Hi all,
Anyone done some research to refute the handful of anti-gay verses in the Bible? I've done a bit of research on the net. I don't have the links handy, but most of them centered around the assertion that the original words in those passages were mis-translated. And they should have meant things that had to do with idolatry, temple prostitution, etc.
It'd help me out a bunch. I'm overall well-adjusted with being out of the org, but a few times a year I can't sleep at night, and feel really scared. Not so much from the Org, but from reading Bible passages, and being disturbed at thinking God won't give me eternal life b/c of it. I even broke up with my b/f of 2 years over it. That did not make him very happy. We got back together btw, but it's a stressor in our relationship.
Oh yea, what's a dub? J-dub? What's that mean?
Refute anti-gay Bible verses
by cloudblue 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cloudblue, good to see you.
J-Dubs are Jehovah;s Witnesses and borg refer to The Brooklyn Organization. At least that's my take on it.
Those passages in scripture you mention gets to the core of my persoanl conflict with Jesus Christ. He said, "Come as you are" but If the Bible is supposedly inspired word, what about all the other things that are written? I think the whole book is mis-translated.
If I live my life with love as my guiding principle I can't go wrong.
Hi cloudblue -
Welcome to JWD.
I remember a thread from a couple years ago that may help you with your biblical concerns. I didn't read the entire thing but there are secular references and probably other supportive comments that you will find beneficial:
Again - welcome.
Let me ask you some questions.
Out of all the multitude of so-called "holy books" that have ever been written, what makes you think the Bible is any better than the rest of them? What in the Bible makes it so much more a reliable guide for human behaviour than, say, the Qu'ran, or the Tanakh, or the Vedas?
Do you think that a loving god would have "created" you to be gay, if it was in such a huge conflict with god's purposes? If you believe that this is an essential part of who you are as a person, why would a loving god punish you for being exactly what you were meant to be?
Do you think you had a choice in being gay? Did you have a choice in the colour of your eyes or the colour of your skin?
Does it really matter what some book, written thousands of years ago, based on cultural norms of the time when they were written, has to say about who you are in the 21st century? If you had a recipe book from 2000 years ago, that required you to bake bread by grinding your own wheat and cooking the dough over an open fire, would you try to adapt the recipe to products and technology that we have today, or would you grow your own wheat, grind it into flour and bake it over an open fire in your back yard?
I don't have the links handy, but most of them centered around the assertion that the original words in those passages were mis-translated. And they should have meant things that had to do with idolatry, temple prostitution, etc
I have seen stuff like that too but it left me mostly unconvinced.
The true problem is not translation imho. It's whether (and why) you should think that an old book (or anybody dead or alive for that matter) knows better than you about what you should feel and how you should live.
As long as you allow "the Bible" to have any authority on you, your options are restricted to (1) playing false to yourself and running from your own shadow, (2) outright disobedience, or (3) bending your interpretation of the Bible until it feels good. Not sure any of them makes you sleep better.
If there is a God he made you what you are.
(Edit: saw Scully's post too late.)
How to refute them, you ask?
Bring up the fact that the Bible says humans popped onto the scene 6 thousand years ago, that women were an afterthought only created because the first man got bored so god ripped out one of the first man's ribs and made him a mate only a talking snake duped her and doomed mankind to suffering, that a massive flood wiped out all living creatures and plant life except for 8 people on a boat with two of every species (except for when there were seven of every species) and pushed up all the tall mountains and deepened the oceans just over 4 thousand years ago, that god showed his mighty power by making his chosen representatives aimlessly wander around the middle eastern desert for 40 years until they could commit genocide in his name and steal those sucka's houses and vineyards.
Bring up the fact that god in all his mightiness wanted to be worshiped by killing animals, splattering their blood in ritualistic patterns and burning their remains on an elaborate altar. Bring up the fact that god in all his loving mightiness could not extend forgiveness to the human race until he had his son slaughtered.
If you want to read the bible literally, you deserve whatever you get. (edit) Sorry, I missed the post about no bible-bashing. -