never ... if God thinks of women as you've said ... why are they counted in the 144,000?
Who is more likely to be disfellowshipped....a man or a woman?
by Gill 34 Replies latest jw friends
Just my opinion, but it seems that men are given more leeway because it is felt that the sexual urge is so strong they can't always control it. The woman is also blamed (think Potifer's wife) for seducing him.
They think women's urges aren't as strong urges and they should be able to control them better than men.
Also, if a woman doesn't cry, she is seen as unrepentant. Makes me wonder if there are actually men who cry at their JC.
why are they counted in the 144,000?
Glad you brought that up, Rosalee!
How is that group described?
As not having what?
Defiled themselves with what?
Perverted acts of licentiousness?
It simply says...women.
It is suggested that women are in and of themselves a corrupting influence.
You cannot read the Bible without seeing that theme repeated, starting with Genesis, ending in Revelation.
never ... if God thinks of women as you've said ... why are they counted in the 144,000?
In heaven women won't be women anymore, they will be transformed into spirit creatures lacking gender.
Tossed back at you, why can't a woman of the 144,000 with a direct bond with Jehovah pray in front of 12 year old prepubesent male that has been baptised?
I guess while they are hindered by their "womanly form" they are unsuitible to do more than preach for Jehovah's earthly organization.
If a man kisses their asses in a judicial committee, he is a potential middle management
slave for the organization. You can dangle privileges in front of him after his
obligitory 3 years without them. They need men who will give talks, shepherd the flock,
organize the convention toilet cleaning squads, stand next to a payphone during the
convention so nobody calls 911, etc.They don't need more sisters. They are up to their eyeballs in sisters. So- if HE shows
repentance of any sort, HE is off the hook. If SHE shows repentance of any sort, they
will take it into consideration.Add that to the fact that elders can let other elders off the hook from even facing a JC if
they deem the sin to be minor in nature. Some BOE will apply the same standard to
any men quicker than they will to women- no JC necessary.Studies have proven that people automatically tend to form a group and favor that group.
In a congregation, 3 men have formed a group and the 4th person is either a man or a
woman (the accused) in front of them. So guess what kind of group they form- a gender group.
They may think they form an elder group and anybody before them is a non-elder, but they
really also form a male group, and the person before them is either in or out of it. -
Good point, Para.
Why can't a woman that entertains the heavenly hope of ruling over the earth not teach in the midst of the congregation?
Hindered by ovaries?
There is definitely a shameful bias against women.
It was my observation that a man who 'sins' is somehow viewed sympathetically - i.e. 'oh, that poor guy...' whereas a woman is viewed with a fanatical hatred or a jealousy. I think a disfellowshipped man will even be reinstated faster than a woman.
You even see in the congregations that all the older women will 'feel sorry' for single brothers and invite them everywhere. Meanwhile, nobody gives a rats ass about the single women. The single man is probably viewed as 'potential marriage material' by some of these women, so they are all tripping over themselves showing him 'hospitality'. He might only have ten dollars to his name, but as long as he has a pulse that'll do.
50-50. Just look to the board as proof of this. We have people from all sorts of backgrounds on here. From multi-generational, elders, MS's, etc. It's generally the critical thinkers and questioners that get into trouble.
Just look to the board as proof of this. We have ...
The board cannot be used as a show of what type of people are
disfellowshipped. A ton of people here were never DF'ed. Some
were reinstated and never DF'ed again, some were DF'ed more than once.A few were never actually JW's.
never ... hindered by ovaries ... no.
Following direction ... yes.
and you can thank para for enlightening you about women being without gender in heaven :)