Jesus is the answer!

by startingover 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bbdodger

    I was talking to my husband about this topic this morning (before I even logged in to the site)!

    It's hard for me to accept The Trinity, as I cannot accept the idea that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in the same. I subscribe to the JW belief that God was first, created Jesus, and Jesus came to Earth to help things, as God the Father kept his place in Heaven to watch over. Who else would Jesus have been praying to? When my Christian (non-JW) friends try to point out verses in the Bible to prove the Trinity to me, they go right over my head... it seems so far fetched, and really stretching to make the doctrine seem true.

    I love Jesus, but I do not think of him as God... I think of him as God's son, whose role in the hierarchy of Heaven is to sit by God's side, and do what a helpful son would do for his father in terms of an Earthly father and son. I believe that God the Father created Jesus, as they are not one in the same.

    I've been to some Churches, and the entire focus is on Jesus. Since I do not believe in the Trinity, I always felt a little odd about speaking of Jesus as God himself. It's something that is not in my heart, a concept that I have no faith in.

    My disbelief in The Trinity probably something leftover from the teachings of JWs, however, it's something that cannot effectively be proven to me.

    Jesus is the answer, he forgave our sins, but I still believe that we must ask God the Father to grant us the privilege of being forgiven.

  • nvrgnbk
    How about being influenced to non-belief?

    To get things rolling, I am now an atheist because of these discussions.

    I think the believers are turning more people into non-believers through these discussions, does anyone else think that's true


    Great topic, startingover!

    Having said that, I enjoy discussing Christainity with persons like AO, Sad emo, and AuldSoul.

    Little Toe is interesting and open-minded as well.

    Snowbird seems to be very sweet.

    OTOH, Highbiscuitsonfire is rather alienating in her delivery.

  • megsmomma

    I would agree that non-believers have more influence in swaying people away from believing in Jesus. It has made me think a-lot more and doubt the Bible in general more.

    However.....I do still believe in the Bible and reading the parts where Jesus is speaking and only those parts. (I have a Bible where his words are in red) That has made me able to "get to know him" on just what he has said and it is consistent and loving and encouraging. I cannot give up the belief that there is a higher power.

    I have NO NEED for religion though. That saying that it is a personal relationship, and not a religion means a-lot to me, and allows me to not judge or try to change what other people think.

  • erandir

    Jesus is the answer? What was the question?

    I hope it worked. My intent with the title of this thread was to attract both believers and non-believers.

    Naw, I just came to leave a smart-alec comment.

    But seriously, reading comments on this forum has probably influenced me towards non-belief if anything. I'm seeing things in a much larger context than I used to. I was raised Pentecostal. Then I had a brief spell of disillusionment followed by almost becoming an athiest. Then I converted to JW-dom as a kind of "last resort" only to finally see what the truth about the "truth" really was a few years later. Now I'm heading toward a comfortable "I don't really care what I believe at this point as long as I live well, contribute to others' happiness, and do no harm to anyone" mindset. The existance of God is taking a back seat at the moment while I explore subjects such as psychology, non-western religious worldviews, and my own deep inner musings.

    Hope that contribution helps your curiosity.

  • Terry

    I find Jesus worship astounding!

    Worse still, I find Mary-mother-of-god worship astounding-er!

    I've never in my mind "loved" Jesus or understood the cult of adoration and "friendship" around his legendary status as man/god. Never.

    At my most religious and fanatical period of life I could only envision a God as Father. Jesus was like the add-on on a sign over a family business: R.L. Philips & Son.

    Singing love songs to Jesus makes me nauseous. Sticking your hands in the air and waving them back and forth with eyes closed and imploring Jesus gives me a headache.

    Healing by means of Jesus is utter crap to me.

    Casting out demons in the "name of Jesus" is silly flim-flam.

    Substitute the name Robin Hood in the next 100 sentences you read that have Jesus name and you'll suddenly see my point.

    Robin Hood Saves. Bollocks!

  • nvrgnbk

    But Terry, what you fail to realize is that Almighty God's word the Bible says that even the demons believe and shudder.

    Isn't that good enough?

    I mean, what more proof do you need?


  • Priest73

    I always thought 42 was the answer.

  • nvrgnbk


  • erandir
    Robin Hood Saves. Bollocks!

    Nuh uh...Walmart Saves!

  • eclipse

    Any emotional exhibitions about jesus or god is creepy and embarassing to watch, imho..

    Terry, I predict a pm in your near future.

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