I just think it'd be a great day if OJ never made another head line. These type stories do seem to draw a line down racist opinions . It's like if you don't believe OJ was innocent of murder it's enough to be called a racist by some people.
oj simpsons bail sentence
by BR25 83 Replies latest jw friends
It's like if you don't believe OJ was innocent of murder it's enough to be called a racist by some people.
Just for the record, I believe that he is guilty of murder and should have gone to jail for murder. But I wasn't on the jury and my opinon didn't count, I can't change that. What I don't appreciate is the "free watermellon and spare ribs" comment - and "blacks not being satisfied until we have complete control". WTF is that about?
I don't think that was necessary to get the point across!
know blacks have been through more than I can imagine, but I am a young guy and of the new generation and don't understand why every time something deals with a black person it always has to a black issue. I just don't understand
You don't understand b/c you are not seeing it wrong. Its not a race issue, it is a legal or criminal issue. just like killing dogs is a crime and to say nothing of vile and unspeakable cruelty, it is a crime. so is murder, in the first degree, horrifying murder premeditated on innocent people.
The race card looks so pathetic when it is obvious it's the person/ deed , not the race. Calling a murder a murder.
to listen to Jessie Jackson is to slap Martin Luther King' in the face-and everything that brave man stood for. JJ wants a separatist nation, one for black not mixing with white. I was there when MLK was around so i can remember.
Now he did say he was only joking with this remark
I keeeed I keeeed.
comon on now . are you saying you don't like spare ribs and water melon? I think everybody likes spare ribs and watermelon .
The race card looks so pathetic when it is obvious it's the person, not the race.
Thank you! My point exactly
These type stories do seem to draw a line down racist opinions . It's like if you don't believe OJ was innocent of murder it's enough to be called a racist by some people.
That whole 'race card' that Johnny Cockroach played 12 years ago, was absolutely dispicable. Race had nothing to do with why O.J. murdered Ron and Nichole---he didn't murder them because they were white. He murdered Nicole because he was a typical abusive husband who had anger issues and was a control freak. Ron Goldman just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was a domestic violence issue to begin with and that's the way it should have stayed. The fact that race was ever brought into at all was just sick.
I agree that was pretty sickening that the OJ trial had the city of LA held hostage because they knew by pulling the race card could trigger another riot like the Rodney King riot. I'm not saying there aren't racist cops and fuhrman probly was one and he should not have lied under oath which totally screwed the prosectution without his truthful testimony on how he found the bloody glove and other things that were stricken from the trial record . He did deserve to be fired and imprisoned himself for contempt of court.
deaconbluez Re: oj simpsons bail sentence
Post 186 of 186
since 16-Nov-06
28 y 2 m 18 dPerfect example of what I think of people from Alabama.
Perfect example of what I think of people from Alabama.
Yep, I love spare ribs and watermelon.
Y our racist remarks on this thread (those of you who wrote them) are very pathetic.
Since you enjoy being ignorant & racist, you have to be told that black people do NOT see him as innocent, only his die hard fans do. Everyone knows OJ did it!
But hey, you need a chuckle out of your comments at others' expense and I guess you got it.
Perhaps after leaving the jw's, it would be beneficial for you to attempt to understand people. People are people even without the direction of a religious belief telling you so.
The fact that posters here are allowed to incite hatred by making racist remarks is sick.