Who is more likely to be disfellowshipped....a man or a woman?

by Gill 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I'm reminded of Judah who was ready burn Tamar for getting pregnant until he discovered that he himself was the father of the child. He didn't realize that the "harlot" he had had relations with three months earlier was really his daughter-in-law, Tamar. Tamar had veiled herself so Judah didn't recognize her. (Genesis 38). Seems like two sets of standards.

  • mentalclearness

    I've also seen it go both ways. I think it depends more on the jc committee than anything else. Which elders you got...Probably has alot to do with how active your family is and the influence in the congregation that they have.

  • pratt1

    I have no hard facts either, but I suspect that men a Dfed less often because, if they held any position in the congo, they may have seen wrong acts sweep under the rug. If they are not given special treatment, the BOE may fear that the brother may spill the beans about bad stuff going on in the congo.

    He could potentially take others down with him.

    This is a strong incentive to keep every thing Status Quo and not punish the brother.

    But I also think that is perceived that women show repentance just because they have shed a few tears at a JC meeting. Compared to men who do no cry easily, some would wrongly conclude that he is not repentant because of the lack of emotion. Therefore, teh woman doesn't get Dfed, but the guy does.

  • yknot

    I think the question is which of the two makes the JC men feel more dominate?

    Which of the two genders are less likely to challenge the JC members.

    Which of the two would a man be more interested in discussing sexual immorality. Does a man want to hear about how many orgasms another dude had, is orgasm even discussed?

    I think the easy answer is women.



  • justhuman


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