are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut
    I for one, do not believe any of this story.

    Peggy, I may just join you.

    We were gone for a week on camp trip and was asked why we did not clean the hall, my husband just apologized,, i am steaming.

    This is a one-day troll. S/he will burn all the bridges to keep this going as long as possible,
    but ultimately will never come back.

    So- They want you to go away, they feel that you should know why you are asked to leave.
    They don't shun you officially, you are not marked, DA'ed, DF'ed in any way. But they not
    only allow you to clean the hall, they expect it, and notice when you did not do it.

    You want to keep serving Jehovah, but the elders throw all this s**t in your way of doing that.

    You come here with an unsolvable irrational story, expecting us to tag along. Well, you got me.
    I tried to be nice for one morning, but that's over.

    You all have a nice chat with this one. I might read and laugh with him/her, but I won't answer
    any further on here. Good day.

  • Rosalee

    This is THE most unusual STORY I've ever read.

    There are more twists and turns ... completely unbelievable.

    It is most unlikely you are allowed to clean the hall.

    Most book study groups take turns cleaning .. week about.

    You use phrases I've only ever heard of on this board .. not by any JWs.

    If it smells like a duck ....

  • NanaR


    You have received lots of good advice. If you want to pursue the matter with the congregation, you must take the matter "up the ladder".

    But ask yourself, is this the way Jesus Christ treated people?

    The Watchtower organization is a publishing company masquerading as a religion.



  • inactive?

    I understand that mrs.jones, but there is a lot of judgmental accusations and this trevor thing, and nastiness,, guess i was better off in the kingdom hall, ...

  • yknot


    A family run KH, I have only visited one of those in Far Western Texas.

    Yep it would seem to be KH politics, they saw an opening and now your fate is sealed.

    I am so sorry.

    My husband is originally from Hemet California, his family knows a guy named Mark Heber Miller.

    I think he now has a website, google his name. His story is one of many I have heard while visiting Southern California, all of them have included backstabbing, corruption and KH politics out the wahzoo.

    God Bless


  • eclipse

    There is always more than meets the eye.

    I am just an observer.

    I wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do.

    If I were you, I would leave and have a great life, and never look back.

    You will thank yourselves later, I promise.

  • OnTheWayOut
    guess i was better off in the kingdom hall, ...

    Do you all see how good this one is at stringing us along?

    I said I wouldn't comment here anymore, but that comment got me right back.

    We are now supposed to apologize for a few pages, begging this Inactive to
    stay and not be offended by the likes of OnTheWayOut.

    Inactive, I am sooo sorry that I don't believe you.

    Okay, I hope that made your day. Now I really won't comment on this thread.

  • Makena1

    This is an unusual story, but I know some of the JW's in the the Colorado Springs area. Let me just say that based on some questions answered by inactive in a PM - I believe.

  • BFD

    This is the first time I've seen someone come here to ask advise on how to get back in! Most of us are trying to get out and this one wants back in. Go figure.

    Good luck, inactive?


  • yknot


    What do you think you and your husband want to do?

    What are yall contemplating?

    How can we at JWD help?

    God Bless


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