Why I dont go along with the "happiness" crowd

by Junction-Guy 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    BTW, I'm usually happy I had a child, but delivering her was not a happy experience. Meeting her was the joy of my life. Then, eventually, she became a teenager.

    Happiness comes and goes.

  • fifi40

    I dont understand why you cant have some of both.............

    Some times of happiness and some time you use to expose the JW org for what it is and the effect it has on people and kids.....

    If you dont ever feel happy and you think this is largely connected to your upbringing surely it would help to get some form of counselling to help you deal with this......

    Many of us have suffered at the hands of our parents, the false teachings of that religion and horrible experiences we have had to deal with throughout our lives........it is up to us how we respond to this as individuals.....

    If you dwell on something it becomes bigger, it becomes the main focus of our life.....it becomes us and how you feel....what I mean by this JG is that for example.......you have suffered as a youngster because of the JWs......if you think oh my life has been crap and it is all because of the JWs and I am going to make sure everyone knows how crap being raised as a JW makes you feel and how damaging it is to you.....then you are always going to feel crap.......if however you can alter your view just slightly and think.....this is what happened to me as a kid in part due to the JW teachings.....I am now an adult and I think for myself........I am going to show people that you can have a successful and sometimes happy life away from that religion and I am also going to use my experiences to help those who may be going through similar experiences to mine or to prevent people from getting involved with this religion in the first place.......it is more beneficial and healthier to both yourself and those you are involved with.....

    This may sound harsh but ultimately people get fed up with victims.......we need to face our own demons and take action.......and I dont mean popping pills or drinking ourselves silly........there is so much help available.......and all it can take is sometimes a tiny shift in perspective.

    When your brain has been trained to think one way over many years it can be very hard to get it to think another way.......but there are people that can help you do that......it is up to you.....

  • Junction-Guy

    One poster on this board stood me up twice.

    One practically shunned me.

    If you want someone to be happier about their lives and to try to move on from the JW experience, then try to treat others as you would like to be treated, instead of offering hollow advice.

  • lisavegas420

    Just because people can't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

    I'm sorry. I know you're talking about me.


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Perhaps the ones who dissed you are more unhappy than you are, J-G? Sorry you've had that happen. I don't think everyone here would do that to you, though.

  • fifi40


    I am going to call you out on this........I once responded to a thread of yours with a very honest and heartfelt reply.....and you response was nothing....zilch....nada


    afterward I felt a bit like........okay did I come over a bit strong, a bit poor old me.......but I got over it........I was trying to say in that post yeah ok my experience is nopt exactly the same as yours but it hurt and so I can empathise with you.......and your response was nothing.

    It seems like you are wandering the board looking to pick at fight at the moment........why?????

    We have had all had crap thrown at us........you just posted about the American Bar wish on John Does thread.....what gives?

    I could say try having your 2 day old son die in your arms that might give you some empathy........try having your JW father pin you up against the door and say he is going to shoot the both of you.......that might give you some empathy

    If we have been hurt it probably wont be the first time or the last.......you make your decisions based on your life experience.......dont bother with people who are crap towards you.........but there are millions more folk out there.

    Try and take a chill pill bro and think about the friendly and good advice that is being given you by so many people who do care......

  • Junction-Guy

    Yes Lisa, twice when I visited Ohio, you said you wanted to meet up and chat, and two times you said you would call me back and you never did. It was at one of the worst possible times of the year for me, it really hurt me.

  • Junction-Guy

    Fifi40, Im having trouble accsessing that thread, so with that in mind there is no way I can really respond. About the only explanation I can offer is that I dont always remember when and where I posted, and I sometimes forget to do a follow up. I wasnt ignoring you, at least I dont remember ignoring you. But since I cant access that link, I really dont know what to say.

  • mouthy

    I really don't think our JW parents care much about the pain they've caused.

    Please dont say that. I suffer daily for making MY kids JWS...Melanie lived for 42 years & MOST of that was MY teaching that she had to do this & that as a JW...died 1999
    Alan died at 46 with me always telling him he was NOT a good boy because he didnt come into the truth"????( lie)
    Gus Gus (posted on here> my daughter) was brought up by me as a JW...Ask HER what I did to her!!!!
    Annmarie ( still a JW ,shunning me for years) is having a terrible time I hear with her unbeliving husband with cancer.
    Heather ,my grand-daughter (still a JW) who wrote she wants NOTHING to do with me as she hates the way I live my life......
    YOU THINK I DONT FEEL BAD????????????I ACHE!!!!!!!!!

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Mouthy, was that my quote? or someone elses?

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