I love my black neighbors and treat them as I would anybody else.
Let me weigh in on this controversy. I am from A-L-A-B-A-M-A. Born and bred. I love watermelon, but hate spare ribs. I did not appreciate your insensitive joke, deaconbluez. Nor yours BR25. It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. You two have revealed what is really in your hearts. Thank you for that.
Now, about O.J. I am Black but I never for an instance believed in O.J.'s innocence. The evidence to the contrary was far too compelling. When the verdict was announced, everybody save two persons at my workplace cheered. I was one of those two who did not cheer. Why did I not cheer? Because there had been a devastating miscarriage of justice. My heart broke for the Goldman and Brown families.
You say you don't understand. Have you really seriously tried to do so? There is a Native American saying that would help all of us. It goes someting like this - Before you condemn a man, walk two moons in his moccasins. We can all learn from each other.