Pro-life arguments

by Skimmer 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    God hates abortions but baby killing is just fine!

    Psalm 137:9

    How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

    New American Standard Bible(©1995)

    Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

    King James Bible

    2 Kings 8:12 Hazael said, "Why does my lord weep?" Then he answered, "Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel: their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword, and their little ones you will dash in pieces, and their women with child you will rip up."

    Isaiah 13:16 Their little ones also will be dashed to pieces Before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered And their wives ravished.

    Hosea 13:16 Samaria will be held guilty, For she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword, Their little ones will be dashed in pieces, And their pregnant women will be ripped open. (oh wait wasn't god against abortion this scripture sound like god is for it)

    Nahum 3:10 Yet she became an exile, She went into captivity; Also her small children were dashed to pieces At the head of every street; They cast lots for her honorable men, And all her great men were bound with fetters.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Typical anti-God blather.

    Look at the context and you will see that these things were allowed, not promoted, by God. Just as all sorts of wickedness are permitted since Adam and Eve's fall, those who do such things will, in the end, face judgement for their actions.

    BA- Educating those who jump to incorrect conclusions..

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel


    Convicted murderers in a court of law facing a possible death penalty have MANY more rights than,unborn babies in their mothers' wombs.

    Because even after you 'load the language' convicted murders are human beings with personalities, and 'unborn babies' (are eggs 'unborn chickens'?) of an age where abortion would be given for social reasons in a well-regulated healthcare system are not human beings with personalities.

    If someone doesn't have a personality, then they are not someone.

    Lots of people have no personalities (you didn't define that), should they receive post-natal abortions?

    Moral equivalency is neither moral or equivalent, i.e., convicted murderers being compared to unborn children.

    Actually, you can't compare them, for the reasons given above. And yes I am being semantically awkward. It's a gift

    Glad you pointed out that "It's a gift" I wouldn't have recognized it otherwise. BTW, "moral equivalency" is a term used to indicate that there is no right or wrong. They have become interchangable. Convicted killers are deserving of death, unborn babies deserve a chance to live. Right and wrong is clear and it is not interchangable. Gifted semantics is not needed.

  • sammielee24
    BA- Morally educating those who want to make their own morality

    Morality is defined as a) the quality of being in accord with good or right conduct b) a system of ideas of right and wrong conduct - religious morality, Christian morality.

    A moral person need not be defined by another person's religious sense of morality, thus no education would be necessary should that person have no desire for religious morality. A person who believes that they act in accord with the standards of good conduct within society and their life, is no less moral than a person who lives their life within the boundaries set by religious or Christian morality.


  • 5go


    Typical anti-God blather.

    Look at the context and you will see that these things were allowed, not promoted, by God. Just as all sorts of wickedness are permitted since Adam and Eve's fall, those who do such things will, in the end, face judgement for their actions.

    BA- Educating those who jump to incorrect conclusions..

    Nice try but those people that have read them in context know the truth. Very damning view of god the Bible has. Besides your overlooking the account of Sodom where god personaly killed everyone with fire; because of a higher than normal crime rate in the area, children and the unborn included. You do read your bible don't you, BA?

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    sammieswife, 5go,

    God is the final arbiter of what is right and wrong. As such, He has the right to execute His righteous judgments on all who choose to disobey His moral guidance. We will all be judged by Him in the end.

    BA- Chooses God's morals over arbitrary manmade "morals".

  • Mary
    I've been thinking about why ancient cultures such as the Hebrews did not include condemnations of abortion in their sacred laws.
    Abaddon said: Thank goodness you're not claiming it is prohibited in the Bible! I'm amazed some people have the gall to make such an unsupported claim.

    Isn't there a scripture that they use that says that if two men and fighting and a pregnant woman gets hurt accidentally and loses the baby, that they're to give "life for life"? BTW, I'm Pro-Choice and if a woman wants an abortion, that's no one else's business........but my understanding is that the above mentioned scripture is what the fundies use to support their stance on "no abortion".

  • 5go
    BA- Chooses God's morals over arbitrary manmade "morals".

    Well, that is the case god destroy babies of those he judges wicked, acording to the bible. Abortion is a moral wrong, also she may have concieved it in sin. So that makes the mother wicked in god's eyes. So god maybe destroying the wicked mother's child before it has a chance to grow, and spread more wickedness.

    You are interfering with god's plan BA?

  • 5go
    I've been thinking about why ancient cultures such as the Hebrews did not include condemnations of abortion in their sacred laws.
    Abaddon said: Thank goodness you're not claiming it is prohibited in the Bible! I'm amazed some people have the gall to make such an unsupported claim.
    Isn't there a scripture that they use that says that if two men and fighting and a pregnant woman gets hurt accidentally and loses the baby, that they're to give "life for life"? BTW, I'm Pro-Choice and if a woman wants an abortion, that's no one else's business........but my understanding is that the above mentioned scripture is what the fundies use to support their stance on "no abortion".

    No, actual it doesn't this is a property rights case in context a new born son would be an heir to the man (notice the mother must be married for this law to apply) and a daughter would be hard to sell off if damaged. So the penalty was harsh for that reason. Also the law is not applied back to the father who had the right to put any child to death as he saw fit.

  • SixofNine

    "Isn't there a scripture that they use that says that if two men and fighting and a pregnant woman gets hurt accidentally and loses the baby, that they're to give "life for life"? BTW, I'm Pro-Choice and if a woman wants an abortion, that's no one else's business........but my understanding is that the above mentioned scripture is what the fundies use to support their stance on "no abortion"."

    If I recall correctly the scripture shows that god (small "g", as "god" is actually a bible writer in this case) considers the baby as property, not human life:

    Exodus 21:22 If men strive [fight] an hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit [fetus] depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

    Also there is this:

    Genesis 38:24 Tamar's pregnancy was discovered three months after conception, presumably because it was visible at that time. This was positive proof that she had been sexually active. Because she was a widow, without a husband, she was assumed to be a prostitute. Her father-in-law Judah ordered that she be burned alive for her crime. If Tamar's twin fetuses had been considered to have any value whatsoever, her execution would have been delayed until after their birth. There was no condemnation on Judah for deciding to take this action.

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