Right now I can only think of two things, well three..........my daughter is delivering a baby in January. Never during her pregnancy have I worried about her during child birth, the baby yes, the babies health, etc etc. My daughter and I talked early on about if a baby needed a transfusion, but never about her. I know she would get one if she needed it. I am glad this is not a issue for us. But, How tragic for this young family.
I have twins, of 4 pregnancies and births, the twins delivery was the only one with any complications. I was not a witness at that time. I delivered the first twin and my cervix closed up. For the second birth, I had to be put to sleep. Another doctor/pediatrician was on hand. It all happened very fast and I was horrified, I was not prepared. I bit at the arms of the anesthiologist while he was putting me under. The time between the first twin and the second was only 9 mins so you can see how fast this all was.
I was 21 when I delivered the twins. I can't imagine the resolve this woman came to beforehand to make this decision.
My daughter fell out of her highchair and broke her nose when she was 5 mos old. There was some damage to the cartlidge and she had to be put to sleep to repair. I was advised beforehand that there is a risk of when she was put under she may not wake up. I had to sign a paper giving consent. But I had a choice.
It goes against the very nature of us as humans to deny something that would save our very lives or the life of a loved one. I am sorry that this family felt they had no choice in this matter.
Will this make those that have observed this study the scriptures and tell these people they got it wrong? How can this be fixed?