Pro-life arguments

by Skimmer 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    Convicted murderers in a court of law facing a possible death penalty have MANY more rights than,unborn babies in their mothers' wombs.

    Because even after you 'load the language' convicted murders are human beings with personalities, and 'unborn babies' (are eggs 'unborn chickens'?) of an age where abortion would be given for social reasons in a well-regulated healthcare system are not human beings with personalities.

    If someone doesn't have a personality, then they are not someone.

    Moral equivalency is neither moral or equivalent, i.e., convicted murderers being compared to unborn children.

    Actually, you can't compare them, for the reasons given above. And yes I am being semantically awkward. It's a gift

    And don't try to distort what I say by using 'loaded language' - I'm sure you don't do it deliberately. You feel strongly and see a fetus and think of something with a personality or a brain that could even begin to sustain one of any comparison to an adult, even if this belief means cats should have human rights.

    I make it very clear I think abortion at an early stage is not a moral issue. I state why. You have no answer to the grounds I state why (you don't have to, that was my initial point, my argument is irrelevant to you so why should you bother responding to it?).

    I am saying (to put it clearly) that comparing humans with low active neurological complexity (early term fetuses and before, brain dead, et. al.) - I use the phrase as I believe it is self explanatory and highlights what I think is important - to humans with high active neurological complexity (even if they are low functioning or criminal) is not right. To make a fuss about the death of something with as much brain tissue as a rabbit and apparently calmly accept that INEVITABLY the death penalty kills innocent people is to me nonsensical. The potential to kill innocent people is one of the reasons why most civilised countries have abandoned it, apart from the big killers, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China and the USA - I guess 'axis of execution' is a good term for that group, although seeing two 'mad' Muslim states and the last resting place of the 'red menace' grouped like that with the USA MUST give you some pause for thought.

    You bandy around 'unborn children' like it is anything more than emotive loaded language as there is no 'child' there in any meaningful sense of the word in the examples I have given, and have nothing to say about the 'innocent but executed'. See how easy and pointless it is to get away from facts? I won't if you don't.

    And if your beliefs are not FACTUAL, then fine, have them, but don't pretend it would then be reasonable to force another to share them.

    I know you can gave me reasons why you think abortion is wrong all day long. What I want is for you or another anti-choicer to give me reasons why I would think an early-term abortion would be wrong, or why I would think it was fair and reasonable for you to prevent another from seeking the same. You don't approve, like nor will ever have an abortion. I'm never going to force you.

    What makes your opinion better than mine (or more accurately of woman seeking an early-term abortion)?


    It would be nice if you debated more and cut and paste less. I appreciate you have strong opinions about this but would rather I heard them from your own fingers instead of having you wave your mouse around and try and 'win' (an unwinnable debate, LOL) by sheer weight of verbiage. By all means cite fact, but use largely your own words or be ignored - something which you pretty obviously don't want to be on this issue.

    Your mention of how black people (and other racial groups) were considered of less worth than European or 'whites'; and what has that to do with anything? Black people had personalities then as they do now, just like the Europeans who held themslves superior, so such an attitude was unsupportable. Early term fetuses will NEVER have personalities like even a new born can be said to have a personality; even in a million years time they won't have the brains for it (although cats might evolve by then, it's quite unlikely fetus brains will be bigger or more complex than now, there's no selection pressure for this).

    Why not a straight answer to a straight question? Do you feel the Bible prohibits abortion? If so, why? Chapter and verse please. That one is obviouly open to all and sundry; and if any one sees sundry, tell him he owes me a fiver

    And yes everyone, maybe humour is inapproriate in an abortion rights debate, but it's sorely needed. I mean, it's not like we were talking about people*, is it?

    *people; entities with active neurological complexity and personalities

    Which of course goes back to my point.

    Anti-choicers believe early term fetuses are 'people'. Some even believe embryos, gamates or blastocysts are 'people', some want spermatozoa to have rights too (the Roman Catholic Church, or 'Free the Sperm Society').

    And not one can show (demonstrate, prove) that spermatozoa, gamates, blastocysts, embryos or fetuses are 'people'. All they can do is say that they are 'people'.

