A bowl of fruity pebbles cereal, bottled water.
What's For Supper/Dinner?
by snowbird 65 Replies latest jw friends
Ok, someone please feed fading and sweetface, that's not food! A slim jim? Fruity Pebbles?
Sweetstuff, my sentiments exactly.
Ok, someone please feed fading and sweetface, that's not food! A slim jim? Fruity Pebbles?
Hey, I love slim jims and I eat about 2 boxes of mini wheats a week. I love the strawberry flavored. As for fading, I won't eat any cereal that turns my milk blue, but I hear they are yabba dabba delicious!
Snowbird - I may have to take up up on the offer sometime.
Sweetface, you'll have to come visit me now, I need to feed you girl!
I'm on my way!!!!
Slim Jims and & mini wheats? How does that stack up against the bowl and a sixpack I'll be having?
As for fading, I won't eat any cereal that turns my milk blue, but I hear they are yabba dabba delicious!
Ummm, which milk are you talking about? If your lactating, I would pay to see that.....
chicken quinoa soup and a raspberry yogurt smoothie
I'm on my way!!!!
You bring the booze, I'll cook! How about homemade lasanga?