For the ladies. Do you think that when you.....

by NotaNess 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    This is exactly why I practice peeking with a pleasant smile rather than gawking with a creepy grin.

    Would any of you gals post some pix for me to peek at? (smiling pleasantly)

  • Nowman

    I like getting dressed up, and when I dress down, its almost like getting dressed up because its something different. I love fashion, and I like to feel good about myself. I think woman know when they look real good on those particlular days (if all of them, but lets be human, we woman have days where we just do not feel as good as other days) and enjoy the respectable stares they may notice, or maybe they can feel it. Basically, I admit that its great to feel confident and get some attention. I need it, not horribly bad, but I need it. I ask my husband once in while if he still thinks I am thin, only on days where there is insecurity in the air. Its not a quality I have, but sometimes you need some re-assurance.

    Thats how I look at it.


  • Highlander

    Yesterday I wore a sexy, low cut top. I looked in the mirror and just admired myself. I even took a pic of myself! I just know this outfit is going to impress my guy friends.

    Later that day I was so offended at all the oogling and staring from the women. I could feel them undressing me with their eyes. I was so uncomfortable. What did I do to deserve this?

    Why can't women look past my beautiful, sexy body and respect my intelligent mind! Damn it! I only want respect. Look into my eyes, not my beautiful boobies!


  • lola28

    I just saw this thread and felt the need to comment on it. I don’t know what your deal is NotaNess, but what you wrote is completely ignorant and sexist. Do you really think that I or any other woman gets up in the morning and picks her clothing according to what’s going to get her attention from you and other men? You can’t possibly be that stupid, can you?

    Do you know how demeaning it is to have a man stare you down when you are grocery shopping? Or how scary it is to have a man follow you for blocks screaming cat calls out of his car when you are out for a walk, or even worse those that pull their car over and try to get your attention? And it’s not because you are wearing something suggestive, I’ve had this happen to me several times in the last three months and I was wearing slacks and a top that covered me up, a lot of these things happened when I walked to work and I’m an insurance agent so I can assure you I was wearing nothing that would prompt these men to treat me like a piece of meat.

    Most men, at least those with class and some sense of decorum will look but they will never make you feel dirty, those are the men that will hold a door for you or tell you you look nice, I have no problem with them, I do have a huge problem with the assholes that think they can call me all sorts of things just because I have breasts. I have a problem with those that follow me around the grocery store like a dog in heat, those are the kinds of men that look at you and make you feel so dirty that you have to go home and take a shower.

    Have you ever had someone look at you that way Mr. NotaNess? My guess is no, so why don’t you go ask your mother or your wife or sister how it feels like to be seen as nothing but tits and ass and come back and post more when they give you some insight into it?


  • VoidEater

    Is this a matter of dressing suggestively for that effect?

    Is this a matter of some men will ogle anything?

    What is considered attractive, or professional, or sexy, or revealing, or "normal", is highly relative and bound in culture. And, you can point out anything in the Sears catalog and someone, somewhere will think it's "hot".

    Methinks Nota is looking for an excuse for bad behavior. Yes, it is wrong for you to stare at someone the way you suggest you are staring at them, and wrong to blame them for "making you do it". Frankly, Lady Godiva should have the opportunity to prance around on her horse in the street without you letting your eyes bug out of your sockets (unless the horse is really impressive...).

    Men (and women) do need to take responsiblity for the way they conduct themselves in polite society. Save the staring for the strip show. Treat everyone in public with respect, whether they're wearing a burka or a g-string. The problem is not in the clothing - it's in the observer's attitude.

    And...there are ways to express appreciation without dominating or intimidating or freaking out the beauty that passes in front of our eyes.

  • sweetstuff
    Do you really think that I or any other woman gets up in the morning and picks her clothing according to what’s going to get her attention from you and other men? You can’t possibly be that stupid, can you?

    Excellent point Lola. Yup, we all stand in front of the mirror, deciding what will attract the most attention. LOL, If we did, we would walk around naked everyday for pete's sake. I dont' think its occurred to him that perhaps we pick something out and we like it, and we aren't thinking, hmm that shows cleavage, good for attention, I'll wear that. Or oh this skirt really shows off my legs, good for attention, we just might like the freaking skirt or how cute it is with our new shoes.

    Because that would imply that the guy we see in those nice jeans, and that great shirt, spent an hour in front of his mirror, trying to figure out what would bring him the most attention. Maybe he just likes the jeans. Ya think NotaNess? Or should we oggle his butt and say, well, he's bringing on himself, showing off those nice buns in a suggestive way, he knows it makes his ass look good, he wants us to drool and stare? And that way that shirt cuts across his bisceps, yup, he's looking for it. Free pass to treat him like a piece of meat and not a person, after all, he doesn't deserve our respect, attention hog that he is. Give me a freaking break.

  • lola28

    Yes Sweetstuff, I think some men just want an excuse to be pigs, and why not blame the woman? After all if she did not want to be looked at she should just wear her pjs to work and not even bother to look decent. I'm starting to think some men are idiots.


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