I "believe" in "God" but can't explain to my own satisfaction why.
SURVEY: Who Believes In "God"?
by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends
I would love to believe in God. Sadly, my experience with the JWs means I discount any possibility of his existence. The thought of having to go anywhere near a religious organisation ever again fills me with dread.
Once belief stops, logic can begin.
Believing in God...
I firt have to define God in the first place and I get stuck wraping my head around that concept, and then wondering if I can believe it, and then wondering what affect it should have on my life.
And I end up without an answer. I don't think you CAn answer it-'its all about faith. I just don't have the faith anymore for the Judeo-christian God/Jehovah. Kinda douche-baggy, but eh you never know my feelings on that might change.
I don't know.
Does god believe in me?
I'm open to there being an.... Instigator, someone who put it all in motion. On the other hand, I am also open to it all being caused by natural processes. I'm actually leaning to the latter.
If God does exist, he/she/it must be someone who:
- doesn't care at all,
- may have a plan in which we're supposed to live our life here (with all the pain associated) in order to learn from it,
- or has a plan (like JWs believe) where he/she/it is letting us rule ourselves to prove a point (with all the pain associated).
Either way, he/she/it would be an a-hole.
You could argue perhaps that God - having a plan - sees it all in a much 'bigger perspective' than we are capable of, and that he/she/it thinks: "Well - they're hurting a lot now, but it's only for a relatively short period of time, and afterwords they'll be rewarded and then all the pain will be forgotten".
Nice plan. However - this could be likened to a person knowing and seeing that a loved one is cutting him/herself, saying: "Well - it's very bad the way he/she is hurting now, both mentally and physically, but those cut wounds are going to heal anyway, and then afterwords everything will be fine."
Who in their right mind would do such a thing?
I believe in "Doubting Thomas" he was rewarded for his dis-belief and doubts. I'm in the doubting Thomas class waiting for my proof and reward for doubting. How 's that for an answer.? And it's all based on whether or not you believe what is written in the Bible as coming from God and so it's ok to doubt. Even to doubt that the Bible is not from God. What a dilemma!
Maybe God and Satan are metaphors?
I am a believer in the God as seen through the gospel and the NT as the creator and sustainer of all things and a God of love. Very different from the JW God.
So many ex-jw's take this line, it's tiresome. So tell me greendawn, just how is your god different from the JW God?
I believe in "Creator" (not 'the', not 'a') . I don't understand many things, of course. I am 'awestruck' by so many good things though. I believe in life, love, joy and peace that to me seem like miracles in this crazy world. Actually, I consider this xJW forum a miracle too. Some may consider it simplistic of me but actually it is not, I've have worked hard, re-evaluating to get to this place.