    Because it is a belief, and yet they want to impose this belief on what are definately people; women.

    It would be nice if an anti-choicer actually made an attempt to get at the core of the argument for this pro-choicer.

    Of course, you don't have to, my argument is of no relevence to you. And yours thus far is of no relevence to me. Which in a secular stte is entirely the point.

    Only you can change that!

  • Skimmer

    Very briefly:

    If you are so damned sure that a human fetus "with low active neurological complexity" is unworthy of life due to being a temporary inconvenience to another, then please tell me the point in time when a human fetus becomes a human person that is worthy of life.

    Three months after conception?


    Six months after conception?


    At birth?


    Three months after birth?


    At puberty?

    Oh, and please justify your answer.

  • veradico

    I've been thinking about why ancient cultures such as the Hebrews did not include condemnations of abortion in their sacred laws. I think it's because they were far less sentimental. They were (and, in some parts of the world, still are) willing to expose sickly or unwanted infants, kill the disabled, or send the elderly off on icebergs. I don't agree with any of these notions (but I do think people have a right to suicide, and I could support euthanasia of infants and humans whose quality of life is terrible but who cannot express their desire for suicide).

    However, as I think Skimmer pointed out, a fetus is an independent organism made up of human genetic material. Skimmer wants to privilege human life in a way that I don't. That is, if a reduction in our species' rate of reproduction were to mean that a few less animals and plants would be wiped out of existence each day (and I'm talking about whole species, not mere instantiations thereof), I'm all for it. The good of the other animals and plants on this planet is ultimately in our best interest. Furthermore, since it is an independent organism, a woman has every right to view the creature inside her as a parasite. If she wants to be its host and allow it to come to term, then it will exist apart from her body, and society as a whole has a responsibility to care for it. But if not, I don't think I have the right to force her to be its host. While it participates in and feeds off of her life, only she can grant it a "right" life. If she were to have given it a right to live and someone else were to kill it, they would be guilty of murder, not because it is a human yet, but because she had granted it the right to a human life.

  • Abaddon


    Thanks for a more decent reply, although you just ask questions as distinct from making any attempt to tell me why your belief should be imposed on me or others against their will it is better than the tide of c&p you doing. You could actually try responding to the points I made you know, but then I do realise my arguments are as irrelvent to you as yours are to me.

    If you are so damned sure that a human fetus "with low active neurological complexity" is unworthy of life due to being a temporary inconvenience to another, then please tell me the point in time when a human fetus becomes a human person that is worthy of life.

    Read my posts, the answers are there. I refer to 'early term' pregnancy and I think also 'first trimester'. I also use the phrase 'well regulated medical system' or something like that. Identification of an unwanted pregnancy in a 'well regulated medical system' normally takes place so a termination can take place within the first trimester; in the UK for example 87% of abortions were carried out before 13 weeks (when the fetus weigh under one ounce), including 55% under 10 weeks (when the fetus weight 1/6th of an ounce), with only 2% taking place over 20 weeks and 1% over 22 weeks (, If we assume a higher % of brain to body mass (than at birth) of 20% then we have a brain weight of 5 grams at 13 weeks which is less than a opossum but more than a guinea pig ( At ten weeks the brain weight is about that of a sparrow, if not less. I personally feel that one can abort a fetus at 13 weeks without any real qualms as I feel there is no evidence such an early term fetus is in any meaningful way equivalent to an adult human or new born with a normally functioning brain. In a decent medical system abortion for social reasons after 16 weeks shouldn't be necessary. But I would choose my fiance over a 36 week fetus in the blink of an eye if I had to; I'd save her first if she were incapacitated in a house fire, why should it be different in hospital?

    Now, if you want to BELIEVE that something that in total weighs less than an ounce and has considerably less brain tissue than a rabbit (13g) or a cat (30g) is the same as an adult or a new born, fine. But you still fail to PROVE to me that an early-term fetus should be treated the same as an adult or a new born. By claiming a 'person' can be crammed into such a small brain you are making what is essentially a superstitious paranormal claim. Even if it isn't religiously predicated it performs as well as most religious beliefs as far as its provability goes. It ranks up there with throwing salt over your shoulder if you spill salt, believing breaking mirrors brings seven year bad luck, or that the bread and wine turn into bits of Jesus in the Eucharist. I am still waiting for you or someone else who is claiming the Bible prohibits abortion to back-up this false claim.

