are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • llbh

    Inactive, Stay around mostly people here are kind. Opinions can sometimes be expressed a little thoughtlessly and forthrightly sometimes. That is not of itself innately bad. You will get sincere advice and often some fun. I am new - ish here to

    regards llbh

  • inactive?

    Like I said Rosalee, that is why I am here, I am trying to figure out why this is happening, I have been given some insight and ideas as to why, and as for believability, like I said, my story is tame compare what some have gone thru. Rosalee, the elders are not so infallable as to be incapable of such treatment of someone. But I cannot continue trying to convince you, ,, you either offer advice or whatever, I am not going to argue with you.

  • BFD

    inactive, I hope you didn't feel like I kicked you. Your story may be a little off or weird but it's a JW story so it gonna be weird. Anyway, since the elders seem to be happy to ignor you and let you go, just go. Do you consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Put down the literature and read just from the Bible and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you.


  • purplesofa

    hey inactive?

    Welcome to the Board.

    If you pm me your phone number I will give you a call and try to help you understand.


  • BizzyBee
    why would you ask admitted apostates for help with JW problems????

    Who better?

    We know everything JWs know and a whole lot more...................we even get their litter-ature before they do..........

  • llbh

    Inactive I believe your story because I had a number of experiences with elders in my cong I thought about it faded, left, happy that i did. Wife still in. BTW and this in England!!1

  • inactive?

    Thank you IIbd, that means a lot to me.

    True bizzybee, since we no longer get literature

    BFD, yeah i feel a little kicked by you, but more like you just jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else...yeah my story is weird, so i came here to share it,,,you know it is funny you ask if i still consider myself one of Jehovah's Witnesses, yes, of course, I have not been informed otherwise,,, but i am beginning to think maybe the elders are not Jehovah's Witnesses. I know Jehovah's word the Bible and His Holy Spirit will guide me, it always has,, i am just very afraid of where I am going from here,, hey I was the same way when I came in the truth,, took me years, I was so afraid,,, i finally built up and am a good little JW (there is that phraseology again) and now, I may have to do something else,,scary

  • BFD

    inactive, you come here and ask for advice on how to get the elders to talk with you and so long as I'm here everyone else seems to ask how to evade elders. Count your blessings and try and remember The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is just another part of "this system of things". Why would you want any part of it?


  • SnakesInTheTower

    well, i am glad to see some are taking inactive? at face value. I just recieved an email from inactive?...I will NOT share what they said...other than to say they are hurt..based on the subject line: "I did something wrong". I wont share the contents for that is private.. I will however, post my reply to inactive...:

    i want you to take a deep breath....and a step back. first, your purpose in coming to JWD was because you have serious doubts. Rightly so. The whole issue with the Watchtower Society being associated with the UN....and then they deny a problem...hypocritical... I sat on a judicial committee as an elder of a brother we DF because he could not understand why the Society would do something like that and then not explain or apologize. Sadly, the society did send US a letter explaining it, but told us we could not let the brother read the letter, but we could paraphrase from it...What the heck? I started to have problems with the Society after that. The society last year had us out there with the "Special" tract campaign about false religions end is near...criticizing the catholic church for the whole pedophile issue...then the society themselves settles 16 cases with victims this year (for estimated millions) in the US but puts everyone under a gag order so as to not have to expose their database in NY with 23,000 reports of pedophiles in the congregations...hypocrites. They changed their viewpoint on the blood fractions, but not until thousands sacrificed their lives for something now considered "a conscience matter" I dont know if you were around when the whole issue of neutrality was a big deal in Malawi...JWs would not buy a 25cent political card and died over it...yet in Mexico, the JWs were allowed to bribe people to get a form saying they had fulfilled whatever they needed to avoid jail time... hypocrites... please dont go back..all they will do is put you in front of a judicial committee...even if they dont DF you...they will continue to ostrasize you and shun you just as they have been doing..but now they will feel justified by their actions. it is tough..i was raised as a JW....elder, pioneer, lots of other "privileges",,,you wouldnt believe how many.... yet I cant go back to that hypocrisy.... does Jehovah exist? as our creator probably. does he expect us to go to 5 boring meetings a week and peddle recycled "new light" every saturday to prove our loyalty to him? NO.... and if he did...why would you want any part of a cruel god like that? i take a chance sending you this email, because my name is clearly in the email header....but thats ok...if i am DF be it...i only dont DF/DA because of my JW mom.... i am sorry you got attacked. there is another poster on the board...and i out and out called THEM a troll...because they are. And i think they have disappeared. I dont feel you are a fraud or a troll...or you are good at pretending to be legit...I prefer to think you are sincere..... I have nothing to lose by trusting you .... hang around, even if just to lurk. but posting quick and then leaving fast will only "prove" to your critics that you were a flash in the pan troll....prove them wrong... most of us are pretty good people snakes

    Am I being played. I doubt it. If so, so be it. As I said, I did call someone else a troll today..and their actions are definitely troll like. But this newbie? My gut says a good person that is hurt. I have my BS radar set just in case, and I think they understand that as some are telling them about the whole T-Gate thing.

    That's my opinion.......and you can take that and $5 and buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks...

    Snakes ()

  • Satanus

    Well, if your story is true, then i can see why you would come to an xjw place, as a sort of last resort. So then, i would say that if jehovah is real and you are really serving him, then i wouldn't worry, he will bail you out. If he should take too long though, you might try turning to jesus. I hear that it is much easier to serve him than it is to serve jehovah. It has been said that jesus is kindly and his load is light. In the mean time, why not see to your needs, such as food, a place to live, a new car, and stuff like that?


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