Refute anti-gay Bible verses

by cloudblue 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Scully
    Please less thread hi-jacking. Just was looking for refutation links. Not Bible bashing.

    You're the one who's holding up the Bible as the ultimate authority, and looking for ways to get around the moral stipulations it imposes in your life. If you're gay and you aren't willing to de-gay yourself, then that means dealing with the judgements and pronouncements that the Bible says you deserve for being gay.

    Have you ever considered the possibility that your roadmap isn't going to get you where you think you want to go?

  • Narkissos

    Bible-bashing, wrong, Bible-twisting, right?

    OK, you'll find my comments on the thread Aude linkedto.

  • Scully

    Oh yeah, and what marmot said:

    If you want to read the bible literally, you deserve whatever you get.

    What do you get out of believing the Bible is requiring you to de-gay yourself or be destroyed?

  • BFD

    So, cloudblue, help me here. What do you think? The only way to refute the bible is by dicrediting it all together? I'm lost.


    edit to correct name: thanks, gopher

  • Scully
    The only way to refute the bible is by dicrediting it all together?

    No, BFD, you've got it all wrong. cloudblue wants to refute the Bible by NOT discrediting it at all.

    Someone has their work cut out for them, I guess.

  • Gopher

    Careful BFD -- codeblue and cloudblue are different posters !!

  • Gopher
    (I) feel really scared. Not so much from the Org, but from reading Bible passages, and being disturbed at thinking God won't give me eternal life

    Cloudblue, this is what brought up the idea of questioning your basic premise. Your thread asks us to "refute" the verses, and such refutation may logically include questioning the very writings themselves. If the Bible really is a series of men-made rules, and no different from other "holy" books, then the guilt trip it provides is really needless. That's the possibility being raised by a few previous posters on this thread.

    If you want us to prove that the Bible doesn't discrimnate against gays, that's a tougher row to hoe. The thread linked to earlier does attempt to do that.

  • blueviceroy

    Don't let a mere book tell you about God . Religions are an invention man made up about 2000-2500 years ago on a large scale to bring some solace to his ignorance.

    God is inside you and me right now , no need to look anywhere else. Look inside and ask God what God says about being gay and I'm sure he'll tell you the truth.

    If you look to a BOOK you are asking the opinion of MAN, not God.

    The ultimate truth can not be expressed in a book it can only be experienced by the individual, the best a book can do is point in the direction of the truth , it is completely dependant upon the individual to discover that truth , and it is indeed discoverable if one is dilligent.

    The message of truth in the Bible is obscured and nearly impossible to discern , poloticians , theocrats and kings all had thier way with the Bible and simply picked what they wished to put in it

  • darkuncle29

    Remember the old WT metaphor about food for infants and food food for mature people? Not to pick on cloudblue, but I don't think he's ready for what alot of you are saying, your words are more suited for someone who has traveled further away from the JW/WBTS/Bible world view. Our words are reflective of where we are on our path away from such a limiting belief.

    I agree with the bulk of the comments, but if I were talking to a fresh JW looking for help or comfort, I'd take it slow, as crunching through the cognitive dissonance barrier can be traumatic, and its different for each of us.

  • BFD

    I asked cloudblue in a pm if he minded if I provide a link to his first post. He OK'd it.

    In the 7 months that I have been posting on this forum his post touched me deepest and resonated my feelings particularly well. I appreciate all the support that I've had by you wonderful folks but you know how it is. Better than anyone. You have to live it to understand it.

    Thanks, cloudblue.

    Why is it so difficult for me to release the chains that bond?


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