  • Abaddon


    I've been thinking about why ancient cultures such as the Hebrews did not include condemnations of abortion in their sacred laws.

    Thank goodness you're not claiming it is prohibited in the Bible! I'm amazed some people have the gall to make such an unsupported claim.

    I think it's because they were far less sentimental.

    Yes, that's why I make the point about 'if fetuses looked like lizards this wouldn't be an issue'. Being against the abortion of early-term fetuses is either a religious or sentimentally motivated belief. As such it's fine for people to apply to themselves but not to others.

    They were (and, in some parts of the world, still are) willing to expose sickly or unwanted infants, kill the disabled, or send the elderly off on icebergs. I don't agree with any of these notions (but I do think people have a right to suicide, and I could support euthanasia of infants and humans whose quality of life is terrible but who cannot express their desire for suicide).

    All those are different to aborting an early term fetus for the reasons I have outlined. But I do agree euthanasia is a decent reaction to someone in terrible intractable suffering with no hope of recovery and no ability to communicate.

    However, as I think Skimmer pointed out, a fetus is an independent organism made up of human genetic material. Skimmer wants to privilege human life in a way that I don't.

    I'd more describe it as wanting to DEFINE human life in a different way to the way it is relevant to everyday life. In this discussion being a 'person' and being 'human' can be seen as equivalents from some points of view. One can take an absolutist approach and say anything with human DNA is human, but then that means you can watch the woman you love die of an ectopic pregnancy that is doomed to die itself. That absolutist approach ignores the fact that the brain dead and early-term fetuses are not people in any meaningful sense of the word. And just as someone can be described as 'inhuman' because of what they do, an early term fetus is not yet human because of 'what they do not do' ; they do not yet have the qualities that actually make us human in a relevant sense; sentience, personality, etc.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Abortion is murder, the taking of a human life. Worse yet, it is the taking of an innocent human life. It is a perversion of morailty and judgement to claim otherwise.

    The solution to the problem that makes the most sense morally is, that those who choose to have sex without birth control measures, and become pregnant as a result, have no choice but to carry the child to full term. At that point, they (the mother and the father) may choose to give the child up for adoption. Both the mother's and the fathers would then face the following: either or both parties that decide to give the child up for adoption and not choose to raise the child, that party or parties would be sterilized (against their will if necessary) so that they won't be able to do so again.

    Forced sterilization may sound harsh, but it beats the heck out of murder (abortion). If the procedure reversed itself or was medically reversed by either party, repeat the above.

    This solution solves (greatly reduces) the issue of unwanted pregnancies in a morally just manner:

    Those who choose to take risks regarding pregnancy by not using birth control would be sterilized. They could then continue on their course without burdening their fellowman due to their irresponsibility.

    Murder (abortion) should never be an option.

    BA- Not perverted by child murdering radical feminist ideology.

  • Abaddon


    Abortion is murder, the taking of a human life. Worse yet, it is the taking of an innocent human life. It is a perversion of morailty and judgement to claim otherwise.

    Simply restating an opinion that other people have pointed out (with reasoning) is not one they agree with is something you can do all you like but it means nothing more than it already did (or did not) mean.

    It is still just your personal belief, not a fact. And it's one whose true meaning (if any) in lost in semantic obfuscation due to how you state it.

    Quite why I should adopt your personal belief, especially when couched in vauge terms and when indistinguishable from an unprovable religious belief, I don't know. You certainly don't answer the question of why my actions or those of others should be influenced by such beliefs or show me that the facts I base my opinion on are false.

    Please answer the following questions; you don't have to, but further response to you is of little worth unless you do. Without these answers you give me little or no reason to take your beliefs as any more important than those of people who believe (to quote Monty Python) "every sperm is sacred". I have numbered them for ease of reference and to make keeping track of those that do or do not get answered easier.

    1/ What do you mean by life exactly?

