Are you careful about what you say? Do you make sure that you won't offend anyone? Do you care???
Do You Try To Be A Politically Correct Person? Why or Why Not???
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I'm into politics in my home town and taking crap from the locals comes with the territory. My political buddies and I are straight arrows when it comes to confronting local issues. Why beat around the bush?
Golf -
I am pretty open about my opinions. I can't say that I hold back but I don't purposely hurt anyone either.
I stand up for what I believe but I don't feel like I have to make an issue out of everything that I disagree with.
I fight for the underdog.
I am opinionated but cordial and respectful.
What was the question again?
Burger Time
I honestly don't care too much...after all it is just a online message board...
I try to be careful because it seems that anyone or any group can tend to be sensitive. What a find interesting is that certain nationalities can refer to themselves in derogatory terms but if you said it, it would be a major blowup!
I try to be as careful as I can, about saying things, as I do not like to intentionally hurt anyone.
However, it always seems that I open my mouth long enough to switch feet.
This day and age, it seems that everyone tends to be a little over-sensitive.....things that once were considered ok to say, are suddenly offensive, and "politically incorrect". I think we've become overly critical in some areas, and not enough in others.
Kinda like swallowing down the camel to spit out the gnat?!
I've come to realise, that it doesn't matter how hard one tries, you're going to pi$$ off somebody. I just do my best.
What I say and do reflect what is in my heart. Usually, I'm politically correct, but that's usually a coincidence, not a deliberate thing.
I realized very early in my life that what later came to be called "politically correct" dialogue was not my strong suit. I think I was four when I was very quietly standing in a checkout line with my mother and loudly proclaimed, "Mama, you have hair on your toes!"
Nowadays a hairy person is referred to in much kinder terms. In time, I came to realize that Hirsutially Challenged persons like my mother deserve to be left alone about their uniqueness. I just can't seem to leave such things alone.
I am not a politically correct person because I suck at it.
90% of the threads here JWD I cannot post on because someone would be offended. Political correctness is just a nice way of saying that you are bulls$%#ting people.
As we all know from the Witness experience, changing language can change our thinking. As I've policed my language and removed gender biases, for instance, I have found myself less surprised at seeing a female bank manager. I hadn't even been aware of my prejudice until after I changed my language. I know I've changed when I watch an old television show like Leave it to Lucy, Maud, or Batman and Robin and find myself cringing at the stereotyping. I remember, with particular horror, how Gotham city was brought to it's knees by a diabolical plan that replaced all the male role models with women! If anyone knows which episode that was, I'd be most grateful.
Similarly, is it more important that the old lady was mugged by a thug, or which ethnic group the thug happened to belong to? Call a thug a thug and leave the rest alone. That way, an entire group is not painted with the same brush.