Why I dont go along with the "happiness" crowd

by Junction-Guy 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angry_Kangaroo

    JG, I am sorry if my reply in the last thread rubbed you the wrong way. That was not my intent.

    Why do I believe that happiness is the best revenge? I was always told growing up that those who leave the org. end up on drugs, etc. I heard it at the meetings. I heard it at the assemblies. I heard it at home. How much study was devoted to how bible principles make life happy? (the WT version of bible principles)

    I see how irked my aunt is that I am happily remarried. She can't find a husband in the truth. I know it bothers her that she is single with no prospect of remarrying and I went out and got a "worldly" husband. And *gasp!* he is a great guy. Not the drug taking, wife beating, cheating man that "worldly" men are painted as. My family sees that since leaving the org. that I have finished school, conquered several phobias, and made friends(something hard for someone as shy as me). I believe it because it worked for me. Everyone is different though.

    What works for one doesn't always work for another.

  • Fleur

    JG, I wanted to add a link to a post I wrote back in 01, showing clearly how I struggled with the idea that I had a right to be happy and not spend all my life being an activist.


    if you're curious to read it. The replies may help you more than my original post ever could.

    I find it interesting that even though I consider myself to have 'moved on' and to be happy now- over all with life (though everyone has their rough times believe me, this year has been no picnic for me) that here I am, tonight, when I could be doing a dozen other things and I'm answering your post. So I guess in my own way, I do care, even if I no longer consider myself an activist.



  • John Doe
    John Doe

    JG, you have an unhealthy obsession that is negative regarding witnesses. You posted on another thread that you're not happy. Now, this thread reads as if you're afraid to be happy because it will make the witnesses look like they haven't harmed you.

    What do you want? Do you want to be miserable in order to get "revenge" on a system of beliefs that matters to virtually no one in the greater scheme of things? Or, do you want to try to get over your obsession and move your life in a positive direction and maybe, just maybe discover that illusive happiness you've been searching for--the happiness that doesn't recognize itself? We all have a right to be happy, and we all have a choice in our happiness. Live up to your life's expectations. Let the past go. I say this in all sincerity.

  • nvrgnbk

    We all lost and suffered due to our involvement with the JW cult.

    No point in comparing battle scars to see who lost more.

    A life dedicated to love and peace has to be better than a life dedicated to revenge and conflict.

    That's just my opinion though.

    I'm sorry you're not into happiness.

    I wish you the best, j-g.

  • Honesty

    The JW cult breeds cold hearts of stone.

    They need to be exposed for exactly what they are and what they do to people who they influence with their toxic doctrines.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    This is where I've got to disagree. Each of us is responsible for our own religious beliefs, and no one else's. To devote one's life to "exposing the fraudulent" Watchtower is a complete waste of a life. Information is freely available for anyone to make an informed choice, and continuing to focus on the negative only hurts one person--you know who that is.

    Now, it is one thing to discuss doctrines and policies in an unattached and intellectual way, but it is quite another to get emotionally involved in a pointless dispute over religion. We all used to be JW's on the outside, but some here are still JW's on the inside, merely changing whom they're "exposing."

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Exposing the toxic nature of the JW cult is a good thing.

    It doesn't need to be life consuming.

    Everything counts. Every little bit helps.

  • changeling

    OK, so let me get this straight... If I had a shitty childhood as a witness (and trust me, I did), I should then spend the rest of my free life going around feeling sad in order to rub my sadness in my parent's face.. This will somehow "prove" to them that they hurt me.

    I'm sorry, I choose not to that. I choose to be happy and welcome each and every day with open arms.

    You and you alone have the power to make yourself happy or miserable. This is a fact. You can allow external factors to color your mood or not. Our feelings come from our thoughts. Happy thoughts=happy feelings. It really is that simple.

    You have no control over what other people do, you do have control over how you feel.

    You might want to check out this book: Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns.

    You CAN be happy. Make the choice.


  • sweetface2233

    JD and changeling, I have been in a few threads w/ both of you where J-Guy is complaining about his unhappiness and continually talks about "bringing down the Watchtower." We all give him the same advice, but he doesn't want to hear it. I'm done talking to a brick wall. But I will say this, J-Guy, one of these days you WILL get over it and you'll be happy. It's up to you when that day is.

  • Sawyer

    "The old saying "happiness is the best revenge", to me that is the most rubbing statement I can ever hear right now."

    "That is why Im an activist, because I want the world to know exactly the problems this cult causes in the developing mind of a JW child."

    "If all we do is show how much happiness we now have, then they will never know the pain we have suffered"


    JG - I posted on your other thread about 'happiness'.

    I honestly don't think you understand what happiness is? Being happy isn't all sweetness and light and living in Candyland. What is happiness to you?

    You can be happy, have the best revenge, and also be an activist! It's up to you. Why can't you see that?

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