    2/ Do you distinguish between 'a human life' and 'part of a human organism'? Yes or no.

    2a/ If 'yes', then 'a human life' normally comes with a personality. Do you support the same rights for humans with personalities as for those without personalities? Yes or no?

    2b/ If 'yes', why? Is protecting collections of human DNA devoid of intellegence or personality somehow holy or important?

    3/ As previously mentioned, some anti-choicers see spermatozoa and ovum as a human life, and would hold you in the same moral odium as you hold someone using abortion to terminate a pregnancy. Why are they wrong and you right?

    4/ Where do you personally draw the line of something being a human life? Gamate? Zygote? Blastocyst? Embryo? 1st trimester Fetus? 2nd trimester Fetus? 3rd trimester Fetus? Convicted child murderer? Explain your choice.

    5/ If taking innocent human life is wrong, then the death penalty as utilised by Saudi Arabia, Iran, China aund the USA is also wrong, as undoutedly innocent people get killed by judicial execution in these countries. How do you manage to support one form of innocent murder and condemn another? Is it okay to murder an innocent human (if one see defines both an embryo and an adult as human) if twelve people and/or a judicial system (or an iman) make a mistake but not okay if a condom breaks? Obviously you might not be able to explain this apparent contradiction in your stance (at least to your satisfaction), or this might not bother you, but if you cannot supply me with an opinion that doesn't contradict itself why should I consider that opinion worthy of support?

    6/ As it seems you support the rights of organisms with less brain tissue and less advanced neurologial development than a rabbit, do you also object to animal experimentation and follow a vegan or fruitarian diet? If not why not? As with my question over the death penalty, to be against killing a fetus with less than a gram of nerve tissue and for the killing of others organisms which are far more sensate and neurologically developed seems contradictory to me, and I need to understand why I should pay attention to your beliefs if they are contradictory or illogical.

    I think it is possible you are merely a sentimental speciesist, which you have every right to be. But you do not have a right in a secular society to impose beliefs of no greater validity than a typical religiously predicated belief (even if you are an atheist) on others.

    It is up to you to show your repetative insistence (that abortion of a human zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus, (you draw the line) is equivalent to murder of a human being with intelligence and a personality) is anything more than a supersticious pseudo religious belief.

    You don't have to but why you think someone should change their mind if you don't or are not capable of doing that is another thing all together

  • 5go

    * The population explosion is a myth. Last year the world's population grew less than 1.8%.


    19272 billion

    19502.55 billion

    19552.8 billion

    19603 billion

    19653.3 billion

    19703.7 billion

    19754 billion

    19804.5 billion

    19854.85 billion

    19905.3 billion

    19955.7 billion

    19996 billion

    20006.1 billion

    20056.45 billion

    20066.5 billion

    20106.8 billion

    20207.6 billion

    20308.2 billion

    20408.8 billion

    20509.2 billion

    Yep you are right no population explosion!

  • eclipse
    ''I personally feel that one can abort a fetus at 13 weeks without any real qualms as I feel there is no evidence such an early term fetus is in any meaningful way equivalent to an adult human or new born with a normally functioning brain. In a decent medical system abortion for social reasons after 16 weeks shouldn't be necessary.''

    I agree 100%.

    If they perform abortions on fetuses later than 10 weeks, they should at least anesthetize them so that they dont feel any pain.

    We do put our animals down humanely, so if someone feels the need to abort that late in gestation, doctors should do so humanely as well.

    If I was raped, and conceived, I would have an early abortion (2 weeks actual gestation). The procedure is called manual vacuum aspiration.
    - There is no physical trauma to the uterus as it only uses suction to remove the tissue and blastocyst/zygote/embryo.

    Not all abortions cause scarring to the uterus. That one is the least invasive and the most gentle, and the developing embryo does not feel anything as it does not have the neurons to feel pain as of yet.

    I personally, would not have an abortion any later than 8 weeks. That is just my personal opinion, and not one that I force on or judge anyone else by. It's just what I would or would not do.

    I personally, would not abort a fetus. But again that is just my feeling on the matter.

    Here is a list of the early stages of an embryo: (sorry if I am just repeating what someone else has already posted.

