Robdar, if you don't want comments on "your business," then don't post "your business" on a public forum. Pretty simple eh? I was not offering my time for you to purchase, but nice try. ;-) You like Van Gough?
So...I got duped today!
by lovelylil 77 Replies latest jw friends
Robdar, if you don't want comments on "your business," then don't post "your business" on a public forum. Pretty simple eh? I was not offering my time for you to purchase, but nice try. ;-) You like Van Gough? Yeah, it's simple. I don't mind comments on my business, comment away. It's you attempting to tell me how to tend my business, and what to do with my money that I must object to. Oh, and I was not trying to purchase your time, I was trying to get you to take your crap elsewhere. And since you will do that for free, give me my quarter back! Yes, I like Van Gough. I particularly like viewing Van Gough in Amsterdam. Ever been?
John Doe
Nah, never been out of the states. Am hoping to go to Europe for the first time next summer.
Am hoping to go to Europe for the first time next summer.
Go for it John! You will love it. When you get back, you must tell us all about it and post pics for the forum
Watch out for pan handlers though. There are a lot of them.
I would've walked her to the pharmacy myself and made sure that is what she wants.
From what I've seen, the ones who really need help usually are not the ones asking for it.
I couldn't agree more. With that said, I look for opportunities to help. The ones who need it most, won't ask.
When I was 19, a woman came up to me in a shopping mall with a real sob story, that something terrible had just happened to her, so I gave her $5 as she asked. Then two years later, she came up to me in the same mall and told me the SAME EXACT story. I called her on this and she walked away.
Ten years ago I had to go through San Francisco every day through public transit and I had to walk from the train to the bus depot, and in that 15 minute walk, there would usually be at least 3 people would come up to me requesting money. Initially I blocked that out by wearing headphones and not paying attention. But for a while, I decided to do something good and packed a nice lunch. The first begger who came up to me got it. The others I told that I already gave what I had to the first person, and it's first come first served. But that didn't last too long, because it takes time and effort to do that.
When I was in Dallas, after having a mini-apostofest with some delightful JWDers, and after going to Dealey Plaza, I walked to the art museum and along the way I came across a BBQ place. Now, I already had a big lunch at another restaurant where we had the little gathering (Mexican food), so I really wasn't hungry ... but I wanted to taste Texas BBQ. As I was crossing the street to go to it, someone came up to me saying he was really hungry and had his wife on the street too and asked for $20. I thought...hey, I can kill two birds with one stone. I told him, "Wait here!" and I went in and bought a full dinner. I had them take a sample of each and put it in a smaller container for me, then I went outside and the guy was still there -- with his wife now -- and I gave them the rest of the dinner, plus $20. He said he thought I was just avoiding them and wasn't going to come out. Anyway, I don't do stuff like that very much, but it felt good!
I had a women asked me for some money she said she was hungry and hadn't eaten, I offered to take her to a restaurant, she cursed me out and walked away.
Strangely enough, I remember one sunday afternoon a few congregations were have a BBQ in the park, some of the Witnesses were complaining about a homeless man who was sitting on a parkbench about 1200 yards away. I reminded them that that bench was probably his bed. He wasn't bothering anyone. My wife and I made him two huge plates and brought it over to him, we sat down and talked to him for a while, no witness, just a conversation, he cried and thanks us. The witnesses weren't too thrilled, and complained under their breathe about giving their food to a homeless man. I told them, that we gave him our share of the food and walked away.