ignore and avoid. Remember, those who have dealings with stupid people will fare badly. Proverbs.
Advice Needed
by faundy 57 Replies latest jw friends
Faundy, my sister who was also raised in the truth is lesbian, and even married to her girlfriend of many years. Since I have "awakened" recently, our relationship has really picked up. However, I noticed you said the elders are looking to give you some grief. You are still young and attractive. Do you have a grievence against any of the Elders? You can of course dodge everyone, come out and tell them where to go, or.....you could ask to meet with them.
You could just tell them you are really depressed and confused because the PO touched you inappropiately when you where a little girl and you are just now able to talk about it!!!!! Or name any other friggin elder you have a beef with! I have a feeling you would be given a LOT of space from then on.
let them squirm for a change...oompa
ps-good luck and best wishes
It would be hard if you have family still in the org.
When I was being tracked down after being inactive for awhile, I acted nonchalant, like whats up, at the time I was living (sharing a house) with a man and his son. I just said I have some problems at the moment and need to sort them out, and I want you to respect my privacy on this if anything changes I will contact you.
I moved around a bit and never heard from them again until last year when it was a family member that got things going again, thats another story.
Good luck.
sw- who believes everybody is a little queer here or there...
Is queer the same as bi or bi-curious?
Queer meaning everything unmainstream... thats who i use it. Thats gay, lesbian, bi-curious, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, polyamorous...
Anything that would make your momma cry or tell you to hush up about when the relatives came over about is queer. And that's why everybody is a little queer here or there.
Stephanie (faundy),
Trust no-one in the Borg because if it came down to saving their skin or yours it wouldn't be yours that got away with it!
For those that don't know, faundy is my daughter and I'm exceptionally proud of her. I've been laid low in hospital otherwise I'd have talked this over with her. Thanks for the sound advice.
Stephie, you know now that I'm home you can approach me about anything. You owe Watchtower NOTHING! Tell them NOTHING! Let those that shun you continue to live in their bubble. All bubbles burst in the end and I've seen many times how the roles have become reversed. Enjoy your newfound freedom.
My niece had a jc because she was drinking with a "worldly" boy when she was 17. Later one of the elders called and she admitted to "playing his flute". He called her back later to ask if she spit or swallowed.
When she told me about it I was livid. I listened on speaker phone when she called him to ask if he had told the other brothers on the commitee.
He actually laughed out loud and said, "No I just told them you were having boy trouble, I didn't figure they needed to know all the gory details."
He even told her he used to date a sister that moved away and became a porn star.
White Dove
A friend told me once that if you play by their rules, you are under their power. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.