remember when I was 15 and at a convention, we were walking through the hotel and I needed to use the bathroom, my grandma insisted that my granpda go along (for safety reasons), the fact that she told me that really bothered me and made me feel like a kid. I realize she was concerned for my safety, but I do think you can go overboard with it and instill unnecessary fears and phobias.

    It is a shame that people cant innocently talk to a child, or even comfort a crying child, but that seems to be the way it is nowadays.

    Men are automatically suspect, its a shame, but its true.

  • WTWizard

    I suppose that it will soon be a crime for any adult to even LOOK at someone under 161718213040... And then what? We are already building too many walls between the sexes. Every time we hear of pedophiles, we want nothing more than to tear adults away from all children, often creating problems. And then what happens if someone complains just to get back at a person or to make trouble that is not deserved?

    True, pedophiles do damage. But usually the adult will initiate the use of force, coercion, or fraud to do the dirty work. Quite often, they will coerce the child into doing something, and often use force as well. This is what does the damage. Further damage is done if the adult then silences the victim, and the laws make this all the more probable that this will be the outcome. Frequently, more damage is done by silencing the victims than the original act itself.

    Then what happens when a teenager actually takes the initiative? This occasionally happens, even without the adult using initiatory force, coercion, or fraud. Sometimes there is nefarious motive behind this (and hence the term "jail bait"). Sometimes a teenager will initiate the contact in order to see the person go to jail. And our legal system is perfectly engineered to accomplish just that. But, other times a teenager (perhaps 14 or 15) will legitimately fall for someone much older for legitimate reasons. In these cases, it is no one's business but the two people involved as long as the adult is being totally honest and not initiating the use of force, threat of force, or fraud. Setting the adult up in these cases only creates problems where none needed to exist.

    What is of note, with the pedophile scandals within the Watchtower Society, is that the perpetrators usually initiate the use of coercion or force to do their dirty work. Usually they will get the child alone during a hounding shepherding call and do the dirty work there. Occasionally the adult will put his/her hand where it doesn't belong; it has even been known to happen right out in service! Invariably, the child will be told that, if they tell anyone, it will be viewed as "slander" and the child will be disfellowshipped. That is what does more damage than the original (usually) abuse, and sets up other children for contact with a (usually) man, often a hounder on a hounding call, that is known to abuse his (usually) position to defraud or coerce other children into unclean acts. Women in the congregation, while they may also be culprits, usually don't have as many opportunities as men.

    Notice that you should be especially careful in situations where "shepherds" are alone with children, and if they are not upfront and honest with the problem. If they threaten to silence the child under disfellowshipping threats, then a serious crime has been committed. These incidents are almost never the result of a child's needing help, and almost never because a child or teenager has fallen for an older person for legitimate reasons. When they create extra problems for the child, it is almost always malice at work and this can do serious damage.

    What we need is to undo some of the laws that make it easy for someone who wants to get rid of an individual to do this. Invariably, when any kind of child abuse occurs, initiatory force, coercion, and/or fraud is involved. Were those things outlawed, the perpetrators could get busted solely on that and be put out of commission for a good long time. And innocent people that are "too friendly" with children or the victim of those who would get rid of them would be protected. Bonus: Organizations like the Watchtower Society would have a legal problem that they simply would not be able to dodge through artful wording or hush money.

  • dobbie

    Bobbi i volunteer at my son's school, in the 4-5 yr olds class and i was shocked when the teaching assistant said that even if a child were crying they weren't meant to touch them to hug or comfort them, and if they wet themselves and the teacher accidently touched any part of them, they have to actually write this down as a record! This is an all female school as well, i was glad when she said that if it was only her and the teacher there she did occasionally put her arm round them if they were really upset. The thought that my boy might be upset having just started school or feeling sick and couldn't have this comfort made me feel really sad.

    Also my hubby is a governor there and loves talking to the kids, but i have noticed parents sometimes watching him when the kids go up to talk to him etc. It is so difficult to know how to act if you see a child on their own, even if you are female. Mum and i saw a 3/4yr old on her own in the park for ages, wshe finally walked away and we followed her to make sure she was ok, she went into her house then wassent out again, then her 7yr old cousin came out pushing a young baby and nearly broke its leg so we had to help him. In the end we managed to get them to go home as anything could have happened to them, they were so trusting. But even we didn't like to speak too much to them because of what its like nowadays, so we just kept an eye on them instead.

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