    The medical definition of the start of pregnancy is about 10 days later, at implantation.
    The zygote divides into two cells, called blastomeres.
    They subdivide once every 12 to 20 hours as the zygote slowly passes down the fallopian tubes.

    About 3 days after conception: The zygote now consists of 16 cells and is called a 16 cell morula (a.k.a. pre-embryo). It has normally reached the junction of the fallopian tube and the uterus.

    5 days or so after conception: A cavity appears in the center of the morula. The grouping of cells are now called a blastocyst. It has an inner group of cells which will become the fetus and later the newborn; it has an outer shell of cells which will "become the membranes that nourish and protect the inner group of cells." 3 It has traveled down the fallopian tubes and has started to attach itself to the endometrium, the inside wall of the uterus (a.k.a. womb). The cells in the inside of the blastocyst, called the embryoblast, start forming the embryo. The outer cells, called the trophoblast, start to form the placenta. It continues to be referred to as a pre-embryo.

    9 or 10 days after conception: The blastocyst has fully attached itself to endometrium. Primitive placental blood circulation has begun. This blastocyst has become one of the lucky ones. Most never make it this far in the process.

    12 days or so after conception: The blastocyst has started to produce hormones which can be detected in the woman's urine. This is is the event that all (or almost) all pro-choice groups and almost all physicians (who are not conservative Christians) define to be the start of pregnancy. If instructions are followed exactly, a home-pregnancy test may reliably detect pregnancy at this point, or shortly thereafter.

    13 or 14 days after conception: A "primitive streak" appears. It will later develop into the fetus' central nervous system. This is the point at which spontaneous division of the blastocyst -- an event that sometimes generates identical twins -- is not longer possible. The pre-embryo is now referred to as an embryo. It is a very small blob of undifferentiated tissue at this stage of development.

    3 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/12" long, the size of a pencil point. It most closely resembles a worm - long and thin and with a segmented end. Its heart begins to beat about 18 to 21 days after conception. Before this time, the woman might have noticed that her menstrual period is late; she might suspect that she is pregnant and conduct a pregnancy test. If it is an unwanted pregnancy, she might have already arranged and carried through with an abortion.

    4 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/5" long. It looks something like a tadpole. The structure that will develop into a head is visible, as is a noticeable tail. The embryo has structures like the gills of a fish in the area that will later develop into a throat.

    5 weeks: Tiny arm and leg buds have formed. Hands with webs between the fingers have formed at the end of the arm buds. Fingerprints are detectable. The face "has a distinctly reptilian aspect." 1 "...the embryo still has a tail and cannot be distinguished from pig, rabbit, elephant, or chick embryo." 3

    6 weeks: The embryo is about 1/2" long. The face has two eyes on each side of its head; the front of the face has "connected slits where the mouth and nose eventually will be." 1

    7 weeks: The embryo has almost lost its tail. "The face is mammalian but somewhat pig-like." 1 Pain sensors appear. Many conservative Christians believe that the embryo can feel pain. However, the higher functions of the brain have yet to develop, and the pathways to transfer pain signals from the pain sensors to the brain have not developed at this time.

    2 months: The embryo's face resembles that of a primate but is not fully human in appearance. Some of the brain begins to form; this is the primitive "reptilian brain" that will function throughout life. The embryo will respond to prodding, although it has no consciousness at this stage of development. The brain's higher functions do not develop until much later in pregnancy.
  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Your questions are easily answered:

    Murder (abortion)- Anything that deliberately prevents development of innocent life that has already begun.

    Capital punishment- Warranted for cases in which guilt involving rape, murder, or pedophilia has been proven (eg; videotape, caught red-handed, etc). Most cases fall short of such proof, therefore, life imprisonment serves as punishment in such cases.

    Meat eating- Perfectly fine- God allows it so that we humans may go on living. However, the taking of an animal life so that a human life can be sustained should never be an excuse for animal cruelty. Every creation is sacred, yet not all are equal in this imperfect world. All life is to be respected, but humans have God given dominion over all other forms of earthly creation.

    BA- Morally educating those who want to make their own morality.

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