Jesus is the answer!

by startingover 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk


    Jesus was 33 when he died.

    Note that that's 3 followed by yet another 3.

    For emphasis, of course.



    It cannot be disputed... Jesus=42.

    All honest-hearted ones can see it clearly.

    Those who choose to arrogantly dispute the evidence will be violently destroyed by 42, I mean Jesus.

    See, I confuse the two.

    Further proof that Jesus is indeed 42!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I have no data to support my opinion, but here it is.

    I agree with Startingover on the results of these discussions.

    My observation is that God/No God discussions more often result in believers either weakening their original positions or losing faith entirely. I don't think I've ever seen a non-believer on JWD come around to believing. I've definitely seen believers stick to their guns though.

    FWIW, I've enjoyed reading the viewpoints of many Christians here. I've come to understand that there is a HUGE variety of beliefs that fall under the name "Christian".

    One last thing. I find hearing the various pronunciations and intonations of the name "Jesus" by fundy preachers quite amusing. Jaaayyyyyeeeezzuzzz! For example. It seems to work best when wearing cheap polyester. Most Christians I've talked to also find these guys amusing. However, they are often irritated when people automatically associate "Christian" with these kind of religious Used Car Salesmen.

    Open Mind

  • avidbiblereader

    I believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. I believed that before I became a JW. In fact, that is what caused me to leave the JW's. I felt as Mary Magdalene did - that they had taken my Lord away ...

    However, I'm leery of those who are always spouting off, "I'm a Christian." The word Christian only appears in the Bible three times. Three!!! A similar occurrence with the word salvation. Our Lord only used the word salvation twice - both times to non-disciples. Can we take a hint or does it have to be a knockdown? It's not about words, it's about actions.

    Anyway, before this turns into a full-scale rant, I will end by saying it is my personal opinion that the WTS has done its share of turning quite a few people away from Jesus. Ironic, isn't it?


    Well put Sylvia, I agree with you. abr

  • Lumptard

    i don't beleive in jesus because i try to avoid thinking for myself and am angry at jw's for not letting me listen to limp bizkit

  • lesterd

    There has to be belief, before there is dis belief. So belief is not affected by our views, its still there. It doesnt go away because we no long believe.

  • greendawn

    It's not strange for a Christian to have an intimate relationship with Jesus since he is the one that, as they believe, freed them from the power of darkness and became their immediate head. Promising them eternal life at a level that far transcends this very basic earthly level. Not just quantity but also quality.

  • lalliv01
    OTOH, Highbiscuitsonfire is rather alienating in her delivery

    I must admit that I get a lot of laughs reading her posts. She always has an answer.

    As for me, I think this site has confirmed my secret and disturbing naggings that the

    Bible is not infallible truth. The agnostics and atheists on this site have much reason,

    logic and current science on their side and I learn much from their statements and

    rhetorical questions that make me think. However, I can't bring myself to believe that

    this beautiful planet we inhabit came about without an intelligent and caring Creator.

    I need to know who or what made all the atoms (or quarks) in the universe.

  • Ri

    To get things rolling, I am now an atheist because of these discussions.

    Now THAT is funny

  • serotonin_wraith

    I think the evidence shows Jesus probably didn't exist, not that he didn't for certain. But even if he was a real man, people in this day and age follow all kinds of 'messiahs' and 'prophets'. Check youtube for videos on Sai Baba the 'miracle worker'- he has over a million followers! How easy would it have been for a Jesus to convince some that he was the son of a god?

    The way these debates usually go (in my experience) is the believers try to give evidence or reason to believe in their god, and they are refuted every time. Then it comes down to 'faith', which is a concept so obviously flawed even the believers don't use faith in 99% of their lives- just for this god belief.

    I do think the atheists have the upper hand.

    Lesterd: There has to be belief, before there is dis belief.

    Do you believe in walking living peanuts that roast in a little spaceship 2 miles from the sun? No? But to disbelieve that, you must have believed it at some point, surely?! Of course we don't need to believe something before we disbelieve it.

  • Narkissos

    Dunno. I left the JWs over 20 years ago, as a definitely non-fundamentalistic Christian believer. The natural next step for me was church and theology; a slow drift ensued toward my own kind of "atheism".

    Had I found something like this board back then, the journey might have been different, but I doubt I would have been "won over" to the atheist side in "believers"/"unbelievers" discussions. I would probably have avoided such discussions, as I always felt that both Christian apologists and critics of Christianity missed the "Christ" that mattered to me.

    Otoh I understand that such discussions may be very helpful to those whose ties with Christianity are less personal. Those who happen to be "Christian" because of education or manipulation but don't really need religion and would be better off without it.

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